Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Thursday 16 November 2023


 Build Teams : Improve Governance



Context :


Modi govt splits council of ministers into teams to improve governance     /  HT  /  15 Nov 2021



Extract :


In a major push for a hands-on approach to governance, the Modi government is planning to

#  rope in young professionals,

#  seek suggestions from retiring officials and

{  My suggestion at :

Justice delayed is Justice Denied ……………………….[ 12 Sept 2018 ]  }


#  make the best use of technology for project monitoring,

{  My suggestions at :

Nothing prettier than PERT ! …………………………………………[ 04 Dec 2015 ]

Remembering Admiral Rickover ! …………………………………[04 June 2017 ]

PERT for Digital Dashboard………………………………………… [ 27 Feb 2018 ]

Monitoring Projects in Real-time ? ……………………………….[ 11 Aug 2020 ]

No More Delayed Projects ? …………………………………………..[ 26 Aug 2021 ]   }


besides various other steps to be overseen by eight different groups comprising of members from the entire Council of Ministers, people familiar with the matter said.


The 77 ministers have been divided into eight groups to :


#  develop technology-based resources,


{  My suggestions at :


Ø Troika of Technology ? …………………….[ 20 Feb 2020 ]

Ø Project Development System…………. [ 06 Nov 2015 ]

Ø Congratulations, Shri GopuKumarji   [ 30 Jan 2019 ]

Ø Ray, a drop of golden Sun ……………….[ 18 Feb 2019 ]

Ø Water above our heads …………………….[ 29 Mar 2019 ]   }



#  create a pool of professionals for recruiting in their teams and

#  other similar initiatives to be adopted in the offices of all ministers’ offices, to

#  bring more transparency and

#  further improve efficiency of the Modi government

A total of five such sessions were held - one each on :


#   Personal Efficiency,

#   Focused Implementation,

#   Ministry Functioning and Stakeholder Engagement,

#   Party Coordination and Effective Communication

#   Parliamentary practices.



Developing a portal in each minister’s office that gives :


#   updates on the performance of the Centre’s flagship schemes and policies,

#   dashboard for monitoring decisions made by the respective ministers and

#   system to schedule meetings 

#   managing correspondence

-     are among the tasks assigned to these groups.

They have also been asked to create profiles of all districts, states and ministries and develop stakeholder engagement programmes.


{  Take a look at :   Gujarat’s Eye-in-the-Sky  /  01 Sept 2021  }


One of the groups has been assigned to :

#  set up a mechanism for creating a team of at least three young professionals with command over

    researchcommunication and other key areas,


Similarly, a group has been assigned to :

#  create a portal that maintains feedback and experiences of the retiring employees



With regards,

Hemen Parekh  /  hcp@ReccruitGuru.com  /  18 Dec 2021

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