Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Friday 22 September 2023


 An Alternate World to Escape to ?




Context :


A few days ago, I wrote :

Ø  Pick a Holiday Planner - for your ROMAN HOLIDAY ……………….  [ 03 Mar 2023 ]


Extract :

Within next 12 months, “ Text to Image “ AIs ( like MidJourney – DALL E –

DreamFusion etc ), might even succeed in converting “ Text to Augmented Reality

“ videos of Rome , onto your META launched eye-glasses !

You may not even have to leave your bedroom for taking that 3 day “ Roman Holiday “ !


Today , I came across following article :

The Future of AR Glasses Is AI-Enabled  .......... 06 Mar 2023


 Ari Grobman 




Extract :


Advancements in artificial intelligence are dominating the mainstream conversation. Applications of AI seem limitless – and it’s no surprise that it will transform our world and how we interact with it. Along with many other industries, that especially applies to augmented reality.

AI models are already being used to build immersive AR experiences – especially on mobile device apps. The fields of augmented reality and artificial intelligence are working together to create intuitive, unique experiences that more thoroughly blend the real and digital worlds.


The next frontier in AI and AR development is implementing advanced AI capabilities into consumer AR glasses to expand the possibilities of immersive engagement.


Generative AI will accelerate the creation of 3D worlds, and create limitless possibilities for wearers to create their own realities


Generative AI features advances in algorithms, language models and the increased processing power available to run the necessary calculations to map and interact with the physical world.

To date, there’s limitations on 3D models in AR glasses because they’re essentially manual. However, Generative AI would create these very quickly and autonomously.  Generative AI in AR glasses will help build 3D models more quickly, unlocking the full potential of AR.


This creation of the digital world, to overlay the physical world, will be faster, more complete and immersive without intensive manual labor needed.


Generative AI will also transform the user-experience and how we interact with physical space. With Generative AI-enabled AR glasses, wearers can literally transpose their imaginations into the real world.

Without needing to code, wearers can use voice recognition to ‘speak’ their images and 3D objects through their AR glasses exactly how they want it.

They could say: “imagine there is a dolphin swimming through the room” – and it would appear in front of them. The opportunities for this immersion are virtually limitless for entertainment, work, and beyond.

AR glasses that employ Generative AI will also change the gaming world to create a far more immersive and personalized gaming experience. For example, with ChatGPT, it will be easier to create more realistic characters and add new quests or gaming worlds. It could also be used to improve the gaming experience by analyzing player behavior and making the game easier or more challenging for the player in real time, customizing the experience autonomously.

AI-enabled translation of speech + written text will reduce language barriers

Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) uses neural network audio visual speech recognition (an algorithm relying on image processing to extract text). This can translate written text – like that on a menu in a foreign country –  into your native language in real time.

When applied in AR glasses, it can provide real-time subtitles of your native language while someone is speaking in another language – all within the frames of your AR glassesThis eliminates the frustration of tourists and business people trying to communicate in the local language and thus foster a more communicative and collaborative world.

Text recognition and translation combine AI Optical Character Recognition (OCR) techniques with text-to-text translation engines such as DeepL. AI engines like Stable Diffusion can also augment one’s communication with animations or other visual aids that can help convey complex or detailed concepts. This deepens the user’s engagement: a pair of AR glasses employing this AI can showcase a corresponding image, or video in real-time that is relevant to what the user is saying in front of them at a panel or presentation. Google recently teased developing AR glasses with this functionality.



Insertion :

Google bets big on AI with a 1000-language model to beat ChatGPT ……….. Business Line / 07 Mar 2023


Extract :

Google has now shared more information about the Universal Speech Model (USM). The USM is a system that has been described as a "critical first step" in realizing the company's goals, which is now moving closer toward its goal of building an artificial intelligence (AI) language model that supports 1,000 different languages to beat ChatGPT

Google in November last year had announced its plans to create a language model supporting 1,000 of the world's most-spoken languages while also revealing its USM model.

USM has been explained as a family of state-of-the-art speech models with 2 billion parameters trained on 12 million hours of speech and 28 billion sentences of text, spanning 300+ languages.

"USM, which is for use in YouTube (e.g., for closed captions), can perform automatic speech recognition (ASR) not only on widely spoken languages like English and Mandarin, but also on under-resourced languages like Amharic, Cebuano, Assamese, and Azerbaijani to name a few," Google said in a blog post.

 Currently the tech giant claims that USM supports over 100 languages and will serve as the "foundation" for a much larger system.

Meanwhile, in a bid to compete with the popularity of ChatGPT, Google rushed in to launch Bard. The response for Bard has been underwhelming. Employees of the company have described the rollout as 'botched'.

Google has said that it will also include Bard's underlying technology LaMDA in Google Search. It will essentially let users search for queries and get results based on SEO optimization. Additionally, it will also have a separate chatbox to include conversational results based on web results.

However, Sundar Pichai has been on a mission to make it work. According to a CNBC report, Pichai in a company-wide mail asked the workers to test Bard and spend some time with it.



It also enables the deaf community to engage in everyday conversations without the need to lip-read or make eye contact by instantly turning audio into captions that are displayed in front of the wearer’s eyes.


AI is making its presence felt in healthcare, education and numerous other fields.

Soon we will have smart AR glass that, like popular science fiction, will transport people into augmented or virtual reality environments where AI quickly maps the room and position of the speaker to make virtual communication seamless and less cumbersome no matter where either party is located.

AI helps AR glasses easily detect and label objects in the real world – deepening engagement.

Convolutional neural network (CNN) algorithms in object detection are currently used in mobile devices to estimate the position and extent of objects within a scene. Once it detects an object, AR software can overlay text onto it or generate another object into the physical world, and create an interaction between the two. Objects that are transposed into the real world have many applications including instruction, navigation, diet and nutrition, and many others.


When wearing a pair of AR glasses with these AI capabilities, for example, a user can walk the streets of any city and learn about any landmark in real-time upon viewing it. The AR glasses can identify, label, and provide information about the city and its landmarks – all through the wearer’s frames. As object recognition technology improves, nutritional data such as calories, protein, fat, and cholesterol of any food and serving size will be available. In the meantime, simple QR codes on products will conjure up the nutritional details for users.

Outside of purely object detection, facial recognition software is also becoming commonplace for people detection. Already, facial recognition is taking off in the airline industry as more flights use the technology to confirm a passenger’s identity – adding an additional security layer and speeding up the boarding process. Facial recognition, when employed in AR glasses, could give the power of recognition to wearers everywhere.


For example, in the near future with AR glasses, you may be able to meet with others on social media and receive their background information instantly before deciding if you want to ‘friend’ or connect with them.


AI-enabled AR glasses are changing our lives and their visuals and capabilities will continue to improve. In our increasingly connected world, they are simplifying tasks and breaking down barriers that only a few years ago were thought to be impenetrable. Artificial intelligence advancements are occurring so rapidly that over the next 10 years, AI will make more progress than in the fifty before it. Whether it’s government, business, or a personal environment, artificial intelligence will soon merge with AR glasses to blend our physical and digital environments.


My  Take :


What do I want the congruence / convergence / melding, of the following technologies , to do for me ? :


Ø  Artificial Intelligence / Neural Network 

Ø  Face Recognition

Ø  ChatGPT type conversation

Ø  Google USM

Ø  AR-VR Glasses ( Meta – Apple – Google – Samsung etc )

Ø  Speech to Text  /  Text to Speech conversion

Ø  “ Text to Image / Text to Video “ generation

Ø  Generation of 3D Volumetric Holograms in air ( ala IKIN )


To begin with, I would like to :


      #  While I am still alive ( I am 89 + ), wearing a simple-looking / light weight AR – VR glasses, be able to :



Ø   “ SEE “  into my bedroom any place on earth as 3D Volumetric Hologram,

Ø   “ TALK / LISTEN “ with the citizen found in those places, in their languages ,

Ø   “ FEEL “  the air on my skin ,

Ø   “ SMELL “  the fragrance of local flowers ,

Ø   “ TASTE “  the local cuisine


Ø   Bring to LIFE , my long dead friends / relatives ( whose photos – videos I have uploaded online ) and “ Re-Live “ those sweet moments in time, all over again , just by THINKING about those memories . In a nutshell , enable me to TRAVEL BACK in TIME


      #  After I am dead :


Ø  Bring to LIFE my Digital Avatar (  www.hemenparekh.ai ) which will continue forever , to  converse with all visitors ( as 3D Volumetric Hologram ) – thereby attaining VIRTUAL IMMORTALITY – much like TRAVEL FORWARD in TIME




With regards,


Hemen Parekh


www.hemenparekh.ai  / 08 March 2023   

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