Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Thursday 14 September 2023




I send this to you , hoping it would interest you


My apology for inconvenience if any




Hemen Parekh











Sabarinath – Rejitha,



In yesterday’s Times of India, I came across an article titled :


“ How Skillveri’s XR simulation boosts blue-collar jobs “ ( I could not find it online )


In there, Sabarinath is quoted :


“ Blue-collar work tends to happen in dirtier settings; it doesn’t have a fancy feel to it. But when we bought in our technology, we were able to make the sector feel a bit more attractive- it is not only dirty work, but there is also high-tech work “


True – and well said


In the 1960s , I was ( first ) Planning Engineer ( then ) Production Manager, in the Switchgear Factory of L&T at Powai .  I was responsible for the Shop Floor – including the Paint Shop . So , I understand the “ dirtiness “ of lots of shop-floor process . Most of my 30 years in L&T required me to spend 2 / 3 hours daily on the Shop Floor


Talking of “ High Tech “ part of a blue collar job, in those days, L&T’s heavy engineering workshop used to fabricate from steel plates / alloy plates , precision parts for Atomic Energy power plants – some of which required “ Dust Free Enclosures “


The welders who were supposed to weld these plates, were required to weld a “ Sample Test Plate “ first , every morning. Only if his “ sample “ got approved by the inspector , he would be allowed to continue on the real job , for the rest of the day  !


I suppose , this defines the “ High tech “ in a blue collar job


I am thrilled by the innovation that you are engaged in through XR – VR headsets for imparting “ Skills “ to blue-collar workers


In this context , you may want to look up my following blogs ( from about 27  sent to our Cabinet Ministers / other Policy Makers, as E mails ) :


Ø  Skilling 300 Million ? Here is a way, Shri Pradhanji   … 29 June 2022


Ø  Peter’s WEB 3.0 …………………………….[  09  Dec  2018  ]


Ø   National Skills University : Virtual is the only way …………………….[ 03 Apr 2021 ]


Ø Digital Varsity : a suggested Blue-print

Ø E-Varsity

Ø Organizing the Unorganized

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