Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Monday 18 September 2023


 You lonely of the World -  Come to me




There are millions of lonely people ( both, young and old ), in the world who are yearning to share what they feel with others . They want someone to talk to them –


listen to them



After the Covid pandemic, millions became mentally depressed . Can someone listen to them  - whether across the table or across the continent / offline or online ?



I turned to ChatGPT to compare and comment on :


Ø Share - Your - Soul / Outsourcing Unlimited…………….. 24 July 2016


Ø An influencer’s AI clone will be your girlfriend for $1 a minute  ……13 May 2023 ( Washington Post )


Ø Snapchat Influencer Uses GPT-4 to Become a High-End AI Girlfriend… 13 May 2023 ( Medium )


Here is what ChatGPT came up with :


The article you enclosed discusses the case of Caryn Marjorie, a social media influencer who has developed an AI chatbot, CarynAI, to interact with her fans.

The chatbot is designed to replicate Caryn Marjorie's voicemannerisms, and personality, providing an "immersive AI experience" for her followers.

Fans can chat with CarynAI for a fee of $1 per minute, allowing Caryn Marjorie to reach a larger audience and potentially earn significant revenue.

The concept of using AI to enhance personal interactions and provide a sense of connection is an interesting one.

CarynAI demonstrates how AI applications can enable individuals to engage with thousands or even millions of followers in a more personalized manner.

However, it is important to note that these interactions may still be thin and tenuous simulations of human connection.

Your blog post suggestion about an online platform called "www...COUCH...com" that facilitates "listening" services provided by young, educated, and unemployed individuals from India is an intriguing idea.

The platform would connect individuals seeking someone to talk to with listeners who can provide empathyadvice, and support remotely through Skype or FaceTime.

The concept has similarities to the "Rent-a-Friend" services in Japan and online escort services found in various countries.

The proposed platform could offer a comprehensive registration process for both talkers and listeners, including personal, family, contact, social media, cultural, educational, and experience details.

Listeners with degrees in psychology could receive higher rankings, and retired or worldly-wise individuals could also be prioritized.

The platform would enable talkers to search for listeners based on their preferences and pay $2 per hour, with the portal deducting a 10% commission and crediting the listener's bank account.

The privacy and reputation systems you described seem well thought out, ensuring the protection of user information and allowing talkers to rate listeners on a five-point scale.

The usage history feature would provide transparency for both listeners and talkers, displaying past transactions and credit balances.

While the idea has potential, it's essential to consider the ethical implications and ensure the platform is designed with user safety and privacy in mind.

Additionally, you mentioned the possibility of using AI to analyze audio recordings for various purposes, such as developing AI software to replace human listeners or offering voice-to-voice language translation services.

Overall, your suggested blog post presents an innovative idea for a platform that could potentially meet the needs of individuals seeking companionshipsupport, and someone to talk to.

However, it would require careful planning, attention to privacy and security, and a well-designed business model to succeed.




Highlights from Sources :

Snapchat Influencer Uses GPT-4 to Become a High-End AI Girlfriend


Extract :

As I read more about this ChatGPT-powered avatar, I couldn’t help but feel a mixture of fascination and concern.

I understand how the development of an AI girlfriend is an innovative use of technology that highlights the potential of artificial intelligence.

Still to me, it raises a plethora of ethical concerns about the development of digital copies of human beings and the possibility of AI replacing real-life relationships.

I see how the appeal of having a virtual companion who is always there for you, I worry about the implications of this technology for our understanding of human connection.

Will people start to rely solely on AI companionship and abandon real-life relationships altogether? Will future generations view relationships as something that can be simulated and replaced with ease?

Moreover, the creation of digital copies of human beings raises ethical questions about consent and agency.

Innovation in deep-fake technology is mind-blowing, and I can foresee other people creating digital copies of others without their consent.

All these developments seem to blur the line between reality and simulation, so I would like to hear from you about the ethical implications of these innovations.

While the development of AI girlfriends may seem harmless or even exciting, it’s crucial that we approach these advancements with a critical eye and consider the long-term consequences for human relationships and our understanding of what it means to be human.




An influencer’s AI clone will be your girlfriend for $1 a minute


Extract :


“These fans of mine, they have a really, really strong connection with me,” she told The Washington Post.


“Because of that they actually end up messaging me every single day. I started to realize about a year ago it’s just not humanly possible for me to reach out to all of these messages, there’s just too many and I actually feel kind of bad that I can’t give that individual, one-on-one sort of relationship to every single person. I wish I could but I just simply can’t.”


But CarynAI also shows how AI applications can increase the ability of a single person to reach an audience of thousands in a way that, for users, may feel distinctly personal.


The impact could be enormous for someone forming something resembling a personal relationship with thousands or millions of online followers


John Meyer, [ johnhmeyer123@gmail.com ],


CEO and founder of Forever Voices, said that he created the company last year, after trying to use AI to develop ways to reconnect with his late father, who passed away in 2017.


He built an AI voice chatbot that replicated his late father’s voice and personality to talk to and found the experience incredibly healing.

“It was a remarkable experience to talk to him again in a super realistic way,” Meyer said.


“I consider myself a futurist at heart and when I look into the future I believe this is the beginning of a very diverse future consisting of AI to human companionship,” he said.


Meyer said services such as CarynAI also will deepen ties between influencers and their followers


Elizabeth Snower, founder of ICONIQ, which creates conversational 3D avatars, predicts that soon there will be “ AI influencers on every social platform that are influencing consumer decisions.”


Marjorie hopes the backlash will fade when other online personalities begin rolling out their own AI companions. Meyer said several have contacted him since CarynAI’s launch.


“I think in the next five years, most Americans will have an AI companion in their pocket in some way, shape or form, whether it’s an ultra flirty AI that you’re dating, an AI that’s your personal trainer, or simply a tutor companion. Those are all things that we are building internally,” he said.


That strikes AI adviser and investor Allie K. Miller as a likely outcome. “I can imagine a future in which everyone — celebrities, TV characters, influencers, your brother — has an online avatar that they invite their audience or friends to engage with. … With the accessibility of these models, I’m not surprised it’s expanding to scaled interpersonal relationships.”




Related Readings :


Ø Dear PM : Introspection won’t help / Technospection will ………………… 13 May 2023


Ø Dear PM - Here is your BRAHMASHTRA for 2024  ………………………………. 28 Feb 2023


Ø LIVE: OpenAI CEO Sam Altman testifies during Senate ......................16  May 2023

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