Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Wednesday 1 November 2023

Thank You, Ashwinibhai – Rajeevbhai

 Thank You, Ashwinibhai – Rajeevbhai



For what ?


For accepting ( though in somewhat different context ) my 3 year old suggestion for Single Sign On



Where did you read this ?


Here :

Soon use a single sign-in to access plethora of government  services   /  ToI  /  23 Dec 2021



Extract :


Soon you won’t need to remember different usernames and passwords to login and avail government services across Central and State Government departments


The Centre will launch a PLATFORM where you would need to login ONCE to avail a range of services from this common platform


The government agencies are also working on the plan to have a provision where the user, once logged in , will get details of the entitlements and services that would guide him / her to access them


single sign-on service  allows users to log in to MULTIPLE PLATFORMS and WEBSITES , using a SINGLE set of CREDENTIALS via secure session and USER AUTHENTICATION


Sources said the platform offering access to multiple services would be launched by August 2022


The electronics and IT ministry on Wednesday held a long session with a dozen ministries and State government representatives on on-boarding ALL CITIZEN SERVICES offered by Central and State governments as part of the on-going “ Good Governance Week “


The roll out of NATIONAL CITIZEN CENTRIC PORTAL and the creation of a NATIONAL DIGITAL PROFILE , for ALL CITIZENS would be used to PRE-FILL  government forms and will also be a tool for citizens to discover welfare benefits offered by the governments


Currently, to avail different government services such as transport, passport etc., people need to have a number of USER IDs and PASSWORDS


The SSO service will be “ ONE STOP AUTHENTICATION PLATFORM “ for government services





Nearly 3 Years ago, I suggested such a SINGLE LOG-IN / ONE STOP AUTHENTICATION PLATFORM , through my following e-mail :


Ø  SARAL [ Single  Authentic  Registration for Anywhere  Login ]…. ………( 10 Feb 2019 )


Extract :


[ A ]   Advantage ?


          #  No filling up / editing, your personal data, again and again, on hundreds of web sites. Just ONE site !



          #  Preventing web sites to demand – and use – your personal data which they don’t need



          #  Enabling users to make money by “selling “their personal data



[ B ]   How much money can user ( possibly ) make by selling personal data ?


          #   $ 4 / month, from each website ( x 100 = $ 400 pm = Rs 30,000 per month )



[ C ]   What DATA will be submitted on IndiaDataCustodian ?


          #  Data will be submitted at 10 DATA LEVELS – described in detail at :


        Only Answer :  a  Statutory  Warning   [  10  Nov  2018  ]



[ D ]  How will other web sites “Access “ these data of a user ?


          #  All web sites / mobile apps will enable a user to login by clicking ,

         “ Log me with ww.IndiaDataCustodian.gov.in “


          #  No user will need to submit any personal data directly on ANY web site / mobile app


          #   Each user would need to select / specify ( on IndiaDataCustodian ), which web site ( or type of web site )

               can be granted “ access “ to which DATA LEVEL, for free


          #  User will also select / specify which DATA LEVEL can be “ sold “ to what kind of web sites


          #  The “sale Price “ for each DATA LEVEL will be fixed by IndiaDataCustodian


          #  The “ for sale “ DATA will NOT reveal the identity of any user. It will be always anonymized / aggregated

              for a few hundred / few thousands users, based on “demographic profile “ configured by the buyer web

              site online ( on IndiaDataCustodian ) and the purchase price paid online ( DBT to each User’s Bank

              account )


[ E ]……What concerns will SARAL address ?


         SARAL will satisfy the following concerns :



          #   It will facilitate early introduction of E-Commerce Policy, which is hanging fire due to a potential


               conflict with the proposed Data Protection Bill in respect of nature of sensitive data that must be


               stored locally




          #   It will store on the local server of IndiaDataCustodian, entire “ life history “ of,


                WHO visited WHICH web Site , WHEN and for HOW LONG , and did WHAT





          #   It will satisfy the National Encryption Policy




         #   It will ensure smooth functioning of the Centralized E-Commerce Regulator Data Protection





         #   It will enable TWO FACTOR AUTHENTICATION




         #   It will enable India’s Intelligence Agencies to carry out surveillance in most transparent manner




         #   It will enable the Central and the State Governments to formulate policies / schemes in respect of

              subsidies / unemployment allowances / other DBT schemes




         #  It will enable users ( registered on IndiaDataCustodian ) to “ monetize “ their personal / private data

             By authorizing IndiaDataCustodian to sell the same

             ( could be as high as Rs 30,000 per month per user )



        #    It will enable Indian and Foreign Corporate to bypass the Social Media web sites and , instead use

              the Platform of IndiaDataCustodian, to target their “ Marketing Campaign “ to millions of Indians.

             This will enable IndiaDataCustodian to earn billions of dollars, which it can share with its registered




        Related Readings :


         Centre looks to roll out next-gen tech to cut compliance, push effective grievance redressal mechanism

         22 Dec 2021 / Eco Times
         Monetizing Personal Data, using Web 3.0 ? ………………………[ 05 Dec 2021 ]

        Digital Dividend from Demographic Data [ 4 D ]…………………….. [ 14 Feb 2019 ]

        Thank You, Shri Saurabh Garg ………………………………………..[ 18 Dec 2021 ]

        The Battle for Digital Privacy Is Reshaping the Internet  /  NY Times / 21 Sept 2021


         The Companies Benefiting From Fragmenting Internet Privacy Rules / NYT /



       Password Paralysis ?................................................................ [ 15 Feb 2020

       Extract :


Ø  But that did not deter me from suggesting following methods, whereby Indians can login to any web site , by just one click !


Ø  Without waiting for FIDO Alliance to convince all the web sites of the world (1,295,973,827 according to Netcraft's January 2020 Web Server Survey ) to adopt WebAuthn , Shri RaviShankar Prasadji could deploy one of the following methods :


       [ A ]


      With appropriate law, mandate all web sites to display the following message for user login :


     “ Log me in with  www.IndiaDataCustodian.gov.in “


      To know how we can do this, without waiting for acceptance of WebAuthn , read :

       Digital Dividend from Demographic Data [ 4 D ]


With Regards,

Hemen Parekh  /  hcp@RecruitGuru.com  /  28 Dec 2021

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