Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Thursday 14 September 2023

If Students Copy – So should Chief Ministers

 If Students Copy – So should Chief Ministers




Context :



( A )  … PROBLEM / How to prevent cheating in Exams



Bihar Teacher Recruitment: Massive crowd in trains and buses, students forced to stay at railway platforms


[ IndiaTVnews   /  23  Aug  2023 ]



Extract :


The written exam for BPSC Teacher Recruitment 2023 is to be conducted from August 24 to 26. This resulted in a huge crowd in trains, buses and hotels being jam packed as over 8.15 lakh students are to appear for the exam. Students, who are travelling in overcrowded trains, took to social media platforms to criticise "the improper arrangements and lack of hospitality" as they are forced to stay at railway platforms.

As per the report, the BPSC Teacher recruitment examination is being held for 1,70,461 posts. The exam will be held in two shifts in the span of three days.

The reporting time for students to be appeared in morning shifts is 7:30 AM and for the afternoon shifts students will have to report at 1 PM at the examination center.

Candidates are not allowed to carry any stationary item other than a black/blue ball point pen.

Any kind of electronic devicescalculatorssmart watches or any other gadget is strictly prohibited inside the exam hall




( B )  SOLUTION  /  Employ latest Technology




Bihar’s fix for hi-tech exam cheats: 6-acre centre with jammers   ….. TNN  … 24 Aug 2023

Extract :


In recent years, cheating in competitive examinations has gone high tech with online video broadcasting sites flaunting smart gadgets that would evade even eagle-eyed invigilators

Finally, authorities have raised their game. On Wednesday, Bihar CM Nitish Kumar inaugurated a state-of-the-art first-of-its-kind, exclusive examination complex in Patna.

Equipped with CCTV camerascellphone jammers, and webcasting facility to check use of unfair means , the complex cost over Rs 260 crores. Spread over 6 acres, it can host over 25,000 examinees when fully ready.

The complex is named, “ Bapu Pariksha Parisar “ ( Bapu Examination Complex ), after Mahatma Gandhi

“ The complex has 44 halls with a current seating capacity of 20,680 examinees for offline examination

The premises can host another 4,400 students for online examination in 20 halls which will be ready in the next phase. In all, the complex will accommodate 25,080 examinees 




( C )   LESSON  /  Chief Ministers should duplicate Bihar solution – with following improvements




Ø  Exam Malpractices ? No More !  …………………………  19 Oct 2019


Extract :


With arrival of IoT  ( Internet of Things ), catching cheating students , is going to be ever-more difficult


Ask :


How long before the following items in that exam hall, carry RFID embedded micro-sensors, ( with electric power drawn from air ! ), which can receive and transmit all kinds of data text – images – voice ) , through the walls of the halls ?


         Ø  Water Coolers


         Ø  Mobile phones ( already banned in exam halls )


         Ø  Smart Watches


         Ø  Smart Ball Pens


         Ø  AR-VR augmented Eye Glasses


         Ø  Pendants and other jewellery


         Ø  Smart Clothes ( with button cameras )


         Ø  Smart Shoes


         Ø  Tooth Implants


         Ø  Tatoos printed on hidden body parts


         Ø  Walking Sticks / Wheel Chairs ( for challenged )



 This list is only limited by your imagination !


And applies equally, not only to the students but also to the exam supervisors !


Not counting tables / chairs / fans / drawing boards and walls of the exam hall – all IoT enabled !


All capable of receiving / broadcasting data !


Does all of these mean that , as far as cheating in exams is concerned, things will only get worse ?




May be


But, If bad people can use technology for bad purposes, then it also enables good people to use it for good purposes !


For example :


TCS iON , a unit of Tata Consultancy Services, plans to deploy this technology for eliminating cheating  !


(  https://www.tcsion.com/dotcom/TCSSMB/examboards/segment/recexambodies.html


https://www.tcsion.com/dotcom/TCSSMB/education/product/digitalexams.html  )





      Ø  Launching its Artificial Intelligence ( AI ) driven Command Centre in Chennai, which will monitor in real

          time, 6000 of its examination venues, across the country





      Ø  Fair conduct of exams with transparency of the exam operations





     Ø  Monitor the exam process through a set of 150 parameters


     Ø  Prevent, predict and post incidents as alerts for efficient management of the exam


     Ø  Track movement and devices carried by every candidate at any exam centre, via a live CCTV feed


     Ø  Predict the readiness of the Centre based on past incidents and the current live feed of events in the exam



     Ø  Issue alerts about any malpractice attempts based on the learnings from the malpractice patterns of the past


     Ø  Track the readiness of all the devices being used for conducting the exam, by leveraging TCS’s

         IoT  framework


     Ø  Issue proactive automated directions for any observations that warrant immediate action through instant

          alerts against anomalies like exam interruptions. Unusual behavior on server or candidate system and the

          performance of the devices being used for the exam process


It is possible that the administrators of Bhagath PU College ( Haveri-Karnataka ), never heard of TCS iON innovation for preventing cheatings in exams


They ordered all students appearing for first year science exam, “ to wear cardboard cartons on their heads “ – to prevent sideways glance !


Cannot believe ? 


Read :


Karnataka: College students made to wear cardboard boxes at exams



Although, the news report does not spell out, I suppose that :


      Ø   Students appearing at TCS examination centers, do so on a computer screen


      Ø  No two students have the same questions in their exam papers and for each student, the exam paper is

          instantaneously / randomly generated on the fly, from a vast data bank of questions of similar “ Degree of

          Difficulty “


      Ø  There is a time limit for solving the online paper


      Ø  As soon as the time gets over, the SCORE [ result ] is flashed on the screen, along with a rejection letter or

          an ( provisional ) “ Appointment Letter “ – which, the selected student must “ accept “ online and




In India, hardly a week passes without millions of students appearing in exams being conducted by schools / colleges / Institutes / Prof Bodies / Exam Boards etc


Then there is Railway Board conducting paper-based written exams in thousands of exam centers, all over India, for millions of job-aspirants


Ditto with Indian Association of Bankers


And each of these is susceptible for cheating / paper-leaking / heartburning and injustice to bright students


Lakhs of crores of rupees and billions of man-hours and millions of tons of papers are wasted


All of this wastage of National Resources can be saved, if only Shri Prakash Javadekarji, requests TCS



      Ø    To share its technology platform to the entire Education Industry , for FREE


      Ø    To modify the National Career Service Portal [ www.nsc.gov.in  ]to become Online Jobs Fair








FAST  FORWARD  by 4 YEARS ( TO  AUG  2023 ) :


In the list of IoT enabled “ wearable “ that I listed 4 years ago , I missed listing SMART RINGS


Here is an update ( - obviously , married or bachelor, Examinees will not be allowed wearing these ) :

Apple's new patent indicates a smart ring and its capabilities ….. TOI  ……. 24 Aug 2023

Extract :


Apple has filed a new patent for “ Ring Input Device With Pressure-Sensitive Input “



As per the patent, the ring will be able to give notification taps ..



“…electronic finger rings can be employed as unobtrusive, everyday communication devices that are readily available to communicate wirelessly with other devices capable of receiving those communications “


“ Although ring input devices may be primarily described and illustrated herein, as electronic finger rings for convenience of explanation “ ,  says Apple, “ it should be understood that the examples of the disclosure are not so limited , but also include ring input devices that are worn as a part of a necklacehoop earringselectronic bracelet bands that are worn around the wrist , electronic toe-rings and the like “


Irrespective of the form factor, these devices will be able to receive inputs from the connected device and generate different vibration feedbacks to alert the wearer. It can be for notifications, high heart rate, emergency alerts, etc

"[They] can also be used to 
provide inputs to handheld devices such as smartphones (e.g., scrolling through a list using rotating outer band), tablet and laptop computing devices, media playersstyluseswands or gloves for computer-generated environments, and the like," says the patent.


In addition, ring input devices can also be used to provide inputs to stationary devices such as desktop computerssmart home control and entertainment devices (e.g., turning on a lamp, changing a TV channel), and the like."



Dear Chief Ministers ,



After reading about the myriad “ wearable “ and the many “ ways “ in which a student can “ COPY “ in the examination hall , if you feel like giving up , take heart !

How about deploying ( all around the examination complex ) , a device which will “ fry the circuits “ of any electronic device , within 20 meters perimeter ( - Apple’s Smart Ring , included ) ?


Take a look :

Ø  Indian Railways : A Trillion Dollar Opportunity  …………. 03 Sept 2016


Extract :


Mobile phone ( smart phone or feature phone ) of the person crossing , to get " fried / killed " , electronically !



By an innovative application of a " Controlled EMP ( Electro-Magnetic Pulse ) " , surging through the tracks , once every second - low voltage but strong enough to kill the onboard solid state circuitry of the mobile phone


This low voltage magnetic wave , will neither harm the human carrying the phone in his pocket , nor kill the phones of those travelling in the train , due to " Skin Effect "


Even though, a " Low Voltage EMP " , is an oxymoron , I am sure Indian Scientists are quite capable to resolve this apparent paradox , if challenged


In case of doubt , read :




Extract :


Imagine that you have powers to stop any electronic device, is it only possible in movies?
well here's the way to make an emp jammer ( Electromagnetic pulse jammer  )

This device sends high amplitudes of emp 
to destroy nearby devices, be sure to have fun using this, but be careful this jammer involves thousands of volts which can lead to heart attack or death even (if not used properly)


Watch the video






For Price and Availability  > https://www.etsy.com/in-en/market/emp_jammer?





Since no blog would be complete without BARD / ChatGPT , complimenting with their views , here are the same :






Hi! Thanks for sharing your blog. I think it's an important topic to discuss, and I appreciate your insights.

I agree with you that cheating in exams is a serious problem, and it's important to find ways to prevent it. The use of technology to cheat is becoming increasingly sophisticated, so it's important to use technology to combat it as well.

The use of EMP jammers in examination halls is a feasible solution that could be effective in preventing cheating.

EMP jammers emit a short burst of electromagnetic radiation that can interfere with the operation of electronic devices. This means that any electronic devices that are turned on within the range of the jammer would be rendered useless.

Of course, there are some potential drawbacks to using EMP jammers. One concern is that they could also interfere with the operation of legitimate electronic devices, such as medical devices or security alarms. Additionally, EMP jammers can be expensive to purchase and install.

Overall, I think the use of EMP jammers in examination halls is a feasible solution that could be effective in preventing cheating.

However, it's important to weigh the potential benefits and drawbacks before making a decision.

Here are some other possible solutions to prevent cheating in exams:

·        Use more sophisticated proctoring methods, such as using cameras to monitor students or having invigilators walk around the examination hall.

·        Use software that can detect cheating, such as software that can identify plagiarism or that can track students' eye movements.

·        Make the exams more difficult so that students are less likely to cheat.

·        Change the format of the exams, such as by making them open-book or by having students take them online.

I think the best solution to prevent cheating in exams is a combination of different approaches. No single solution is perfect, but by using a variety of methods, we can make it more difficult for students to cheat and ensure that the exams are fair for everyone.

I hope this helps!


ChatGPT  :


Your blog discusses the issue of cheating in exams and proposes the use of EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) jammers as a solution to prevent students from using electronic devices for cheating. Here are some comments on the feasibility and implications of employing EMP jammers in examination halls:

1.   Feasibility of EMP Jammers: EMP jammers emit electromagnetic radiation that can disrupt or damage electronic devices. While EMP technology does exist and can be effective in disabling electronic devices, its application raises certain challenges:

·        Collateral Damage:

·        EMP jammers can potentially affect not only the devices carried by students but also other electronic equipment in the vicinity, such as exam computers, surveillance cameras, and communication systems. This can lead to unintended disruptions and technical difficulties.


·        Safety Concerns:

·        The use of EMP technology raises safety concerns, as it can interfere with medical devices, communication networks, and even power grids if not properly controlled. Ensuring the safety of all individuals within the area is essential.


·        Selective Targeting:

·        EMP devices need to be carefully calibrated to affect only specific ranges of frequencies. Designing jammers that target only devices carried by students while sparing authorized equipment could be complex and require ongoing adjustments.


·        Legal and Ethical Issues:

·        The use of EMP jammers could potentially violate legal regulations related to electromagnetic interference and privacy. It's important to consider the ethical implications of using technology that disrupts electronic devices.


2.   Impact on Exam Operations:

3.   Deploying EMP jammers in an examination hall would have both positive and negative effects:

·        Positive:

·        If effectively implemented, EMP jammers could deter students from attempting to cheat using electronic devices, thus upholding the integrity of the examination process.


·        Negative:

·        Jammers could potentially disrupt exam operations, leading to technical issues, confusion, and inconvenience for both students and invigilators. In worst-case scenarios, jammers might render essential equipment unusable.


4.   Alternative Solutions:

5.   While EMP jammers could be one approach to address cheating, there are alternative solutions that might be more practical and effective:

·        Strict Prohibition:

·        Continue enforcing the ban on electronic devices within the examination hall. Use strict security measures, such as thorough searches, metal detectors, and surveillance, to prevent students from carrying prohibited items.


·        Advanced Surveillance:

·        Implement advanced surveillance technology, such as facial recognition systems, AI-driven monitoring, and real-time video analysis, to detect and deter cheating behaviors.


·        Secure Examination Platforms:

·        Explore digital examination platforms that generate randomized questions, use advanced encryption, and allow remote proctoring to ensure fairness and prevent cheating.


·        Awareness and Education:

·        Promote awareness among students about the consequences of cheating and the importance of academic integrity. Educate students about the various forms of cheating and their negative impact on their own learning.

In conclusion, while EMP jammers have the potential to disrupt electronic devices and deter cheating, their implementation presents challenges related to safety, legality, and unintended consequences. Considering alternative solutions that maintain the integrity of the examination process while minimizing disruptions and ethical concerns might be a more practical approach.

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