Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Friday 22 September 2023


 Regulating  AI : Echoes are Reverberating


U.S. Chamber of Commerce calls for AI regulation     …………  Reuters  /  09 March 2023

Extract :

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce on Thursday called for regulation of artificial intelligence technology to ensure it does not hurt growth or become a national security risk, a departure from the business lobbying group’s typical anti-regulatory stance.

While there is little in terms of proposed legislation for AI, the fast-growing artificial intelligence program ChatGPT that has drawn praise for its ability to write answers quickly to a wide range of queries has raised U.S. lawmakers’ concerns about its impact on national security and education.

The Chamber report argues policymakers and business leaders must quickly ramp up their efforts to establish a “risk-based regulatory framework” that will ensure AI is deployed responsibly.

It added that AI is projected to add $13 trillion to global economic growth by 2030 and that it has made important contributions such as easing hospital nursing shortages and mapping wildfires to speed emergency management officials’ response. The report emphasized the need to be ready for the technology’s looming ubiquity and potential dangers.

The report asserts that within 20 years, “virtually every” business and government agency will use AI.

A product of a commission on artificial intelligence that the Chamber established last year, the report is in part a recognition of the critical role the business community will play in the deployment and management of AI, the Chamber said.

Even as it calls for more regulation, the Chamber is careful to caveat that there may be broad exceptions to how regulation is applied.

“Rather than trying to develop a one size-fits-all regulatory framework, this approach to AI regulation allows for the development of flexible, industry-specific guidance and best practices,” the report says.



MY  TAKE    :


Ø  Meta mirrors Parekh’s Law of Chatbots  …  ………..08 Mar 2023


Ø  Chatbots : the GOOD , the BAD and the UGLY …. 08 Mar 2023


Ø  An Alternate World to Escape to ?  …………………….. 07 Mar 2023


Ø  Now Assurance : Next , Obligation ?  …………………. 05 Mar 2023


Ø  Pick a Holiday Planner-for your ROMAN HOLIDAY.. 03 Mar 2023


Ø  My “ Law of Chatbots “ – Vindicated.. …………………. 02 Mar 2023


Ø  ChatGPT has a definite Edge ……………………………….. 28 Feb 2023


Ø  Chatbot Regulation Seems Inevitable ………………….  27 Feb 2023


Ø  Parekh’s Law of Chatbots ………………………………………. 25 Feb 2023




Ø  A Tale of 3 AI  …………………………………………………………. 13 Feb 2023


Ø  Mr Harari , You are right  …………………………………………. 13 Feb 2023


Ø  Salaam , ChatGPT .. ……………………………………………………11 Feb 2023


Ø  How About PERSONAL BRANDING yourself ?............. 09 Feb 2023


Ø  ChatGPT vs www.hemenparekh.ai............................ 09 Feb 2023


Ø  ChatGPT : circa 2016  ……………………………………………….. 26  Jan 2023


Ø  ChatGPT : - an attempt to malign ? ………………………….. 17 Jan 2023


Ø  ChatGPT : saga continues ………………………………………….  16 Jan 2023


Ø  Code Red : for the Humanity ? …………………………………… 08 Jan 2023


Ø  If Satya is here, can Sundar be far behind ?............... 04 Jan 2023


Ø  Now it is ChatGpt vs YouChat  ……………………………………. 03 Jan 2023


Ø  My Experiments with ChatGPT ……………………………………  25 Dec 2022


Ø  Google , watch out – here comes ChatGPT !................25 Dec 2022





Dear Shri Rajeev Chandrasekharji,



In today’s Economic Times , you are quoted as :



“  There is space for criminalities and illegalities, and NEW COMPLEX  FORMS of user harms…. There is proliferation of HATE SPEECH,  DISINFORMATION ,




The new bill will attempt to address these concerns 




Following is your quote from :


Centre Reviewing 'Safe Harbour' Clause In Digital India Bill: Minister



Extract :



Mr Chandrasekhar said legislation has to be in place for the next 10 years to catalyse the innovation ecosystem, protect consumers, be future-proof and future-ready.

"At a time when technology is disrupting so rapidly. There is AI (Artificial Intelligence). There is AI compute, blockchain, there are all types of big disruptive changes underway. That is a time that this legislation has been brought. So this legislation has to be future-ready and it has to be future-proof," he said.


Dear Shri Chandrasekharji,



The only way to make DIGITAL INDIA BILL , future-ready, is to implement :


Ø  Parekh’s Law of Chatbots ………………………………………. 25 Feb 2023



I realize that we, in India, cannot implement this ( or a similar ) law , on our own


But I urge you to seize this opportunity ( of G 20 Leadership position ), to start a debate


To begin with, please consider an online survey using Google Forms




With regards,


Hemen Parekh


www.hemenparekh.ai  /  10 March 2023

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