Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Wednesday 10 July 2024


 Manish ,


I am marking this to Kishan for his consideration. I do agree that it might help catch the attention of students if it was in a different colour





PS :  Kishan,


Pl let me know what you think


From: Manish Chauhan [mailto:accounts@3pconsultants.co.in]
Sent: 11 July 2024 08:52
To: Hemen Parekh; Sanjivani Kadam; System Admin; Prashant Sharma
Cc: kokalkishan.official@gmail.com
Subject: Re: PROMO E MAILS




In that case, can we highlight the "Make Students think" section highlighted in different colour or Different Font?



From: Hemen Parekh <hcp@recruitguru.com>
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2024 08:17
To: Sanjivani Kadam <officeassistant@3pconsultants.co.in>; System Admin <systemadmin@3pconsultants.co.in>; Manish Chauhan <accounts@3pconsultants.co.in>; Prashant Sharma <prashant@3pconsultants.co.in>
Cc: Hemen Parekh <hcp@recruitguru.com>; kokalkishan.official@gmail.com <kokalkishan.official@gmail.com>


CAUTION: This email originated from outside the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.




You have been sending a promo email to Parents ( FF database ) everyday , exhorting them to motivate their children to visit , “ Make Child Think > Questions Beyond Syllabus “


Entire idea is to bring those children to www.My-Teacher.in – then spread news among their friends


You would have noticed that , in this email , I am keeping QUIET about questions from the syllabus


I am assuming that , once children visit My Teacher , ( by whatever motivational method ) , they WILL also use our standard-Subject – chapter based feature


This was the reason I gave you that Readers Digest book which lists a lot of questions , starting with WHY


Now look at my following chat with ChatGPT


Then ask yourself ( a creative ? ) question >  “ How can I find some clever / indirect method to incorporate ChatGPT replies into my daily email ( to FF database ) as also my daily POST on Linkedin / FB ? “


Remember , there is no perfect RIGHT method and as you test each different DRAFT , check the “ no of visitors “ and the “ no of questions “ for next 3 / 4 days to figure out whether your TRICK produced better figures or not


If not , switch over to yet another METHOD  !  Just keep trying various approaches




PS :  Feel free to consult any of your colleagues if they have any CLEVER ideas




Good Morning ChatGPT : Today I have an unusual request. In my portal www.My-Teacher.in , I have provided a feature " Make Students Think ; Questions Beyond Syllabus " . Idea is to get school going children to become CURIOUS - INQUSITIVE and CREATIVE , by asking questions ( Why , What .. etc ) for which school text books do not have answers - questions for which , may be no one has positive , definitive , correct , validated answers. Could you list for me ( in a tabulated fashion ) say 5 such questions against each of the following subjects taught in schools > Physics - Chemistry - Biology - Maths - Geography - History - Literature - Environmental Science etc ?


Memory updated

Questions Beyond Syllabus


Question 1

Question 2

Question 3

Question 4

Question 5


Why do some particles have mass while others don't?

How does quantum entanglement work?

What are the implications of the multiverse theory?

Can time travel ever be possible?

How do black holes warp space-time?


What are the potential uses of room-temperature superconductors?

How can we design molecules for targeted drug delivery?

Why do some chemical reactions happen spontaneously while others require energy input?

What is the potential of nanotechnology in medicine?

How can we create sustainable and eco-friendly chemical processes?


What is consciousness, and how does it arise from the brain?

How can we unlock the secrets of DNA to cure genetic diseases?

How do some animals regenerate lost body parts while humans cannot?

What are the long-term effects of genetic modification on ecosystems?

How do organisms communicate on a cellular level?


Why do some problems in mathematics remain unsolved for centuries?

How can mathematical models predict natural disasters?

What is the true nature of infinity?

How does chaos theory apply to real-world systems?

How can we use mathematics to understand human behavior?


How do plate tectonics shape the Earth’s landscape over millions of years?

How does human activity affect the Earth’s climate?

What are the unknown effects of deep-sea mining on marine ecosystems?

How do natural disasters impact different regions differently?

How will climate change affect future geographical landscapes?


What are the real reasons behind the fall of ancient civilizations like the Roman Empire?

How did ancient cultures develop advanced technologies without modern tools?

What can we learn from the lost civilizations of the world?

How did historical trade routes influence cultural exchanges?

What if key historical events had different outcomes?


How do different cultures interpret universal themes in literature?

What is the impact of translation on the meaning of literary works?

How do literature and social change influence each other?

What are the hidden meanings in classic literary works?

How do authors develop unique writing styles?

Environmental Science

What are the unknown impacts of plastic pollution on wildlife and human health?

How can we achieve a balance between development and conservation?

What are the potential effects of geoengineering on global weather patterns?

How can we restore ecosystems that have been heavily damaged by human activity?

What are the long-term consequences of biodiversity loss?

These questions aim to inspire curiosity and encourage students to think beyond their textbooks and explore the broader implications and unknowns in each subject.


Thanks . However the " terminology and concepts " that you have used while framing these questions, would work well with a student of 12th standard, who is likely have heard of those things - but may not even " occur " to a student of ( say ) 5th standard. Could you therefore construct separate TABLES ( for same subjects ) but each suitable for 5th till 12th standard ?


Certainly! Here are the tables of questions tailored for students from 5th to 12th standard, categorized by subject.

For 5th Standard


Question 1

Question 2

Question 3

Question 4

Question 5


Why do magnets stick to some things?

How do rainbows form?

Why does the sun look yellow?

Why do we have day and night?

How does a kite fly?


Why does baking soda fizz in vinegar?

Why do some things rust?

Why does ice melt?

Why do we need soap to clean?

What makes bubbles pop?


Why do plants need sunlight?

How do birds fly?

Why do we yawn?

Why do our hearts beat?

Why do some animals hibernate?


Why do we use numbers?

How do we measure time?

Why are shapes important?

Why do we need math in cooking?

How can we use math in sports?


Why do we have different seasons?

Why are there deserts?

How are mountains formed?

What causes earthquakes?

Why are rivers important?


Why did people build castles?

How did people communicate before phones?

Why were dinosaurs so big?

How did ancient people travel?

Why are old buildings important?


Why do we read stories?

How do authors create characters?

What makes a good story?

Why do some stories have pictures?

How are fairy tales different from other stories?

Environmental Science

Why do we need trees?

How do animals help the environment?

Why is recycling important?

What happens if we waste water?

Why is the sky blue?

For 6th Standard


Question 1

Question 2

Question 3

Question 4

Question 5


Why do things fall down?

How do planes stay in the air?

Why do different objects float or sink?

Why does lightning happen?

How do glasses help us see better?


Why do candles melt?

How is plastic made?

Why do some metals shine?

How does a battery work?

What makes fireworks colorful?


Why do animals have different habitats?

How do plants grow?

Why do we dream?

How do our senses work?

How do animals adapt to their environment?


Why is zero important?

How do patterns work?

Why do we use graphs?

How can math help us solve puzzles?

Why do we need fractions?


Why do volcanoes erupt?

How are islands formed?

Why are there different climates?

How do glaciers move?

Why do some places have earthquakes?


Why did ancient Egyptians build pyramids?

How did ancient people write?

Why were knights important?

How did explorers find new lands?

Why did people make maps?


How do stories teach us lessons?

Why do some books become famous?

How are poems different from stories?

Why do characters have names?

How do illustrations help tell a story?

Environmental Science

How does pollution affect animals?

Why are bees important?

What can we do to save energy?

How does composting work?

Why are coral reefs important?

For 7th Standard


Question 1

Question 2

Question 3

Question 4

Question 5


Why do different materials conduct heat differently?

How do magnets work?

Why do we have different states of matter?

How does sound travel?

Why do some objects glow in the dark?


Why do we use different materials for different purposes?

How are medicines made?

Why do some things burn?

How do chemical reactions happen?

Why do we need clean water?


Why do we need to eat a balanced diet?

How do muscles work?

Why do we get sick?

How do ecosystems work?

Why do plants and animals depend on each other?


Why are prime numbers special?

How do we use math in everyday life?

Why do we need algebra?

How can we use math to make predictions?

Why are some numbers negative?


How do rivers shape the land?

Why are some areas more prone to flooding?

How do ocean currents affect climate?

Why are natural resources important?

How do people adapt to different environments?


Why did ancient civilizations develop near rivers?

How did people live in ancient times?

Why did people fight in wars?

How did trade shape ancient societies?

Why do we study history?


How do authors come up with ideas for stories?

Why do we read different genres?

How do stories reflect the time they were written?

Why do some stories have morals?

How do we analyze characters in a story?

Environmental Science

Why are forests important to the Earth?

How does deforestation affect the environment?

What are the effects of climate change?

How do we reduce waste?

Why is biodiversity important?

For 8th Standard


Question 1

Question 2

Question 3

Question 4

Question 5


How do forces affect motion?

Why do objects have inertia?

How do simple machines work?

Why do we have different types of energy?

How does electricity flow?


How do atoms combine to form molecules?

Why do some substances dissolve in water?

How do we balance chemical equations?

Why are some reactions exothermic?

How are polymers made?


How do cells function?

Why do we have different types of cells?

How do genes determine traits?

How do our bodies fight infections?

Why do some species become extinct?


How do we use probability in real life?

Why do we study geometry?

How do we solve equations?

How can we use statistics to understand data?

Why do we need functions in math?


How do human activities impact the environment?

Why do we have different biomes?

How do weather patterns form?

Why is water conservation important?

How do natural disasters affect human populations?


How did the Industrial Revolution change societies?

Why did people migrate in the past?

How did empires rise and fall?

Why are historical documents important?

How did ancient cultures influence modern society?


How do we interpret symbols in literature?

Why do we study different literary movements?

How do stories explore human nature?

How do authors develop themes in their works?

Why do we analyze poetry?

Environmental Science

How do ecosystems maintain balance?

Why is conservation important?

What are the causes and effects of pollution?

How can renewable energy sources help the environment?

Why are wetlands important?

For 9th Standard


Question 1

Question 2

Question 3

Question 4

Question 5


How do we use the laws of motion to predict movement?

Why do we study waves?

How do electromagnetic waves work?

How does gravity affect space travel?

Why do we use different types of circuits?


How do chemical bonds form?

Why do we study the periodic table?

How do catalysts work?

Why do some elements have different isotopes?

How do we use chemical reactions to create new materials?


How do organs and systems in our body work together?

Why do we study genetics?

How do enzymes function in the body?

Why do cells divide?

How do organisms evolve over time?


How do we use trigonometry in real life?

Why do we study quadratic equations?

How do we analyze data sets?

How do we use calculus in science?

Why do we need to understand complex numbers?


How do human activities contribute to climate change?

Why are natural resources unevenly distributed?

How do plate tectonics shape the Earth's surface?

Why do we study population geography?

How do we manage natural resources sustainably?


How did the World Wars shape the modern world?

Why did the Cold War happen?

How did colonialism affect different regions?

Why do we study revolutions?

How do historical events influence current affairs?


How do we analyze a character's development in a story?

Why do we study different literary theories?

How do literary works reflect social issues?

Why do authors use different narrative styles?

How do we interpret a text's theme?

Environmental Science

How do human activities impact biodiversity?

Why is sustainable development important?

What are the challenges of renewable energy?

How do we mitigate the effects of climate change?

Why do we study environmental policies?

For 10th Standard


Question 1

Question 2

Question 3

Question 4

Question 5


How do we use the principles of energy conservation?

Why do we study thermodynamics?

How do quantum mechanics differ from classical mechanics?

How do we use the Doppler effect?

Why do we study the photoelectric effect?


How do we understand reaction rates?

Why do we study organic chemistry?

How do acids and bases react?

How do we use spectroscopy in chemistry?

Why do we study electrochemistry?


How do we study the human genome?

Why do we study ecosystems?

How do hormones regulate body functions?

How do we use biotechnology in medicine?

Why do we study the immune system?


How do we use logarithms in real life?

Why do we study probability distributions?

How do we solve differential equations?

How do we use vector calculus?

Why do we need to understand matrix algebra?


How do we study urban geography?

Why do we study economic geography?

How do natural hazards affect human societies?

Why do we study sustainable development?

How do we manage environmental risks?


How did the Industrial Revolution lead to modern capitalism?

Why do we study different political ideologies?

How did the World Wars change global power structures?

How do we understand historical continuity and change?

Why do we study historical perspectives?


How do we analyze a text's structure?

Why do we study literary criticism?

How do we understand a text's historical context?

Why do we study different genres?

How do we interpret a text's meaning?

Environmental Science

How do we study ecosystem dynamics?

Why do we study environmental ethics?

How do we address environmental justice?

How do we study global environmental change?

Why do we study environmental sustainability?

For 11th Standard


Question 1

Question 2

Question 3

Question 4

Question 5


How do we use the principles of relativity?

Why do we study quantum mechanics?

How do we understand the behavior of light?

How do we use wave-particle duality?

Why do we study the uncertainty principle?


How do we study chemical thermodynamics?

Why do we study coordination chemistry?

How do we understand chemical equilibrium?

How do we use analytical chemistry?

Why do we study chemical kinetics?


How do we study genetic inheritance?

Why do we study population ecology?

How do we understand cellular respiration?

How do we use genetic engineering?

Why do we study molecular biology?


How do we use complex analysis in real life?

Why do we study differential equations?

How do we understand statistical inference?

How do we use linear algebra?

Why do we study multivariable calculus?


How do we study climate change?

Why do we study cultural geography?

How do we understand geographic information systems (GIS)?

Why do we study global interconnections?

How do we manage urban growth?


How did the Renaissance influence modern thought?

Why do we study the Enlightenment?

How did colonialism shape modern economies?

How do we understand historical causation?

Why do we study historical narratives?


How do we analyze a text's themes?

Why do we study literary periods?

How do we understand a text's cultural context?

Why do we study different literary forms?

How do we interpret a text's symbols?

Environmental Science

How do we study biodiversity conservation?

Why do we study environmental policy?

How do we address environmental management?

How do we study global environmental issues?

Why do we study sustainable practices?

For 12th Standard


Question 1

Question 2

Question 3

Question 4

Question 5


How do we understand the theory of relativity?

Why do we study particle physics?

How do we use quantum field theory?

How do we understand the nature of dark matter?

Why do we study cosmology?


How do we study chemical bonding?

Why do we study physical chemistry?

How do we understand reaction mechanisms?

How do we use computational chemistry?

Why do we study spectroscopy?


How do we study evolutionary biology?

Why do we study developmental biology?

How do we understand neural networks?

How do we use bioinformatics?

Why do we study systems biology?


How do we use real analysis in real life?

Why do we study abstract algebra?

How do we understand number theory?

How do we use topology?

Why do we study mathematical logic?


How do we study global environmental change?

Why do we study geopolitical issues?

How do we understand sustainable development?

How do we use remote sensing?

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