Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Monday 25 September 2023

A Tale of 3 AI

 I asked following question to the following Artificial Intelligence portals :


“  What is my duty according to Bagavad Gita ? “


I got following replies :





Ans :


According to the Bhagavad Gita, it is our duty as citizens to bring any technology-related news to the attention of those in authority.





Ans :


The Bhagavad Gita teaches that our duty or dharma is determined by our nature and social status, and it is our obligation to fulfill it with devotion and without attachment to the fruits of our actions.


The ultimate goal is to achieve spiritual liberation and union with the divine.

One's duty should be performed selflessly, with an attitude of service and surrender to the divine.


The verse 2.47 of the Bhagavad Gita states :


"Do thy work, O Arjuna, with an even mind, abandoning all attachment, and be even-minded in success and failure. Such an evenness of mind is called Yoga."






Ans :






Radhey Radhey !


According to the Bhagavad Gita, your duty is to perform your actions without attachment to the results.


This means that you should do your best in whatever you do, but not be attached to the outcome.


You should also strive to be free from ego and selfishness, and to act with compassion and love.




My  Take :



I am attached to the outcome of my Karma – hence I have failed to imbibe the essence of the teachings of Lord Krishna, in their entirety


But, I believe, for the past 10 years, I have been faithfully doing what www.Personal.ai interprets as to “ what is my duty 


For past 10 years, I have been emailing most of my blogs to our Cabinet Ministers / NITI Aayog / State Chief Ministers / Think Tanks and other Policy Makers


Many of these emails provide details about latest / emerging technologies and urge the Government to adopt the same to solve Political – Economic – Societal problems


So far, sending of emails ( some of which seem to be getting read and acted upon ) , was a kind of MONOGUE – a one way traffic


To turn this into a DIALOGUE ( - a two way CONVVERSATION ) , I just launched  :






On this platform, anyone can :


Ø  Come and ask a Question ( “ Hey Hemen, what are your views on……….. “ ) , to my Digital Avatar – and get an instant answer !


Ø  Then “ RATE “ that answer as being “ Relevant “ or “ Irrelevant “ ( feedback to    teach my Digital Avatar )


Come One , Come All  !


My Digital Avatar can “ listen “ to a thousand questions simultaneously – and give replies to those thousand visitors , AT THE SAME TIME – instantaneously !


Hey !


You too can create YOUR digital avatar. Just find out by visiting www.hemenparekh.ai





With regards,


Hemen Parekh

hcp@RecruitGuru.com / 14  Feb  2023



                                                Comparisons of Features


                                         ChatGPT  vs  www.hemenparekh.ai









Powered by






Trained On

Entire Web

Mostly on www.hemenparekh.in





Question Box

✔(text + Speech )

✔(text only – with future plan to enable visitor to speak questions )




Answer Box

✔(text only )/ I'm sorry, but I am an AI language model running on OpenAI's platform, and I don't have the ability to speak. I can only respond in text.)

✔( text – but with future plan to read out answers in my own voice )




Search Bar for searching “ Question Topics “


✔ ( Drop-list of dozens of topics related to the words which you start typing in search bar )




Question Suggestion


✔ ( Upon selecting any topic displayed, 8/10 questions ( related to the selected topic ), pop up , instantly / automatically )




Feature to “ RATE “  answer given by AI


✔ ( Visitor can provide feedback by rating answer on a 5 * * * * * system / this crowd-sourced feedback-loop continuously trains / improves AI )




History of Questions asked by all Visitors


✔ ( Displays latest 5 questions asked / Visitor can click / select any to get answer )




Record of  Visitors Arriving From ( City-State-Country , and duration of each visit )


✔ ( No names – World Citizen – green dot denotes online )




Counters of “ Activity Level “


✔ At every moment you see,



Ø  Total No of Visitors



Ø  No of Online Visitors



Ø  Total Questions Asked

Ø  Avr.No Questions / visitor

Ø  No of questions rated

Ø  Ave rating score




Log In / Log Out

✔ ( you have to provide your email ID )

X ( Totally anonymous visitors )




Ability to “ Share “ on Social Media / send Email


✔ ( Inform contacts about your discovery ! )

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