Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Thursday 18 July 2024

Leveraging Those SHARE buttons



I reproduce below, my SHARE ( of a QnA ) to Vishesh



Line highlighted in yellow, is my remarks added ALONG with the original “ hard coded message “ , marked Red , before forwarding


But most recipients of ( forwarded ) messages on Whatsapp, will just hit “ Forward “, without adding any of their own views / comments


Just too much trouble ! Too much to expect them to take such trouble


So , the only option for us is to “ build in “ such a message right INTO the original


Now , with introduction of Mock Test feature, our “ target viewership / recipients “ is the STUDENTS


If we can get them to “ discover “ the Mock Test feature and get impressed, then there is a high probability that they would want


to SHARE this with their classmates / friends ( all of who , I presume constitute their Whatsapp Groups )


Our goal is to start a “ CHAIN  REACTION “ of endless “ FORWARDS “ ( like in an Atomic Reactor )  !


With this in mind, I suggest that we incorporate following additional wording in the message ( current yellow ) :





“   Hey Guys , I just discovered this mock test feature of www.My-Teacher.in .



    Mock Test lets me generate “ MULTIPLE OPTION TEST QUESTIONS “ for any subject, ( without registration /


    login / any payment )



   Immediately after attempting each question, it gives me FEEDBACK on where I made a wrong choice – and what was the right


   choice ! And I can see and save my TEST SCORE HISTORY too .



    Now I don’t need to join any coaching class for JEE – NEET !  I just keep practising at home on my Mobile


    Hey Guys , since in our class, I am the first to discover  www.My-Teacher.in , I thought of SHARING this with you



    Feel free to forward this to your WhatsApp contacts. They will call back to say, “ Thanks “










What is the process to find the percentage of children of different heights based on the given data?




To find the percentage of children of different heights, you can use the given data to calculate the mode, median, and mean. The mode represents the most frequently occurring height, while the median gives you a middle value when all heights are arranged in ascending order. The mean provides an average height. You can also create a frequency distribution table and then use it to calculate percentages for each height range.


Source: https://my-teacher.in


To promote this very useful portal among school children,  please forward this message among your contacts, requesting them to keep forwarding to their contacts 





Sandeep – Sanjivani – Manish ,


Even while waiting for launch of MOCK  TEST  feature , please consider motivating a few children of our colleagues, to try out My-teacher and forward by using SHARE button

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