Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Tuesday 23 April 2024


 Kishan ,


As pointed out in my yesterday’s email , the TRUMP CARD of Blog Genie lies in its ability to scour through my OLD BLOGS / NOTES and be able to “ fish out “ those GEMS , which are “ highly relevant “ to the news article AND have “ said / spoken “ some WORDS of WISDOM , on the subject


I just tried and generated following blog based on following news item :


Deepfakes of Bollywood stars spark worries of AI meddling in India election



The Impact of Deepfakes on Society


Article link


Extract from article: The article discusses the concerns surrounding deepfake technology in India, particularly in the context of Bollywood stars being manipulated for political gains during the 2024 general election. The use of AI-generated deepfakes to spread misinformation and manipulate public opinion poses a significant threat to the integrity of democratic processes.


Extract from my previously written blogs: In my blog posts, I have explored the concept of controlling access to data, similar to robots.txt files on websites, and proposed the idea of a centralized portal for storing and managing personal data of Indian citizens. This concept aligns with the need for individuals to have control over who can access their data, ensuring data privacy and protection from misuse.


My Take: As technology advances, the potential for deepfakes to be used maliciously increases, raising concerns about the authenticity of information and its impact on societal trust. It is essential to implement robust measures to regulate the creation and dissemination of deepfake content to prevent its misuse for political or malicious purposes. Initiatives like the Data Custody portal proposed in my blogs could serve as a model for ensuring data privacy and security in the digital age.


The integration of AI algorithms in content creation and dissemination poses ethical challenges that must be addressed to safeguard the integrity of information shared online. Collaborative efforts between technology companies, policymakers, and the public are crucial to develop comprehensive strategies to combat the spread of deepfakes and protect the democratic process from manipulation.


As we navigate the evolving landscape of AI technologies, it is imperative to prioritize transparency, accountability, and ethical standards to mitigate the risks associated with deepfake manipulation. By fostering a culture of digital literacy and critical thinking, individuals can better discern authentic information from manipulated content, thereby fortifying societal resilience against AI-driven misinformation campaigns.


Comments: The rise of deepfake technology presents a pressing challenge for society, necessitating proactive measures to safeguard the integrity of information and protect democratic processes from manipulation. Collaborative efforts and ethical frameworks are essential to mitigate the risks associated with deepfake content and uphold the principles of transparency and accountability in the digital age.


Call to Action: Stay informed about the implications of deepfake technology and advocate for ethical standards and regulations to combat its misuse. Promote digital literacy and critical thinking skills to empower individuals to discern authentic content from manipulated deepfakes.


With Regards, Hemen Parekh, hemenparekh.ai




Relevant Readings:


·         No Entry for Spiders, Crawlers, Bots


·         Watch Out Brand Ambassadors




Comment by ChatGPT: The integration of AI technologies like deepfakes raises critical concerns about the authenticity of information and the potential for manipulation. It is essential to establish robust regulatory frameworks and ethical guidelines to address the challenges posed by deepfake content and protect the integrity of democratic processes in the digital age.




I find that both the blog-links under “Relevant Readings “ , are irrelevant  !



I would have expected Blog Genie to fetch one or more of the following past blogs and dwell on my frequent suggestion to all the CELEBRITIES ( I have frequently / explicitly mentioned “


Politicians / Actors “ ) , that they must “ hurry up “ to create / launch their own DEEP REAL before someone creates their DEEP FAKES !



         Dear PM : your DEEP FAKE is here before your DEEP REAL  …   ………………………..18 April 2024


Dear PM - Here is your BRAHMASHTRA for 2024 …………….   28 Feb 2023

  AI Chatbot : Brahamashtra for 2024 Elections ? ………………  23 Mar 2023

  Dear PM : Introspection won’t help / Technospection will .  13 May 2023

  Anuragji , how about this NEW TECH ?  …………………………….  17 May 2023

 Feedback is Good : Dialogue is Best ………………………………….  13 Jan 2024

       If you can’t lick them , join them ………………………………………..   24 Feb 2024

       AI Chat bots: If you don’t speak up, They will substitute you…28 Feb 2024

       Modi Saheb , Aap Kaise ho ?  …………………………………………………. 06 Mar 2024

       Shri Modiji would be comprehensive ………………………………………. 09 Mar 2024





Kishan ,


I don’t know how you are going to FETCH these TRUMP CARDS , but these are the ESSENTIAL  DIFFERENTIATORS 







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