Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Saturday 6 July 2024


 Kishan ,


On further thought , I suggest following changes :


( A )  Write-up on Page 2


I had suggested eliminating the photo of student and in that space, insert some write up . On second thought ( mainly to speed up addition of “ Mock Test “ feature ), I suggest we leave that 2nd page , as it is


Then try to squeeze that short write-up ( of 2nd page ) onto the 3rd page , along with what I have written for 3rd page . I think it should be possible


At the bottom of 3rd page write up , also add :




We are in no way, connected with NTA or any other Govt / Private Agency / Educational Authority / Education Institute etc . We do not represent any such entity . Through this FREE service, we are only helping students to practice the multiple choice exam system


( B )  Page # 1  ( Landing Page )



Right at the very TOP of this page , add a link clicking of which would take visitor to page # 3 :


How to prepare for NEET – JEE exams 



( C )  Page # 4  Display of first ( and all the subsequent ) Question – and multiple choice Answers



I got following format from ChatGPT. Does that make sense ? Is it intuitive ?


At a time, only one question – along with its 4 ( Answer ) options would be displayed. Only after a student selects/ ticks,  one of the boxes , and then , at the bottom of this page , click “ Next Question “ , will he be able to see the next question ( with its options )


At the bottom , the no of Questions ( selected from drop list above ), should appear as >  1   2   3   4  5  .. and so on


If he selects 10 question QUIZ , then numbers will go from 1 to 10 ( or 1 to 20 , for a 20 question QUIZ )


Whichever question he is attempting , that no should turn RED ( for a clear indication )






Define a linear equation in one variable and provide an example.

Answer Options

Select your choice by ticking any one box

(A) A linear equation in one variable is an algebraic equation involving only one variable to the power of one. An example of a linear equation in one variable is: 2x−3=72x - 3 = 72x−3=7. Another example would be: x+5=0x + 5 = 0x+5=0.


(B) A linear equation in one variable is an equation involving one variable raised to any power. An example of a linear equation in one variable is: x2+3=7x^2 + 3 = 7x2+3=7.


(C) A linear equation in one variable is an algebraic equation involving two or more variables. An example of a linear equation in one variable is: 2x+3y=72x + 3y = 72x+3y=7.


(D) A linear equation in one variable is an equation where the variable is always in the denominator. An example of a linear equation in one variable is: 1x+5=0\frac{1}{x} + 5 = 0x1​+5=0.



( D )  Logic for :


        D.1 >  Finding one question and its correct / right answer


        You must have noticed that in the Selection Drop lists , I have provided for only the STANDARD and the SUBJECT . On purpose , I have left out CHAPTER


As per my vague info , each “ subject “ , might return 100 / 200 questions ( ave of 15 questions per chapter ) , for all chapters put together. Kishan generated these questions using OpenAI subscription


From these, logic will select any one question and send it to my Personal.ai page ( through API )


From Memory Blocks , API will find the RIGHT / CORRECT answer and return it


     D.2 > how to find 3 WRONG / INCORRECT answers ?


Ask ChatGPT following question :


Hey ChatGPT ,


Can you please construct for me, a Multiple Choice test , with one correct / right " answer ( choice ) " and 3 wrong/incorrect answers where the question is > " Define a linear equation in one variable and provide example " / and the correct answer is > " A linear equation in one variable is an algebraic equation involving only one variable to the power of one.


An example of a linear equation in one variable is: 2x -3 =7 Another example would be: x +5=0 "


Now show 4 options by adding 3 wrong options




Kishan ,


Quickly adding this feature is all about >  “  Heating the Iron when it is Hot “


NEET scam / controversy erupted some 6 weeks ago


Since then, it has been in print media / social media and TV channels , almost everyday


Govt has appointed a committee to submit recommendations on REFORMS to the NEET – JEE exam systems


Every other expert is recommending a “ Computerized Exam “ – with some even suggesting ( as I have done in a 5 year old Blog ), a UNIQUE set of questions for each of 24 lakh candidates ( random generation )


This ( UNIQUE tests ) is unlikely to be recommended but “ Computerized Exam “ is very likely to be recommended


But ,


With 24 / 30 lakh students ( sitting in 4750 exam centres ) taking exam at the SAME TIME , is unlikely to happen anytime soon . Imagine needing that many computers !


Given these UNCERTAINTY and confused background , if we come up with our MOCK TEST feature quickly , there is a very good chance of My-Teacher going VIRAL  !


What do you say ?






From: Hemen Parekh [mailto:hcp@recruitguru.com]
Sent: 05 July 2024 20:37
To: 'kokalkishan.official@gmail.com'
Cc: 'prashant@3pConsultants.co.in'; 'Manish Chauhan'; 'System Administrator (systemadmin@3pconsultants.co.in)'; 'officeassistant@3pconsultants.co.in'; 'hcp@RecruitGuru.com'; 'vishesh@incomegroup.in'
Subject: FW: MOCK TEST


Kishan ,


Following chat is interesting :


I asked ChatGPT :


Hey ChatGPT , Can you please construct for me, a Multiple Choice test , with one correct / right " answer ( choice ) " and 3 wrong/incorrect answers where the question is > " Define a linear equation in one variable and provide example " / and the correct answer is > " A linear equation in one variable is an algebraic equation involving only one variable to the power of one. An example of a linear equation in one variable is: 2x -3 =7 Another example would be: x +5=0 " // Now show 4 options by adding 3 wrong options “


ChatGPT replied :


“  Sure! Here's a multiple-choice test question based on your requirements:


Define a linear equation in one variable and provide an example.


A) A linear equation in one variable is an algebraic equation involving only one variable to the power of one. An example of a linear equation in one variable is: 2x - 3 = 7. Another example would be: x + 5 = 0.

B) A linear equation in one variable is an equation involving one variable raised to any power. An example of a linear equation in one variable is: x2+3=7x^2 + 3 = 7x2+3=7.

C) A linear equation in one variable is an algebraic equation involving two or more variables. An example of a linear equation in one variable is: 2x + 3y = 7.

D) A linear equation in one variable is an equation where the variable is always in the denominator. An example of a linear equation in one variable is: 1x+5=0\frac{1}{x} + 5 = 0x1+5=0.

Correct Answer:

A) A linear equation in one variable is an algebraic equation involving only one variable to the power of one. An example of a linear equation in one variable is: 2x - 3 = 7. Another example would be: x + 5 = 0.






From: Hemen Parekh [mailto:hcp@recruitguru.com]
Sent: 05 July 2024 12:59
To: 'kokalkishan.official@gmail.com'
Cc: 'vishesh@incomegroup.in'; 'Manish Chauhan'; 'System Administrator (systemadmin@3pconsultants.co.in)'; 'officeassistant@3pconsultants.co.in'; 'hcp@RecruitGuru.com'
Subject: MOCK TEST


Kishan ,


A few days ago I had sent to you , a very exhaustive write-up ( including QnA with ChatGPT ) for developing a portal called  >  www.Surprise-Exams.in


For past 10 days, I have been thinking about:


> How will teacher deliver a SURPRISE EXAM , onto the mobiles of the students ( sitting in the class-room ), since most ( or may be none ) schools allow students to bring mobiles in the school ?


I could not think of any satisfactory solution . One ( though , not good ) option was to deliver the Surprise Exam to the students on a Sunday


As an “ Intermediate Step “ , I have thought of combining ( adding ) this feature , right into our existing www.My-Teacher.in


In the attached templates, I have tried to visualize how this can be added / exposed to the students, starting with our existing Page 2 , where I propose eliminating the existing photo of a student raising hand – and utilizing that space for some instructions


Pl study and then let me know if this is feasible and if yes, how long could it take



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