Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Monday 18 September 2023


 NEOR  :  as envisaged



Context :

Coming soon: A jailbird-like code to identify economic offenders     …  15 May 2023 



Extract :


In a far-reaching decision that might close the dragnet on economic offenders swiftly through multi-pronged action by investigative agencies, the government is working on a plan to use an alpha-numeric code for both companies and individuals, The Times of India has reported.


It will be known as a Unique Economic Offender Code.


Once implemented it might label individuals such as Vijay Mallya or Nirav Modi with such codes.

While errant companies will be tagged with a code that would be linked with their PAN, the code for individuals will be linked to their Aadhaar, the report said.


The step that is almost like that of slapping a number on a jailbird is part of a bigger nationwide architecture for efficient investigation and prosecution of economic offences.



The Centre is putting together a National Economic Offences Records that will be a database of all economic offenders, both companies and individuals.


Once it is up and running, all information and data pertaining to economic offences at the state and federal-level will be fed into this repository.


The aim of this project is to enable all economic law enforcing agencies to simultaneously start investigating and share information of such offenders and overcome the limitations of the present system which demands that one agency can handover information to another only after it has completed its work and filed the chargesheet. This practice often leads to tardy investigation.


The new initiative would allow free flow of information by all Union and state-level investigative agencies.

Incidentally, the Central Economic Intelligence Bureau has already put together a database of 2.5 lakh economic offenders.


With economic offences frequently obliterating geographical and political boundaries and the funds siphoned out of one country being regularly employed in another for subversive activities, the move seems to be a part of an international plan to rein in economic offences such as money laundering.


An intergovernmental team from the Paris-based Financial Action Task Force is expected to visit India in a few months to have a look at the progress of the architecture. This task force is engaged in maintaining vigil over money laundering and terrorist financing.


The project might cost around Rs 40 crore and might be ready in the next five months or so.






Ø E - Governance ?   ……………………………  03  April  2014


Extract :


Can e-Governance help eliminate corruption  ?



Most certainly



Look at the following , partial list of Central and State Agencies set up to fight fraud , money-laundering , corruption , tax-evasion , economic crimes etc :




>  Public Accounts Committee           (  PAC  )



>  Central Vigilance Commission        (  CVC  )



>  Central Information Commission     (  CIC  )



>  Research and Analysis Wing           (  RAW  )



>  Serious Fraud Investigation Office   (  SFIO  )



>  Information Bureau                        (  IB   )



>  Economic Offence Wing                   (  EOW  )



>  Central Bureau of Investigation        (  CBI  )



>  Department of Revenue Intelligence (  DIR  )



>  Comptroller and Auditor General       (  CAG  )



>  Anti Corruption Bureaus ( States ).... (  ACB  )



>  Enforcement Directorate                    (  ED   )



>  Lok  Ayukts    (  States   )



>  Lok Pal           ( Central  )





Despite such an army of Agencies , how do corrupt manage to get away  ?



Or , in case caught , manage to delay delivery of punishment for years  ?



No doubt , there must be several reasons , including , inter - agency rivalry to get credit - something difficult to eliminate altogether



But , I believe , the most important reason is :




Lack of a COMMON  / COMPUTERIZED database of all offences / cases / persons being investigated


And , which is readily " Accessible " to all of these Agencies , all over the country ( 24 * 365 )




Already , every Agency compiles huge dossiers on " Suspects " in its own 

" Departmental Database " , which is never shared with other Agencies ,

leading to ,



>   Huge amount of duplication of efforts / information



>   Fractured / scattered profiles of " Suspects "



>   Enormous waste of time / resources




What will help  ?




>  Dismantling of individual departmental databases



>  Merging of all Agency-wise databases into a SINGLE / UNIQUE database



>  All Agencies to enter their findings / data / info into this COMMON

     database , with nothing preserved on local computers



>  All data-entry FORMS to be ONLINE . No paper forms at all



>  All local computers connected to ultra-secure Network ( Encrypted )



>  " Access Rights " to individuals , based on Biometric Identification




Here is a comparison made by ChatGPT :


Here is a tabulated comparison of the salient features of NEOR (extract from "Coming soon: A jailbird-like code to identify economic offenders") and E-Governance (extract from "Can e-Governance help eliminate corruption?"):

Salient Features

NEOR (May 2023)

E-Governance (April 2014)


Identify economic offenders through a unique alpha-numeric code

Eliminate corruption and streamline governance

Target Entities

Companies and individuals involved in economic offenses

Central and state agencies fighting fraud, corruption, and economic crimes

Coding System

Unique Economic Offender Code linked to PAN (for companies) and Aadhaar (for individuals)



National Economic Offences Records (NEOR) for storing information on economic offenders

Individual departmental databases for each agency

Information Sharing

Enable simultaneous investigation and information sharing among all economic law enforcing agencies

Lack of a common/computerized database leads to duplication of efforts and fragmented profiles


Accessible to all Union and state-level investigative agencies

Limited accessibility and sharing of information between agencies


Estimated cost of around Rs 40 crore



Expected to be ready in the next five months or so (May 2023)



Efficient investigation and prosecution of economic offenses, including money laundering

Fighting fraud, corruption, and economic crimes

International Cooperation

Expected visit by an intergovernmental team from the Paris-based Financial Action Task Force to review progress


Please note that the information provided in the extracts is limited, and some details may be missing.



With regards,


Hemen Parekh


www.hemenparekh.ai  /  16  May  2023





Related Readings ( 15 Reminder E Mails to Cabinet Ministers ) :




Ø A Half-hearted Measure ?  ………………….. 07  Mar  2016


Ø Still a long way to go !  ……………………….. 25  Aug  2016


Ø United we Succeed : Divided we Fail  ….  29  Sept  2016


Ø Keep Trying   ………………………………………….. 24  Dec  2016


Ø Break-down the Silos !  ………………………….  16 Sept 2017


Ø Blockchain  for  E Governance  ?.. ……………04  Dec  2017


Ø Crime and Punishment …………………………….. 23 Dec 2017


Ø CyberCrimes / DigitalIndia / e-Governance  … 09  Jan 2018



Ø Blame Game Continues…………………………………….09 Apr 2018


Ø An Umbrella Body ? A Distant Echo ?  … ………..01 Apr  2022


Ø Thank You, Shri Karnal Singhji,……………………… 12  Apr 2022



Ø DATA is better than Third Degree  ………………… 25  Apr  2022


Ø Welcome NATGRID : Thank You, Shri Amitbhai Shah .. 04 May 2022


Ø ED says : No ED ( Escape of Data ) ………………. 28 Nov 2022


Ø One Stop Shop for White Collar Criminals  ………. 11 Apr  2023

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