Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Monday 25 September 2023


 Dear Atul,


I am glad that you liked my Avatar


As my web page says , it is powered / serviced by an API of Personal.ai ( - which , besides its own AI software, partially depends upon GPT 3 )


Dozens of AI chatbots which have sprung up in the past 3 / 4 months , are like a 2 year old babbling child !  They have a long way to go


Unfortunately , even my physical  avatar has no answer for your questions but  , whenever time permits, do visit my site for future improvements


Wish you luck


With regards,


H C P   




Dear HCP 


First of all , congratulations for getting adept to new technology so fast !

I visited your new avatar. It is impressive. 

However, I asked two questions. Both were not answered.  These two questions are really useful, not only for me, for the majority of us.

1) how to get Annex K for pension from my previous employer  ( L&T Ltd , served from 1982 to 2007) ? Without that, my pension is stuck up with EPFO. 

2) how to submit an existence certificate online, for LIC pension ?


If you can answer, it will be greatly helpful.


Best Regards

Atul Shah

SAP Excellence Head


Fantastic HCP...i am on vacation...will log on to the site when I am back...



On Sat, 11 Feb, 2023, 12:34 pm Hemen Parekh, <hcp@recruitguru.com> wrote:

Dear ex-L&T colleagues,



At  the outset my apologies for sending this unsolicited email


I want to share with you that , yesterday I launched my DIGITAL AVATAR in the form of >  www.hemenparekh.ai


I invite you to visit it / ask any question / get instant answers / rate the quality of my answer


Even if all of you happen to land on this site at the same time – and type your unique questions – all of you will get answers ( to your questions ) – at the same time !


And if you have heard of “ Conversational AI “ called ChatGPT , you will find from tabulation below, how my Digital Avatar is even BETTER than ChatGPT


Tomorrow at 12;30 pm , I am giving a demo of my Avatar to some 15 ex-L&T HR colleagues . Do join by visiting my Avatar at that time


With regards,


H C Parekh  





                                                Comparisons of Features


                                ChatGPT  vs  www.hemenparekh.ai








Powered by






Trained On

Entire Web

Mostly on www.hemenparekh.in





Question Box

✔(text + Speech )

✔(text only – with future plan to enable visitor to speak questions )




Answer Box

✔(text only )/ I'm sorry, but I am an AI language model running on OpenAI's platform, and I don't have the ability to speak. I can only respond in text.)

✔( text – but with future plan to read out answers in my own voice )




Search Bar for searching “ Question Topics “


✔ ( Drop-list of dozens of topics related to the words which you start typing in search bar )




Question Suggestion


✔ ( Upon selecting any topic displayed, 8/10 questions ( related to the selected topic ), pop up , instantly / automatically )




Feature to “ RATE “  answer given by AI


✔ ( Visitor can provide feedback by rating answer on a 5 * * * * * system / this crowd-sourced feedback-loop continuously trains / improves AI )




History of Questions asked by all Visitors


✔ ( Displays latest 5 questions asked / Visitor can click / select any to get answer )




Record of  Visitors Arriving From ( City-State-Country , and duration of each visit )


✔ ( No names – World Citizen – green dot denotes online )




Counters of “ Activity Level “


✔ At every moment you see,



Ø  Total No of Visitors



Ø  No of Online Visitors



Ø  Total Questions Asked

Ø  Avr.No Questions / visitor

Ø  No of questions rated

Ø  Ave rating score




Log In / Log Out

✔ ( you have to provide your email ID )

X ( Totally anonymous visitors )




Ability to “ Share “ on Social Media / send Email


✔ ( Inform contacts about your discovery ! )

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