Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Monday 18 September 2023


 Dear PM : Introspection won’t help / Technospection will

( Technospection = Leveraging AI to script your future )


Dear Shri Prime Minister :

Year 2023 :

Introspection of the results of Karnataka State Assembly elections , will lead you to conclude , ( among many other conclusions ), that BJP failed to gauge what issues were bothering the voters

BJP leaders conducted thousands of rallies / road-shows and delivered hundreds of hours of speeches

But the entire effort was a gigantic / deafening MONOLOGUE

True , there was no way you could collar a million voters on the streets, ask them what is their problem – and answer them, on the spot

But it is still not too late to “ script “ the results of 2024 General Elections, by engaging 900 million voters to engage with you , in a one – to – one DIALOGUE ( a TWO WAY conversation in real time ), by implementing “ Technospection “ as described in my following email to you :

Ø Dear PM - Here is your BRAHMASHTRA for 2024  / 28 February 2023


Here is what ChatGPT has to say about my DIALOGUE suggestion :


ChatGPT replied :


Comparing the Current System of Monologue and Proposed Method of Dialogue:


Current System of Monologue

Proposed Method of Dialogue

Nature of Communication

One-way messaging

Two-way dialogue


Leaders deliver speeches, lectures and use social media to propagate their ideologies

Voters visit a website, meet the digital avatar of the leader, ask questions and receive instant answers

Ability to Ask Questions

Voters cannot ask questions during speeches or lectures

Voters can ask questions to the digital avatar

Ability to Get Instant Answers

Voters cannot get instant answers during speeches or lectures

Voters can receive instant answers in text and in the leader's voice

Unique Answer for Each Question

One message is delivered to a large audience

Each questioner can receive a unique answer in the leader's voice

Feedback Mechanism

No mechanism for feedback

Voters can provide feedback on the spot

Time Required

Time-consuming, with hundreds of town hall meetings planned

The digital avatar can be created in one week by uploading existing speeches

Ability to Engage with One Billion Voters

Physically impossible for leaders to engage with one billion voters

The digital avatar can engage with one billion voters

Overall, the proposed method of dialogue using a digital avatar has the potential to revolutionize political

communication by allowing voters to ask questions and receive instant answers in a leader's own voice.


It provides a two-way dialogue mechanism, which the current system of monologue lacks.


Additionally, the digital avatar can engage with a large number of voters and provide unique answers to each

questioner, making it a valuable asset in the upcoming elections.





Year 2028 :



In 2023, a billion voters can engage with your DIGITAL AVATAR, from a Smartphone . A Mobile App will enable them to access  …. www.NarendraModi.ai  …… and type out their questions


And your DIGITAL AVATAR will read out ( in your own voice ), a contextual / relevant answer


Whereas there is no doubt that a billion voters could possess Smartphones in 2028, they may not download / install that Mobile App !


Not to worry


In 2028 , voters would have discarded their Smartphones and bought a wearable / AI powered tiny device , sitting in their shirt pockets , as narrated below


Whether sitting / walking / standing / running , citizen will just speak aloud :




“ Dear Modiji


  I live in Sitapur . We have neither electric power nor LPG gas connection. When can we expect to get this ? “


मी सीतापूर येथे राहतोआमच्याकडे विद्युत आणि एलपीजी गॅसची नेक्शन नाहीआम्हाला हे कधी दिले जाणार आहे?

धन्यवाद, [तुमचं नाव]




Imagine a million voters just speaking aloud , ( may be in a 100 different languages ), AND each one of them getting the RIGHT answer instantaneously ( in their respective language but in YOUR VOICE ) – and quite possibly from your 3D Volumetric Holographic imagehovering in air, in front of their eyes !


Dear Shri Modiji ,


What I just described above is no more a fantasy . That future is already here .


If BJP fails to cease this opportunity NOW ,  then someone else will

Should your Campaign Publicity Manager , require a personal discussion, he / she can reach me on


hcp@RecruitGuru.com / ( M ) 98,67,55,08,08




With regards,


Hemen Parekh  /  www.hemenparekh.ai




Cc : Dr Pankaj Shukla  (write2pankajshukla@gmail.com )



Related Reading :


iPhone killer? New AI-wearable Humane hopes to make smartphones obsolete   /  IE  /  12 May 2023

Extract :

A  TedTalk  that previews a new  artificial intelligence-powered wearable  called  Humane  has just been released.

Developed by former employees of Apple, the new piece of technology is widely being advertised as something that could make smartphones, like the iPhone, more or less redundant.

The former Apple employees

Ø Imran Chaudhri [  imran@mac.com <imran@mac.com>;  ]


Ø  Bethany Bongiorno [ Bethany@gmail.com  / 

     - developed Humane with a "future that is even more intelligent and even more personal," according to

      the company's website.

Humane aims to displace cell phone screens with a voice-activated assistant that projects everything from calls to texts onto the user's hands.

The projector promises to solve several issues with modern technology, including the need to constantly check cellphones, the physical limitations of touchscreens, and limited accessibility.

“What do we do with all these incredible [AI] developments? And how do we harness these [to make our life better genuinely?]” Chaudhri asks at the TedTalk.

“If we get this right, AI will unlock a world of possibility. Today, I want to share what we think is a solution. And it's the first time we're doing so openly.

It's a new kind of wearable device and platform that's built entirely from the ground up for artificial intelligence. And it's completely standaloneYou don't need a smartphone or any other device to pair with it,” he expands.

With Humane, users can experience a more seamless technology integration into their life by swapping out cell phones with wearable gadgets.

This instrument could open up new potential for language translation and individualized help in addition to simplifying communication.

“It interacts with the world ,

#  the way you interact with the world,

#  hearing what you hear,

#  seeing what you see,

-     while being privacy first, and safe, and completely fading into the background of your life,” Chaudhri explains.

All well and good, but how does it work in real life ?

"In terms of the call, as soon as [Chaudhri] raised his hand, the device displayed the appropriate incoming call interface, no menu to navigate through,” designer Michael Mofina, told Inverse.

Whatever your views on Humane, this technology can fundamentally alter how we interact with technology if it functions as intended and is as reliable and convenient as smartphones have become today.

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