Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Monday 25 September 2023

RE: Selected Photos



OK , we will go by your suggestion and remove COUNTRY


By left align, what I mean :


Mumbai                 Maharashtra

Rajkot                     Gujarat

Khammam             Telangana   






Hi Hemen Sir,


Thanks for sharing the images, we will try with these images.


Not sure how visitor block appears at your end. Below is how it is appearing for us, with proper spacing and alignment, and not sure what you meant by keeping left align.



Location will look incomplete without State. I recommend keeping the City & State and remove Country as users will be mostly from India and IN will be redundant most of the time.


So e.g., 3 records will look as below:


Khammam, Telangana                   1 min active       green dot

Mumbai, Maharashtra                   1 min active       

Los Angeles, California                  2 min active       



Please let us know your thoughts.




Manoj Hardwani


Subject: FW: Selected Photos




Attached are my 3 photos for your consideration


The first one will require cropping ( up to shoulders ) and eliminating the red background and replacing with white


The second and the third are nearly identical ( and preferred by me ) . Could shrinking one of these to fit inside the box , increase its “ density ( pixels ) “ and make it look sharper ?


If you are not happy with any of these , then I can ask a friend to take my face-photo on his Apple phone . Would that suffice ?


As far as “ Visitors Arriving From “ box is concerned :


Ø  Can we eliminate “ State “ ( Maharashtra / Telangana etc ) and just show “ CITY “ and “ COUNTRY “ ( besides DURATION of course )

Ø  If it is posing problem ( or takes more time for coding ), to place these values “ INSIDE “ of a tabulation ( as suggested in my earlier mail ) , then at least , can we provide more space between the values and “ left align “ these for better looks ?

( Pl recheck the functioning of Green Dot when someone lands on this page )


As far as “ Recently Asked Questions “ box is concerned :


Ø  Pl increase database to store / display , the latest 100 questions

Ø  Provide scrolling ( which you say is very simple )



One of these days when Personal.ai API starts delivering those answers , both in TEXT as well as in my own VOICE , we will need to figure out a method to “ animate “ my photo and sync the lips with the sound ( - a kind of DEEP FAKE ) . Pl keep this future requirement in mind while selecting my photo


I am sure, you will implement by afternoon . Pl phone when done





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