Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

FW: B2B web site FAQ


Ø  Here is FAQ for B2B. Later , I will prepare one for B2C

Ø We will not visit LTIT this Friday . Let students concentrate on writing code

Ø Pl speak to Shuklendu re display of COUNTERS as each filter is “ Selected “ or “ Deselected “ , during Creation of Mailing Lists.

Ø As far as creation of graphical display is concerned , Shuklendu tells me that he has explained to you how this can be done using Google Graph API

If that will consume more time , for the time-being , let us confine by only displaying increasing / decreasing COUNTERS


From: Hemen Parekh
Sent: Monday, May 20, 2013 12:55 PM
To: 'ashwini.odage@gmail.com'; juileelabre50923; 'bhaleraopratidnya@gmail.com'
Cc: Shivanand.Satose@larsentoubro.com; shuklendu.baji@sentientsystems.net
Subject: B2B web site FAQ

 Dear Team

Attached find draft FAQ for B2B
Some of these are in the nature of “ Promises “ of what we will do for the users – and how it will get done
It is quite possible that by the time we end up with all the design / development of web site , we may drop some of these as being too difficult to implement
Or end up with different solutions , needing different “ Answers
But , even as I sat down to make a list of possible “ Questions “ that a user may ask , I realized that there were some loose threads !
So , we end up giving the “ Answers “ first – then worry about how to carry out our promise !

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

RE: Request for a meeting_Dale Carnegie

Dear Amit

Thank you for your offer to partner with 3P Consultants (  www.3pConsultants.co.in  )

If there is a scope , then Nirmit Parekh will get in touch with you

But since you talk about  “ Strategic Human Resource solutions ( Communications  /  PerformanceEmployee Engagement etc ) “, you may want to look up  www.hemenparekh.in  , especially , sections called ,

Ø Marketing Communications ( MARCOM )

Do feel free to write for any queries

With regards

hemen parekh

From: Amit Jha [mailto:amit_jha@dalecarnegieindia.com]
Sent: Monday, August 26, 2013 4:37 PM
To: Hemen Parekh
Subject: Request for a meeting_Dale Carnegie
Importance: High

Dear Hemen,

We believe the current economic and business challenge provides the perfect opportunity for companies to focus on their most competitive advantage - people. In India, over the last 10 years we have engaged with over 2500 corporate and institutions relationships and 150000 Dale Carnegie® graduates, working to improve their confidence, develop effective leadership and communication techniques, and build life-long skills that can be used in a variety of business and personal situations. Worldwide 9 million graduates have benefited from the Dale Carnegie programs.

Talent management and development continues to be one of the main agendas of Indian CEOs, largely on account of the need for quality human resources to meet business expectations. Investment in human capital is now a critical strategy for employee retention.
We have developed strong training and development expertise in terms of strategic human resource solutions for companies. Our areas of expertise cover:-

I will deeply appreciate your time for a personal meeting to discuss how we can partner with your organization to impact the performance of your people. Looking forward to your early response. Feel free to call me on 09833974936
Amit Jha| Business Consultant
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1, Construction house, 5, Walchand Hirachand Marg, Ballard Estate, Mumbai - 400001
Office: +91-22 - 67818159| Mobile: +91 9833974936| Fax: +91 22 22610574
Email: amit_jha@dalecarnegieindia.com
Website: www.india.dalecarnegie.com | www.walchandpeoplefirst.com
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Data Mining Project for Online Job Advts


I refer to our telecom today morning
From what I understood , your guide would like to know the “ Prior Knowledge “ in this area ( Research Papers )
I did some searching on Google and came across the following
All of these may not be directly / immediately relevant to our project , but these are worth going thru
You may even short-list 3 or 4 , that you may wish to submit to your guide
Next question ( of your guide ) is also very relevant , viz ;
“ What do you expect to achieve thru this project ?  How will it benefit Jobseekers / Employers / Edu Institutions / Policy Makers etc ? “

From my own past experience ( of designing 8 web sites over last 16 years ) , I have found that , this question cannot be satisfactorily answered by writing a long and esoteric description !

The best way to answer is to conceive / design / display , the User Interface  !
That alone can force you to answer :
“ When a visitor arrives on this web page , will he easily understand what he can select / click ?
Will he intuitively expect , what ( texts / figures / graphs ) will he get to see when he takes any action ?
Pl do prepare U/I and that would convince your guide !



http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-04-03/algorithms-play-matchmaker-to-fight-7-7-u-s-unemployment-jobs.html ( quite interesting ! –hcp )


Revised Draft


Following is the corrected draft
Pl check that clicking on links , takes you to the right pages

Dear  Principal Director - Vice Chancellor  :

If your Institute/ College/ University offers, courses in HR/Marketing, you may wish to expose those students to some real-life situations /  Communications taking  place in Industry.

Please ask them to look-up following pages from ,


Ø  For HR Students:



Ø  For Marketing Students:

With a request  :

v  To display this mail on your Institute notice-boards.

v  To forward this Email to your Alumni  ( Email Database ) or upload it on Alumni website.

with regards,

hemen parekh

Monday, 26 August 2013

FW: Letters to L&T Employees

Dear Friends

We had a wonderful time yesterday !

Even as we all look forward to meet in my office on 20th Oct , I thought of mentioning to you that , by tomorrow , I plan to send out emails to promote  www.hemenparekh.in  to :

Ø   Principals / Directors of some 6,000 Colleges / Educational Institutions ( for enabling MBA(HR ) / MBA(Mktg ) students to study real-life industry experience , by going thru “ Performance Appraisal “ and “ Marketing Communications – MARCOM “ )

Ø 25,000 Senior Executives ( Clients / Candidates of 3P ) – to look up “ Performance Appraisal “

I am requesting them to share their own relevant experiences by posting their comments ( by clicking “ No Comments “ link under any article )

I request you to do the same – by , possibly , recounting your own experiences in the Comments

Feel free to mention your name / designation / Unit – Dept , while narrating YOUR experience

That would lend credibility to your observation

Those ( from the above mentioned Email Databases ) , who visit these articles , AFTER you have posted YOUR comments , are bound to look it up , and , in turn feel encouraged to do likewise !

With your cooperation , let us make this , a FORUM for HR Executives from all over to engage in a meaningful dialogue

From: Hemen Parekh
Sent: Saturday, August 24, 2013 8:49 AM
To: wjn_danait; A M DESHMUKH 9821014352; cmsrivastava5; cynthia; Santosh Tiwari; Vivek Mehta; Sanjay Karnik; GLADYS VAZ; Vijay Mahajan
Subject: Letters to L&T Employees

 Dear Friends
For some of you , the following pages may bring back old memories :



RE: Hello

Dear Ballobhai

Thanks for taking time to go thru my site  www.hemenparekh.in

Anokhee / Aneree were here to celebrate my 80th birthday. Anokhee's email id is in cc..She is teaching English language to 10th/ 12th standard students at Ethelburga University ( York - UK )

We will talk once you are back in India

In the meantime , kindly pass-on the following message to Hemant




Dear Hemant

I write to seek your help

Background :

>   When I was with L&T , I sat up L&T Institute of Technology , which offers Diploma Level ( 8 Semesters ) courses in Mech / Elec / Computer Engg

>   I am on its Managing Council since its inception in 1982

>   Recently , I have assigned development of 2 web sites ( B2BmessageBlaster  /  B2CmessageBlaster ) to Computer stream students as their 7th semester project . These web sites are expected to be launched in Oct 2013

>   One of LTIT lecturer , Ms Rohini Damahe , has just started her graduate studies with a local Engg college

>   She has chosen Data Mining , as her project ( to be completed by April 2014 )

>   For this project , I have asked her to use a database of approx 5 Million Job Advts ( sample attached ) on my web site ,  www.CustomizeResume.com

>   Objective of Data Mining Project , will be :

   *  Develop trends / patterns re: how some 50,000 Indian Companies advertize their vacancies over the past 6 years

   *  Develop " IF xxx , THEN yyy " type of Decision-Rules

   *  Develop a Prediction Model , which would allow a visitor ( to my web site ) to check-out the probabilities of , WHO ( which company ) , will advertise WHAT ( vacancy / position ) and WHEN ( next time )

   * Enable any subscribing recruiting company executive to just type out " POSITION / VACANCY " in the online JOB-POST form , and see the rest of the fields get filled automatically , with most likely " Values " , based on his own past advts or past advts posted by his competitor companies ( INDUSTRY  )

Now , I have no clue how Data Mining Soft wares work ! I am not sure even Rohini has any clear ideas about the same ( although , I have asked her to refer to Google's N-GRAM project (of 5 million books ) , which is based on Frequency of Occurrence of keywords appearing in 5 million books published over past 100 years.

I would appreciate if you have any words of advice on how Rohini should approach this project - as also , if there are any ready software package that LTIT could purchase online for this purpose

I write because I believe you are teaching AI at some University . Which ?

I hope , I am not unduly imposing on your time

With regards

Batuk Uncle


-----Original Message-----
From: BD Bhargava [mailto:bdtara@gmail.com]
Sent: Saturday, August 24, 2013 9:49 PM
To: Hemen Parekh
Subject: Fwd: Hello

Some typing mistakes were there, corrected the,.
> My dear Battuck Bhai,
> Saw your site about on line voting, good idea but what are the chances about its misuse, of course, I am not an expert so can't say. Other sites don't interest me as I am not an employer and expert.
> Where is Anokhee these days and what is she doing? Send me her email id too.
> So you are also on your way to reach a good goal, Tara also would have celebrated the same in November had she been there.
> I am these days at Hemant's place, would be leaving back for India on 1st September.
> With best wishes to you all,
> Ballo Bhai

FW: Review Meeting on Friday 16


I refer to our telecom last evening
I am happy to know that development work is progressing full blast and that you are confident that the team will present final / fully functioning pages on Friday
I am especially keen to view / approve the Graphical Animation of the “ Create Mailing “ List page for B2C
In the meantime , pl do check out with Shuklendu , the logic that you have employed for “ Pairing “ of the Marketing Messages with the Mailing Lists
You will recall that during our last meeting , I had suggested to create an altogether separate page , titled , “ Credits
The idea is to keep all the other pages uncluttered at the bottom
Find below , a draft of the “ Credits “ page :


Dear Visitor,
I dedicate this web site to ,
L&T Institute of Technology , ( hyperlink )
- with which , I am associated since its founding in 1982 .
This site was developed by the 7th Semester students of the Computer Science stream of the Institute , guided by Faculty Members , mentioned below :

A .    Faculty Guides

·         Shivanand Satose
·         Shashank Lale

B     Students

·         Ashwini Hodage ( hyperlink )
·         Names of all the others ( hyperlinks )

C     External Guide
·         Shuklendu Baji ( Sentient Systems – hyperlink )

But for their hard work and enthusiasm , this would not have become a reality . All credits go to them

-       - hemen  parekh

Sunday, 25 August 2013

FW: Message Blaster


I hope you could go thru this explanation


From: Hemen Parekh
Sent: Friday, August 23, 2013 11:27 AM
To: 'shuklendu.baji@sentientsystems.net'; Shivanand.Satose@larsentoubro.com
Cc: 'Nitin Ruge'
Subject: RE: Message Blaster


I will try to explain this as follows – although , you will need to talk to Shuklendu as far as technical details are concerned

Following 3 pages are involved :

Ø Recipient  Response

Ø Unsolicited Mail Capture ( to be renamed “ Mail Holder “ , as suggested by Shuklendu )

Ø My Campaign Feedback

Below find the revised write-up of page “ Recipient Response “ ( only simple text / no database connection / no software ) .

This spells out the logic / sequence of events , underlying the Feedback concept :

Recipient  Response

Dear Marketer :

Every day , you are yourself , a recipient of may be 200 advertisement messages , appearing in Newspapers  / TV  /  Hoardings etc

How many do you respond to – even if you wish to ?

None  !

Why  ?

Because , it is just too much trouble ( even if you have time ! ), to figure out ,  “ how to reply ? “

No phone number  !  No email ID  !  No address  !

So , we made it very easy for those receiving YOUR marketing message , to be able to reply !

This is how  :

Ø   When you blast your message , recipients will receive an email which reads ,

                                    “ There is a message in your Mail Holder box “

Ø   When that person clicks on this link , he will see a private / personal “ Mail Holder “ ( Email Box ) on our server
      ( We have created one for every recipient )   See “ Mail Holder “ page

Ø   In this private / personal “ Mail Holder “ Box , all the marketing messages ( including your message ) , are     listed . Recipient can view the message by clicking on the  “  Message Name “ link in the tabulation

Ø  After reading your message , if the recipient feels like contacting you , he simply selects  “ Contact Me “ radio button and clicks REPLY

Ø  This click , immediately increases the counter ( against the Marketing Message viewed / selected ) , in the “ Feedback Received “ column , on page ,

                                                 “  My Campaign Feedback

Ø  Now all you need to do , is to click on that  “  Feedback Received “ counter , and view the details [ Name / Email ID / Phone No ( ? )  ] of all the recipients who are interested to know more about your product / service !

Ø  Just follow-up before the customer changes his mind !

          This closed-loop feedback is your ultimate  “  Marketing  Utopia  “  !

n   Hemen Parekh

As far as the other two pages ( Mail Holder / My Campaign Feedback ) are concerned , the tabulations remain the same ( except that , I have added Phone No of recipient in My Campaign Feedback Page )

I might want to marginally change the TEXT in these two pages , after I see the final layout , but this may take a few minutes !

If there are any non-technical questions , feel free to phone me

In the meantime , I await your PROJECT PLAN ( WHO will do WHAT and WHEN )


From: Shuklendu Baji - Sentient Systems [mailto:shuklendu.baji@sentientsystems.net]
Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2013 5:32 PM
To: Shivanand.Satose@larsentoubro.com
Cc: Hemen Parekh
Subject: Message Blaster

Hello Shivanand,

Yesterday i was unable to explain to you the concept behind ‘Unsolicited Mail Capture’ and ‘Response’ pages. Today i discuss these with HCP Sir and he has explained the concept to me.

I was trying to write this explanation and send it to me, but it is bit involved. It will be better if we discuss this either in person or on phone. Please call me either tomorrow 2nd half or on Saturday, whenever you are free and i will explain it to you.

This will not affect the pages till ‘Mailing List – Message Pairing’. But, please call me before you start coding for actual blasting (sending mail) of messages.

Shuklendu Baji

Saturday, 24 August 2013

Letters to L&T Employees

Performance Appraisal

Dear Friend

Sometime back I launched   www.hemenparekh.in 
I invite you to visit it whenever your busy schedule permits
If you have to deal with the Annual Performance Appraisal of employees , then following pages might interest you :


I welcome your comments / suggestions

With regards

hemen  parekh


RE: Did you send any email today?

Dear Shripal

I just wanted to say :

Ø  I recently launched ,  www.hemenparekh.in  
Ø  Following pages might interest you :



PS :

By October , I plan to launch 2 web sites ( B2BmessageBlaster  / B2CmessageBlaster ), which , I hope , will bring about a paradigm change in the Advertizing Industry
I keep in touch with happenings at Swipe thru Google Alerts

From: Shripal Gandhi [mailto:shripal@swipetelecom.com]
Sent: Saturday, August 24, 2013 4:57 PM
To: Hemen Parekh
Subject: Did you send any email today?

Can you please send it again, if so?

From: Hemen Parekh [mailto:hcp@recruitguru.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2013 4:34 PM
To: shripal@swipetelecom.com
Cc: kartik@swipetelecom.com
Subject: FW: Next App Resume Blaster

Dear Shripal

Now that the March Year-end rush must be over , I thought of checking-up with you whether you could find time to consider my request to pre-install ,
on Swipe Telecom devices
In the meantime , I have sent out promo emails to Directors / Principals of 3,000 + Colleges re creating awareness about Resume Blaster amongst their students
Do let me know if you are planning to visit Mumbai in near future

(M) 0-98,67,55,08,08
From: Hemen Parekh
Sent: Sunday, March 03, 2013 9:39 AM
To: 'shripal@swipetelecom.com'
Cc: 'kartik@swipetelecom.com'
Subject: Next App Resume Blaster

Dear Shripal

You will recall that when we met in my office a few months back , we talked about my proposed app “ Resume Blaster “. After looking at the screen-shots , you suggested some improvements and encouraged us to complete the development

I am happy to announce the launch of ,

As mentioned earlier , Resume Blaster will enable jobseekers ( especially UnderGrads / Fresh Graduates ) to blast their resumes to,

Ø 100,000 + Companies by Company-names

Ø Industry-wise ( to 51 Industry Sectors )

Ø City-wise  ( to 665 Cities / Towns , all over India )

And do this , absolutely FREE !

By end April, Company list will reach 700,000 +, in 1000 + cities
Resume Blaster is destined to become the most used app amongst 35 lakh students graduating from Indian colleges each year .
It will enable them to send their resumes to lakhs of companies which do have vacancies ( jobs to fill ) , but which neither conduct campus interviews nor advertise in Newspapers or on job-portals
I attach,

Ø Relevant APK file ( 209 Kb )

Ø Screen shots

Please take a look at Screen # 2 ( Sponsored by ) , where I have taken the liberty to display your Company-Name ( a hyperlink ), hoping that you will agree to pre-load Resume Blaster on your tablets
Within a few months , lakhs of fresh graduates will look at this screen , dozens of times everyday , creating an unprecedented brand-recall of your products amongst the youth
And each resume getting blasted ( - expect millions of these within a few months ) , will carry a  Hyperlink to your web site

This enormous publicity comes your way , FREE – OF – COST !

I now request you to start pre-loading of Resume Blaster on your products as soon as practically possible

I await your confirmation

For testing the APK file , enter :
Ø User ID  =  testing1@gmail.com

Ø Password = testing

With regards,

Hemen Parekh

Jobs  for  All  =  Peace  on  Earth

PS :

As in March 2013 , Resume Blasting services of other job-portals are as follows :

Portal……………. Service Name………..    Target Companies…………..    Price (Rs)

·        Naukri………..Resume Flash…………….900 Consultants………………. 1,000 /-

·        Monster……..Xpress Resume…………1200 Cons (India)……………..    999 /-
                                                           200 Cons (Gulf)………………… 1,499 /-
                                                           India + Gulf………………………. 1,999 /-

·        TimesJobs…..Resume Zapper………….1250 Cons (Ind+Gulf)……..   1,600 /-
                                                          Magic Combo……………………   5,050 /-

You pay in advance and they don’t even reveal the names of target consultants !