Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Thursday 14 September 2023

Here comes : DEEES of My Dream / Launched at 12 : 50 PM on 23 Aug 2023

 Here comes :  DEEES  of My Dream





DEEES = Domestic Energy Efficiency Eco System



Context :


Look at the following image which appeared in Times of India ( 23 Aug 2023 ) :



Description: Description: C:\Users\HCP\Desktop\Smart Meter , Aug 2023.jpg



My Dream :


 Carbon Finance through Carbon Credits  …………………… 12  March  2021


Extract :

         Here is a partial list of domestic appliances which consume electricity ( apart from LED bulbs ) :


TV sets – Refrigerators – Air Conditioners – Fans – Deep Freezers – Ovens – Electric Stoves – Mixers – Computers – Cloths Washing Machines – Dish Washers – Radios – Tablets – Robotic Floor Sweepers – Massagers – etc


Ø     By 2030, all of these must be made “ Energy Efficient Appliances “ , certified

       by Bureau of Energy Efficiency [ BEE ]


Ø     Just as was done in respect of ICE vehicles ( BS IV > BS VI compliance ), all

       electric Appliance Manufacturers must be mandated to switch over to

       manufacture of only BEE certified appliances in 4 phases ( April 2022 – 24 – 26-

       28 )


Ø     Each such appliance MUST be pre-installed / integrated with SENSORS which

       will continuously monitor its,


#   State of Usage ( ON or OFF )

#   Rate of Consumption of electricity ( Units )


These INTERNET-CONNECTED appliances will continuously relay /

transmit these data to the SMART ELECTRIC METER installed in each home


In turn, each SMART METER will relay / transmit to concerned DISCOM (

and to any other specified govt agency servers ), such usage / consumption

data, through Internet ( IoT / Internet of Everything ).


These data-transfer will be separate for EACH INDIVIDUAL APPLIANCE


This will enable DISCOM / concerned Agencies, to know / monitor, IN-

EFFICIENT appliances, operating above the CERTIFIED THRESHOLD for

each type of appliance


Appliances operating “ above “ the threshold, will be assigned / allotted “

CARBON DEBITS “ , whereas those operating “ below “ the threshold, will

be assigned “ CARBON CREDITS “


If the NET of these two is POSITIVE ( + ), that home will be incentivized

by a lower tariff – and vice-versa


This model ( of INCENTIVIZATION ) must be further strengthened by

measuring the amount of ROOF TOP Solar Power , flowing into the SMART

METER , with appropriate linkages to CARBON CREDIT


This linkage will motivate a large number of households to install ROOF TOP

solar panels


This scheme will enable us to take the CARBON MARKET / CARBON CREDIT

/ CARBON FINANCE concept, right inside our 290 MILLION households !


Ø    All manufacturers of House-hold Electric Meters must be told to manufacture

      only SMART ELECTRIC METERS , starting April 2022


Ø   All DISCOMS to replace existing meters in each and every home, with a SMART

     METER, by April 2024


This is only a CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK whose details are not difficult to work





My dream got corroborated by BARD , as under :

My poser to BARD :


Good Morning, BARD :

Under UN's Sustainable Develioment Goals ( SDG ), is there any specific reference to introduction / promotion of " Energy Efficient Electric Appliances " ?


BARD replied :


Yes, there is a specific reference to the introduction and promotion of energy efficient electric appliances under the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

SDG 7 is the goal that deals with energy, and its target 7.3 specifically calls for doubling the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency by 2030.

This can be achieved through a number of measures, including the introduction and promotion of energy efficient electric appliances.

Energy efficient electric appliances use less energy to operate, which can lead to significant savings on energy bills. They can also help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to climate change.

There are a number of ways to introduce and promote energy efficient electric appliances. Governments can set standards for energy efficiency, provide subsidies for the purchase of energy efficient appliances, and educate consumers about the benefits of energy efficiency. Businesses can also play a role by developing and marketing energy efficient appliances.

The introduction and promotion of energy efficient electric appliances is an important part of achieving SDG 7 and mitigating climate change. By using less energy, we can help to protect the environment and create a more sustainable future.

Here are some specific examples of how energy efficient electric appliances can help to achieve the SDGs:

·        Energy efficient refrigerators can save up to 25% of energy compared to standard refrigerators. This can lead to significant savings on energy bills and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

·        Energy efficient light bulbs can save up to 80% of energy compared to incandescent light bulbs. This can also lead to significant savings on energy bills and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

·        Energy efficient air conditioners can save up to 30% of energy compared to standard air conditioners. This can help to reduce energy costs and improve indoor air quality.

By introducing and promoting energy efficient electric appliances, we can help to achieve the SDGs and create a more sustainable future.

My  Observations :

Ø  SDG 7 / target 7.3 calls for “ doubling the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency by 2030 “

Ø  I have no idea as to what is the “ CURRENT RATE of IMPROVEMENT in ENERGY EFFICIENCY “

Ø  So , there is no way to figure out , what that DOUBLING of the RATE of improvement , will amount to

Ø  Again, besides being consumed by DOMESTIC HOUSEHOLDS,  electricity is used for Industry / Agriculture / Commercial establishment etc

Ø  Hence “ Energy Efficiency Improvement “ due to “ Domestic Households “, will form only a “ small part “ of whatever IMPROVEMENT will happen overall

Please look at the following tabulation ( prepared by BARD ) , in light of foregoing observations :

The consumption of electricity by an average Indian household is increasing every year. The figures that I had given you were based on the assumption that the consumption would continue to increase at the same rate. However, I have now revised my estimates and the revised table is as follows:

Annual Domestic Electricity Consumption of an Average Indian Household

  (A)  Past Actual Consumption ( till 2022-23 )


Consumption (kWh)

Number of Households



262.5 million



270.3 million



278.1 million



286 million



293.8 million


(B)   Future Projected Consumption ( till 2027-28 )


Consumption (kWh)

Number of Households

Percentage Improvement in Energy Efficiency



301.7 million




309.5 million




317.4 million




325.3 million




333.2 million


The revised table shows that the consumption of electricity by an average Indian household will continue to increase till 2023-24.

However, after that, the consumption will start to decrease due to the improvement in energy efficiency.

I apologize for the mistake in the earlier table. I am still under development and learning to generate accurate and relevant responses. Thank you for pointing out the mistake.


Ø  You will notice that I asked BARD to assume some MODEST IMPROVEMENT figures ( last column )

Ø  Even with such modest improvement targets, how many units of electricity can an ave domestic household SAVE ?– of course , by using the Domestic Energy Efficiency Eco System DEEES ), suggested by me in my blog of MARCH 2021 ? 

Ø  Can this ENERGY SAVING be converted into CARBON CREDITS ? If yes , then how many ?

Ø  Can a Domestic Household , SELL  this EARNED carbon credits in CARBON TRADE MARKET ?

Ø  If yes, how many RUPEES can household earn ?

BARD provided following calculations :

Future Projected Consumption (till 2027-28)


Consumption (kWh)

Number of Households

Percentage Improvement in Energy Efficiency

Annual Saving due to Improved Energy Efficiency (kWh)

Eligible Carbon Credits ( @ 1 credit per 1 tonne of avoided emission )



301.7 million






309.5 million






317.4 million






325.3 million






333.2 million





The number of carbon credits eligible due to units saved is calculated by multiplying the annual saving due to improved energy efficiency by the number of carbon credits per tonne of avoided emission.

In this case, I have assumed that one carbon credit is awarded for every tonne of avoided emission. This is a common assumption, but it is important to note that the actual number of carbon credits awarded may vary depending on the scheme.

I have also assumed that the average Indian household consumes 1 unit of electricity for every 10 kWh of energy saved.

This is a rough estimate, but it is a good starting point. The actual amount of electricity saved per unit of carbon credit will vary depending on the type of energy efficiency measure being implemented.

I hope this is what you were looking for. Let me know if you have any other questions.


·        The estimates in this table are based on a number of assumptions, including the following:

o   The percentage improvement in energy efficiency is linear.

o   The number of carbon credits per tonne of avoided emission is 1.

o   The average Indian household consumes 1 unit of electricity for every 10 kWh of energy saved.

·        The actual number of carbon credits eligible may vary depending on the actual implementation of energy efficiency measures and the scheme under which the credits are awarded.

The annual saving due to improved energy efficiency is calculated by multiplying the percentage improvement in energy efficiency by the projected consumption of an average Indian household.

For example, in 2023-24, the projected consumption of an average Indian household is 1245.7 kWh and the percentage improvement in energy efficiency is 10%. This means that the annual saving due to improved energy efficiency is 124.57 kWh

The price of carbon credits in the carbon trading market varies depending on a number of factors, including the supply and demand for credits, the perceived risk of climate change, and the policies in place to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

In 2022, the price of carbon credits in the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) averaged around $ 80 per tonne.

However, the price has fluctuated significantly in recent years, and it is impossible to say for sure what the price will be in the future.

If we assume that the price of carbon credits remains at around $ 80 per tonne, then a household that earns 1 carbon credit could earn around $ 80.

However, it is important to note that this is just an estimate, and the actual amount of money that a household could earn may be more or less than this.

It is also important to note that the carbon trading market is a complex and volatile market. The price of carbon credits can fluctuate significantly in response to changes in supply and demand, as well as changes in the political landscape. As a result, it is important to do your research before investing in carbon credits.

Here are some additional things to consider when estimating the amount of money that a household could earn by selling carbon credits:

·        The number of carbon credits that a household could earn will depend on the amount of energy that they save.

·        The price of carbon credits will fluctuate over time.

·        The carbon trading market is a complex and volatile market.

·        There are risks associated with investing in carbon credits.

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