Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Sunday 21 April 2024


 Kishan ,


Yesterday I tried generating some 8 / 10 blogs using Genie


Following my immediate / first feedback :


( 1 )  Title of the blog


Ø  As far as possible, restrict it to no more than 5 words/ ideally 3 words


( 2 ) Comments by ChatGPT


Ø  Eliminate it altogether


( 3 )  Formatting


Ø  Keep double spacing between lines and FOUR spaces between paragraphs. I realize that whereas this may improve the presentation but it will still require me to do some tweaking after copy / pasting in the DASHBOARD of www.hemenparekh.in


( 4 )  Fonts


Ø  If possible, use VERDANA / 8


( 5 )  My Take / Extract


Ø As per Blog Format ( hand written Process Flow Diagram ) sent to you on 27 Feb . this para ( with heading “ My Take “ ) comes immediately after “ Extract from the Article “ ) . Pl keep this SEQUENCE .


Ø This para starts with ( A ) Name of one ( or more ) of my RELEVANT old blog ( hyperlinked ) AND right below , some sentences / paras from that OLD BLOG , which REINFORCE my suggestions in respect of the problem expressed in the newspaper article.


Ø Idea to be conveyed to the readers is > “ Hey , look at what I thought of / suggested about this problem , 3 / 5 / 7 years ago . I had told you so !  I had seen this coming . I had offered a solution re this “



Placing those OLD BLOG NAMES ( linked ) at this STAGE , will eliminate REPEATING the same under “ Relevant Readings “ para at the bottom of the blog . This ( “ Relevant Readings “ ) para should incorporate any OTHER blogs on the same subject ( obviously LESS RELEVANT ) which I may have written on the subject . If there are none worth listing , skip this para ( at the bottom of the blog ) altogether


( 6 )  Call to Action


Ø Whereas , on many occasions , this may be addressed to citizens at large or a specific group of Professionals such as > Politicians – Economists – Journalists – Scientists etc. , wherever we are able to identify a SPECIFIC authority ( Eg;  MNRE Minister / Commerce Minister ) , or a PERSON ( may be whose name appears in the news article ) , then in such cases, we should SHARPLY address that person. You may also notice that dozens of my blogs are titled “ Thank You , Shri XYZ “



Once you have carried out these changes ( how long ? ) , please take up the following ( priority wise ) :


( A )  Automatic posting in www.hemenparekh.in ( through Blgger Dashboard )


( B )  Uploading on Big Rock Server Database


( C ) Uploading on Personal.ai ( to add to knowledge base / Memory Blocks )


( D ) Uploading on Linkedin ( under “ Write Article “ )


( E )  Posting a short summary ( due to character limitation ) on FB


( F ) Posting Blog hyperlink on Twitter


( G ) Posting SUMMARY , with hyperlink , on my Youtube Channel


( H ) Extracting from a newly generated blog , 5 TOPICS and 25 QUESTIONS ( 5 questions per topic ) and adding up on www.HemenParekh.ai ( through dashboard )


( I )  Given a SET of ( say , 1000 ) topics , a sider to search websites of 6 e-Newspapers ( we will subscribe ),  and bring back links to news articles and display on the U / I of Blog Genie ( on left TOP side ). I can click those links , read the article and IF found suitable, be able to “ transfer “ ( drag ? ) to Blog Genie to generate a new blog







PS :


Would it at all be possible for me to just click “ Send E MAIL “ button , whereby Blog Genie will send out new blog as email to pre-decided persons / groups ?

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