Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Sunday 17 September 2023

Some Useful Tips



While I await your estimate for uploading thousands of QUESTIONS and fetching 10 ( randomly generated ) for display / selection by a visitor , I thought of checking out whether you could study the feasibility of implementing Voice-cloning / facial animation , suggested by BARD





Subject: Some Useful Tips






You will recall that in Phase II of my Digital Avatar , we have planned :


#   Along with the text answer , that answer should also get read aloud in my own voice


#  My face to be animated with lip-sync of the voice


Of course, before taking up this, I want to wait for Sharon to tweak the API to display 4 / 5 “ questions “ , which a visitor can “ fetch “ ( by clicking “ Next 5 “ ? ) and then click to get relevant answers


But, in the meantime, I chatted with BARD on this subject and got following TIPS, which might help you , when I give green signal to proceed


I would, however, like to get an estimate of the time ( work hours ), this might take







My poser to BARD :


I have my photo on my site ... www.hemenparekh.ai . ..Could that be animated in situ ? If yes, how ?


BARD replied :


Yes, it is possible to animate an image in situ. There are a number of different ways to do this, but one of the simplest is to use CSS. CSS is a language that is used to style web pages, and it can also be used to animate images.

To animate an image in situ using CSS, you will need to use the animation property. The animation property takes a number of different attributes, including:

·         animation-name: The name of the animation.

·         animation-duration: The duration of the animation.

·         animation-timing-function: The timing function of the animation.

·         animation-delay: The delay of the animation.

·         animation-iteration-count: The number of times the animation should repeat.

For example, the following CSS code will animate the image on your website by rotating it 360 degrees over a period of 10 seconds:

Code snippet

img {
  animation: rotate 10s linear infinite;

Use code with caution. Learn more


The animation-name attribute specifies the name of the animation, which in this case is rotate. The animation-duration attribute specifies the duration of the animation, which in this case is 10 seconds. The animation-timing-function attribute specifies the timing function of the animation, which in this case is linear, which means that the animation will play at a constant speed. The animation-delay attribute specifies the delay of the animation, which in this case is 0 seconds, which means that the animation will start immediately. The animation-iteration-count attribute specifies the number of times the animation should repeat, which in this case is infinite, which means that the animation will repeat forever.

You can also use JavaScript to animate an image in situ. JavaScript is a programming language that can be used to control the behavior of web pages, and it can also be used to animate images.

To animate an image in situ using JavaScript, you will need to use the animate() method. The animate() method takes a number of different arguments, including:

·         element: The element that you want to animate.

·         keyframes: An array of keyframes that define the animation.

·         duration: The duration of the animation.

·         timingFunction: The timing function of the animation.

·         delay: The delay of the animation.

·         iterations: The number of times the animation should repeat.

For example, the following JavaScript code will animate the image on your website by rotating it 360 degrees over a period of 10 seconds:

Code snippet

var image = document.getElementById('image');
var keyframes = [
    transform: 'rotate(0deg)',
    transform: 'rotate(360deg)',
image.animate(keyframes, {
  duration: 10000,
  timingFunction: 'linear',

Use code with caution. Learn more


The element argument specifies the element that you want to animate, which in this case is the image with the id image. The keyframes argument specifies an array of keyframes that define the animation. The duration argument specifies the duration of the animation, which in this case is 10 seconds. The timingFunction argument specifies the timing function of the animation, which in this case is linear, which means that the animation will play at a constant speed. The delay argument specifies the delay of the animation, which in this case is 0 seconds, which means that the animation will start immediately. The iterations argument specifies the number of times the animation should repeat, which in this case is 1, which means that the animation will play once.

Once you have animated the image, you can save the changes to your website. The next time someone visits your website, they will see the image animated.



I asked BARD :


In www.hemenparekh.ai......... a visitor " types " a question in the " Question Box " . Through an API of Personal.ai , an answer gets delivered / posted as text , in the " Answer Box " . / I would like that , along with the TEXT answer, my animated ( lip-synced ) photo , also READS aloud that text answer / Could you recommend any FREE softwware which can do this ?


BARD replied :


Sure, here are a few free software options that can help you lip-sync your photo and read aloud text:

·         Lip-syncing software:

o    Wavosaur: Wavosaur is a free, open-source audio editor that can be used to lip-sync your photo. It has a number of features that can be used to adjust the timing and pitch of your audio, as well as a number of effects that can be used to improve the sound quality of your lip-sync.

Description: Wavosaur software logoOpens in a new windowDescription: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/favicon-tbn?q=tbn:ANd9GcQXPQ_r-yOCLQUEDSRff3apHK7jQ9YplBI-Wjo3b_Skq1JmjsdO6tqfPZV_4M97cDza1Us8fLifeIsYcRKh--tQe4jvl_AqVXCZZuldTechjockey

Wavosaur software logo

o    Audacity: Audacity is another free, open-source audio editor that can be used to lip-sync your photo. It has a similar set of features to Wavosaur, and it is also a very powerful audio editor.

Description: Audacity software logoOpens in a new windowDescription: https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/favicon-tbn?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ82C1pQZfkVX1ieIHDaZ3FN_rj7DIJaS4eN9d9DZ69AUvaPjp-cBcndTpWIQGE4JW4Hy-T21mhau1OcLQWd0D-XaaQMbY6YUQ66lif3lUwww.audacityteam.org

Audacity software logo

·         Text-to-speech software:

o    Google Text-to-Speech: Google Text-to-Speech is a free online service that can be used to convert text into speech. It has a number of different voices that you can choose from, and it can also be used to adjust the speed and pitch of the speech.

Description: Google Text-to-Speech software logoOpens in a new windowDescription: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/favicon-tbn?q=tbn:ANd9GcSF58rI5qVI8E2U-XA3jj1L7uT4tgaCbJEKjTTqDSMSQKbUPgmUzDYAN66V0okq-l0SPbWWdTnq6UcGxu0Lma2pHXOYbaXMTbWNhwGoogle Cloud

Google Text-to-Speech software logo

o    Amazon Polly: Amazon Polly is another free online service that can be used to convert text into speech. It has a number of different voices that you can choose from, and it can also be used to adjust the speed and pitch of the speech.

Description: Amazon Polly software logoOpens in a new windowDescription: https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/favicon-tbn?q=tbn:ANd9GcQAOZl8dsIE8ZOa_qQ8Q_AQT4pniALcsfV3hwoe4mDoWQsRxgG738rM-ZZF7siEAsRi7i8-zHjfLaLuLmfy1KxnfLuDKoYKq3XrziXbxwDigital Creed

Amazon Polly software logo

Once you have lip-synced your photo and converted the text into speech, you can combine the two using a video editing software like Shotcut or Lightworks. These software are free and open-source, and they have a number of features that can be used to add text, images, and audio to your video.

Once you have added the lip-synced photo and the text-to-speech audio to your video, you can export the video and upload it to your website.

Here are some additional tips for lip-syncing your photo and reading aloud text:

·         Make sure that your photo is high-quality and that the lighting is good. This will help to ensure that the lip-syncing is smooth and realistic.

·         Use a text-to-speech service that has a variety of voices to choose from. This will help you to find a voice that sounds natural and matches your personality.

·         Adjust the speed and pitch of the speech until it sounds natural. You may also want to adjust the volume of the speech so that it is easy to hear.

·         Practice lip-syncing your photo and reading aloud text before you upload the video to your website. This will help you to get the timing and lip-syncing right.



Google it


Sure, here are a few free software options that can help you lip-sync your photo and read aloud text:

·         Lip-syncing software:

o    Wavosaur: Wavosaur is a free, open-source audio editor that can be used to lip-sync your photo. It has a number of features that can be used to adjust the timing and pitch of your audio, as well as a number of effects that can be used to improve the sound quality of your lip-sync.

Description: Wavosaur software logoOpens in a new windowDescription: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/favicon-tbn?q=tbn:ANd9GcQXPQ_r-yOCLQUEDSRff3apHK7jQ9YplBI-Wjo3b_Skq1JmjsdO6tqfPZV_4M97cDza1Us8fLifeIsYcRKh--tQe4jvl_AqVXCZZuldTechjockey

Wavosaur software logo

o    Audacity: Audacity is another free, open-source audio editor that can be used to lip-sync your photo. It has a similar set of features to Wavosaur, and it is also a very powerful audio editor.

Description: Audacity software logoOpens in a new windowDescription: https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/favicon-tbn?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ82C1pQZfkVX1ieIHDaZ3FN_rj7DIJaS4eN9d9DZ69AUvaPjp-cBcndTpWIQGE4JW4Hy-T21mhau1OcLQWd0D-XaaQMbY6YUQ66lif3lUwww.audacityteam.org

Audacity software logo

·         Text-to-speech software:

o    Google Text-to-Speech: Google Text-to-Speech is a free online service that can be used to convert text into speech. It has a number of different voices that you can choose from, and it can also be used to adjust the speed and pitch of the speech.

Description: Google Text-to-Speech software logoOpens in a new windowDescription: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/favicon-tbn?q=tbn:ANd9GcSF58rI5qVI8E2U-XA3jj1L7uT4tgaCbJEKjTTqDSMSQKbUPgmUzDYAN66V0okq-l0SPbWWdTnq6UcGxu0Lma2pHXOYbaXMTbWNhwGoogle Cloud

Google Text-to-Speech software logo

o    Amazon Polly: Amazon Polly is another free online service that can be used to convert text into speech. It has a number of different voices that you can choose from, and it can also be used to adjust the speed and pitch of the speech.

Description: Amazon Polly software logoOpens in a new windowDescription: https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/favicon-tbn?q=tbn:ANd9GcQAOZl8dsIE8ZOa_qQ8Q_AQT4pniALcsfV3hwoe4mDoWQsRxgG738rM-ZZF7siEAsRi7i8-zHjfLaLuLmfy1KxnfLuDKoYKq3XrziXbxwDigital Creed

Amazon Polly software logo

Once you have lip-synced your photo and converted the text into speech, you can combine the two using a video editing software like Shotcut or Lightworks. These software are free and open-source, and they have a number of features that can be used to add text, images, and audio to your video.

Once you have added the lip-synced photo and the text-to-speech audio to your video, you can export the video and upload it to your website.

Here are some additional tips for lip-syncing your photo and reading aloud text:

·         Make sure that your photo is high-quality and that the lighting is good. This will help to ensure that the lip-syncing is smooth and realistic.

·         Use a text-to-speech service that has a variety of voices to choose from. This will help you to find a voice that sounds natural and matches your personality.

·         Adjust the speed and pitch of the speech until it sounds natural. You may also want to adjust the volume of the speech so that it is easy to hear.

·         Practice lip-syncing your photo and reading aloud text before you upload the video to your website. This will help you to get the timing and lip-syncing right.



I continued :


Many thanks for useful tips. Is it possible for text to be read aloud in MY OWN VOICE ?


BARD responded :


Yes, it is possible to have text read aloud in your own voice. There are a few different ways to do this.

One way is to use a text-to-speech service that can generate speech that sounds like your own voice. There are a number of different text-to-speech services available, and some of them offer the ability to generate speech that sounds like your own voice.

Another way to have text read aloud in your own voice is to use a speech recognition service to convert your own voice into text. Once the text has been converted, you can then use a text-to-speech service to read the text aloud.

Finally, you can also use a video editing software to lip-sync your own voice to a pre-recorded audio file. This is a more time-consuming process, but it can be a good option if you want to have complete control over the way that your voice sounds.

Here are a few specific text-to-speech services that can generate speech that sounds like your own voice:

·         NaturalReader: NaturalReader is a commercial text-to-speech service that offers a variety of features, including the ability to generate speech that sounds like your own voice.

Description: NaturalReader software logoOpens in a new windowDescription: https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/favicon-tbn?q=tbn:ANd9GcQKIhQ0BwyGHFUnEJ7uRypqIhczqFCnaY0q5Oo6GWfGu2c1wsbsvOX6fXZPL7nozTdhL4qJagMcfrPBPOoF0-5QeGTKRXORC6bK5mcMnkLncx0NaturalReaders

NaturalReader software logo

·         Speechify: Speechify is another commercial text-to-speech service that offers a variety of features, including the ability to generate speech that sounds like your own voice.

Description: Speechify software logoOpens in a new windowDescription: https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/favicon-tbn?q=tbn:ANd9GcSe4KNygC2n_Q551ZWiW6oPAAnqq7NZnEgEE1Qif_18vrH9UfL4lpCbVXkOhziQJGJXvxhzFVXHiinaRIdIJSuEeHx_fwz5cGafqgWikipedia

Speechify software logo

·         Google Text-to-Speech: Google Text-to-Speech is a free online service that offers a limited number of voices, but it does include a voice that sounds like a male speaker.

Here are a few specific speech recognition services that can convert your own voice into text:

·         Google Speech-to-Text: Google Speech-to-Text is a free online service that can be used to convert your own voice into text.

Description: Google Speech-to-Text software logoOpens in a new windowDescription: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/favicon-tbn?q=tbn:ANd9GcSF58rI5qVI8E2U-XA3jj1L7uT4tgaCbJEKjTTqDSMSQKbUPgmUzDYAN66V0okq-l0SPbWWdTnq6UcGxu0Lma2pHXOYbaXMTbWNhwGoogle Cloud

Google Speech-to-Text software logo

·         Amazon Transcribe: Amazon Transcribe is a commercial service that can be used to convert your own voice into text.

Description: Amazon Transcribe software logoOpens in a new windowDescription: https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/favicon-tbn?q=tbn:ANd9GcSO_Ola1hox8zh-C7eef69BHhtn95B7orjGz4rOibSYpVi1XwLd1lNNgN9nK09QyTw89YJ-030A_b_d1iSNXM9jM0cEv7JRFmzQZWr0Brightspot

Amazon Transcribe software logo

Here are a few specific video editing software that can be used to lip-sync your own voice to a pre-recorded audio file:

·         Adobe Premiere Pro: Adobe Premiere Pro is a commercial video editing software that offers a variety of features, including the ability to lip-sync your own voice to a pre-recorded audio file.

Description: Adobe Premiere Pro software logoOpens in a new windowDescription: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/favicon-tbn?q=tbn:ANd9GcR_NNzkUnbNPQfxnjJPFkrIrA5XaSya0rVqwD4UwTyVc5VkE-N4hEkLWsuIiLKs8SFz1JHoxaVgz_Cs33rcw2rA_aiN48YKl6IptiIyTIr_Wikimedia Commons

Adobe Premiere Pro software logo

·         DaVinci Resolve: DaVinci Resolve is another commercial video editing software that offers a variety of features, including the ability to lip-sync your own voice to a pre-recorded audio file.

Description: DaVinci Resolve software logoOpens in a new windowDescription: https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/favicon-tbn?q=tbn:ANd9GcSe4KNygC2n_Q551ZWiW6oPAAnqq7NZnEgEE1Qif_18vrH9UfL4lpCbVXkOhziQJGJXvxhzFVXHiinaRIdIJSuEeHx_fwz5cGafqgWikipedia

DaVinci Resolve software logo

·         Shotcut: Shotcut is a free and open-source video editing software that offers a variety of features, including the ability to lip-sync your own voice to a pre-recorded audio file.

Once you have chosen a text-to-speech service or a speech recognition service, you can follow the instructions that are provided to generate speech that sounds like your own voice or to convert your own voice into text. Once you have generated the speech or converted the text, you can then use a video editing software to lip-sync your own voice to the speech or to add the text to a video.


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