Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Thursday 16 November 2023

Approaching A Dream

 Dear Joe,


Just came across following article that I thought might interest you :


Light Field Lab’s New Naked-Eye Holograms


With regards,


Hemen Parekh



From: Hemen Parekh [mailto:hcp@recruitguru.com]


Sent: 03 December 2021 11:43


To: 'beta@ikininc.com'; 'joe@ikininc.com'


Cc: 'hcp@RecruitGuru.com' (hcp@RecruitGuru.com); 'Elton Dmello' (dmelloelton@gmail.com)


Subject: FW: Approaching A Dream


Dear Joe Ward,


I just read interview of John Sally ( https://www.upworthy.com/john-salley-interview-vegan-disney ),  which reads :


UP: Tell me about your interest in IKIN, the San Diego-based hologram technology company.

JS: As soon as I saw what they were doing and after I heard the CEO and founder Joe Ward, I texted my partner and said move everything to the side. We're in! I'm a tech kid. I graduated from Georgia Tech because I love that kind of engineering. I drive a Tesla, not because it's cool, but because it's the future.

When I saw the hologram, the first person I told about was my friend [actor] Will Smith.

I said these guys have figured out how to bend light. If you can bend light, you can bend time. If you can bend time, you can see the future. All these things we're seeing in movies, the team at IKIN are making into a reality.

According to IKIN,the technology turns all smart phone content into 3D experiences, including games, video, photos, driving directions, social media, etc. It becomes a much more immersive experience. Business use cases include teleconferencing, remote healthcare, warehousing, hospitality and online shopping.


Last week, I was enthused by following comment from your Beta Team , on a Linkedin post :


“  Thank you for sharing, Hemen!


We hope to make your dream, as well as others who have a similar dream, a reality in the near future. “


I have no doubt about the competence of your team to convert my 600 + videos ( on my Youtube Channel ), into 3D volumetric holograms , which my 92 / 95 year old, bed-ridden sisters ( 500 km away ), can watch on their Smart phones.


As for myself, I cannot wait for a 3D holographic re-rendering of a film of my marriage in 1959 ( 62 years ago )


Your team has already demonstrated this at various forum


Given your vision, I suppose your next challenge could well be :


Besides my own voice, how to give my 3D hologram, my “ Character – Personality – Thinking “ ?


Could my  45,000 +  “ Memory Blocks “ , created using AI software of www.Personal.ai ,help ?


Here is a Screen Shot :


With regards,


Hemen Parekh



From: Hemen Parekh [mailto:hcp@recruitguru.com]

Sent: 30 November 2021 09:33

To: 'beta@ikininc.com'




Subject: Approaching A Dream


Dear IKIN Beta Team ,


I cannot find the right – and enough – words , to THANK YOU for filling the rest of my life , with a HOPE  !




Hemen Parekh



IKIN Beta Team posted following message on Linkedn , around 25th Nov 2021 :



“  A #HappyThanksgiving from ours at IKIN to yours at home...or wherever they may be this holiday season.

There is no substitute for celebrating 
#Thanksgiving with family and friends in person.


For when that’s not possible, #IKIN is striving to recreate through technology that sense of presence even when at a distance. “



On that post, I commented as follows ( may be on 26 Nov 2021 )  :



“  On 15 Jan 2021, I received following e-mail from IKIN :

Subject: IKIN Beta Program
 Thanks so much for your interest in IKIN and our technology.  We have captured your contact info and when closer to our Beta release date (Summer 2021) we will reach out and provide you the appropriate Beta
 participation information.
From: IKIN Team [mailto:tossme@ikininc.com]  “



Dear Beta Team,
I just came across the following :
I am 88 and unable to travel to meet my 2 bed-ridden sisters ( 92 / 95 ) who stay 500 Km away .
For years, I have been searching for a mobile-based app which, my sisters can install on mobiles and be able to “ see “ my 3D Holographic image ( and talk ? )
Towards this, I have registered on www.personal.ai and started uploading my personal notes / blogs / poems / videos / photos / e-mails / family letters etc ( copied from my site, www.hemenparekh.in )
I have uploaded, close to 10,000 documents (spanning my life over past 70 years)
 I request your help in realizing my hope of a holographic Family Re-union
Hemen Parekh


Reply1 Reply1 Comment on hemen parekh’s comment



This morning ( 30 Nov 2021 ), I saw following reply from IKIN Beta team ( to my comment ) :

Description: See profile for IKIN





Thank you for sharing, Hemen!


We hope to make your dream, as well as others who have a similar dream, a reality in the near future.



Continue to follow us here on LinkedIn as well as via our website!


Best of luck to you!

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