Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Thursday 16 November 2023


 Thank You, Prime Minister




Context :


2030 renewable energy target: Panel to be set up soon for ‘Mission 500GW’  /  ET  /  14 Dec 2021



Extract :


A 'Mission 500GW' action plan will be drawn up soon by the government to take forward the announcement made by Prime Minister Modi at the COP26 climate conference at Glasgow last month.

ET gathers that a joint committee of the ministry of power and ministry of new and renewable energy will soon be set up to draw a detailed action plan to take up India's renewable energy (RE) capacity to 500GW by 2030.

Officials said that issues of :


#    Transmission


#    Various types of technologies to be used


#    Energy mix for the 500 GW target


#    Storage requirement


-       Will also be assessed by this panel


It will also look into :


#    The regulatory frame-work required for scaling up of RE


#    Draw in the crucial Foreign Investment into the sector



My Take :


It is indeed a good idea to form an inter-ministerial committee to arrive at a consensual decision


Decisions arrived through enlarged participation of all stakeholders, have a much better chance of being quickly implemented


Dear PMO ,


Since I do not know who all are the members of the proposed panel, I request you to pass on my following earlier e-mail on this subject :


Vishwa Karma V 2.0 ? ……………………..[ 04 Nov 2021 ]


Extract :

Question :

       Are Shri Modi’s announcement like “ building castles in the air “ ?

Answer :

      As someone said : “ It is alright to build castles in the Air, as long as you know how to put foundations underneath, later on “

Dear Narendrabhai,

While wishing you a Very happy Diwali, here are those Foundations – and the “ ball is in your court “ :

[ A ]  


Government expects most ( if not, all ) of the funds for Solar Power to come from Private Sector

Unit selling prices of Solar Power are declining steadily, year after year. No banker wants to give loans to Companies whose sale-prices are declining. Mutual Funds / HNI / Retail investors are not enthused to buy share of such companies.

This reluctance on part of the bankers gets worse when Govt-owned DISCOMS, blatantly refuse to honor the PPA entered into with Solar Power producers and regularly demand lowering of agreed purchase prices

In this scenario, how can we motivate the Private Sector to come forward to invest $ 50 Billion ( for 50 GW ), each year , year after year, for next 8 years ?

There is ONLY ONE WAY, as suggested in my following 5 YEAR old e-mail  :

Sun : Our Soul ( A New SOS )  ………………[  02 Jan 2017 ]

 Extract :

*  Government declares units belonging to " Solar Power ( Panel Mfr / Power

    Production &  Distribution / Ancillary Mfr  ) " as a "  SOS " industry

* Units will need to register as such with Department of Company Affairs ( DIPP )

*  Units will be exempt  from paying Corporate Income Tax for 10 years , on

    whatever income they earn ( only those starting operations latest by 31 March

    2018 )

  *  No questions will be asked as to the " source " of funds invested in the shares

     of such units ,

     - ( a kind of Temporary Amnesty Scheme - 01 April 2017  till 31 March 2018 -

       to channelize BLACK MONEY into creation of PRODUCTIVE  / NON-POLUTING

       assets )

   *  Units cannot engage in any other Industrial / Commercial / Financial activities

   *  Units cannot declare any dividends to share-holders for 10 years


 These are just broad outlines and details need to be worked out

  If there is political courage to pull off such an initiative, government will NOT need to allocate ANY AMOUNT !



Instead of that $ 750 million allocation ( from tax payers' money ), Black Money holders will readily pump in $ 750 BILLION into the SOLAR INDUSTRY ( enough for additional installed capacity of 750 GW - as against our current installed capacity 8.63 GW of solar , and a target of 100 GW , by 2022 ! )


Remember, how only a few months back, tiny Indonesia managed to collect $ 300 billion of its Black Money , by levying tax ( no penalty ) of just 4 % !


 And with this kind of  INCENTIVE WINDOW ( to convert BLACK into WHITE ) , expect,

 *  Hundreds of SOS Units to spring up before 31 March 2018

 *  They will have ZERO cost as far as servicing of EQUITY is concerned ! No dividends !

 *  They will not need to borrow funds from banks and pay interest ( no danger of NPA ! )

 *  They will say : We are not in the business of " manufacturing of panels " but we

    are in the business of " Delivering electric power to homes / businesses "


[ B ]


Our target is to add 400 GW of Solar power in 8 years

That will require :

      #  Next generation Solar Panels which are 1,000 TIMES more productive than current ones

      #  Batteries that can store Solar Power for days together

Fortunately such technologies are available – and their Inventers - Owners – Manufacturers , must be persuaded ( no rule-regulation-law-convention-past practice etc, to come in the way ) to set up their manufacturing operations in India, by APRIL 2022


How to reduce Carbon Emission to Net Zero ?................... [ 25 July 2021 ]

With regards,

Hemen Parekh  /  hcp@RecruitGuru.com  /  15 Dec 2021

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