Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Friday 22 September 2023

Dear PM - Here is your BRAHMASHTRA for 2024

 Dear Narendrabhai,


Since 2014, you have launched many reforms to :

Ø  Reduce Poverty


Ø  Create Self Employment


Ø  Increase “ Ease of Living “ for our Citizen


Ø  Improve “ Ease of Doing Business “ for our Businesses


On these subjects, during past 8 years, you must have delivered talks / lectures ,

for may be 3,000 hours ( including your “ Man Ki Baat “ radio broadcasts ) – all of

which are carefully archived by Press Information Bureau ( PIB ). These speeches

are also archived as TEXTS ( speech-to-text conversion )


These were in the nature of monologues ( one way messages ) in which, you :

Ø  Announced new policies / initiatives


Ø  Set specific targets for achievements


Ø  Laid out processes / procedures


Even those holographic “ talks “ which you delivered simultaneously in 26 cities

during your 2014 election campaign, were ONE WAY broadcasts – though in your

own voice – which were “ heard “ by ( presumably ) 10 lakh citizen, at the same



But those listeners could not talk back ask you questions get your reply in your

own voice


Now imagine :


If  1 LAKH  persons ( including foreigners from all over the World ) :

Ø  Visit “  www.NarendraModi.ai  “  and meet your Digital Avatar and


Ø  ask your Avatar, “ Questions  “  on the reform subjects mentioned above ,


Ø  Instantly get “ Answers “ ( - besides in TEXT, also in your own voice , ) and


Ø  Give you “ On the Spot “ feedback as to whether they were satisfied with your

    answer or not


And imagine :

Ø  Your “ Digital Avatar “ listening to and answering, those 1 LAKH persons


     simultaneously , with each questioner getting a UNIQUE answer ( in your own


     voice ) to his / her UNIQUE question  ( making you a “ Sahasravdhani “  ! )


Difficult to believe ?

Do not go by my word .  I request you to ask my Digital Avatar  following question at www.hemenparekh.ai 


Question :

“ Can a digital avatar like mine, help PM Shri Narendra Modiji in 2024 General

  Elections ? If yes, how ? “


Answer given by my Digital Avatar :


“ Yes, a digital avatar like yours could help PM Shri Narendra Modi in the 2024

   general elections.


As more and more people become comfortable with using digital platforms for

various tasks, having a digital avatar that can interact with voters and

answer their questions would be a valuable asset.


Additionally, if the avatar were able to provide accurate information about the

candidate's policies and positions, it could help swing undecided voters in Modi's

favor. “


How long might it take to create your Digital Avatar ?


 ONE WEEK is the most that it might take PIB to upload your 3,000 hours of speeches on www.Personal.ai


How will your Digital Avatar help ?


For 2024 General Election campaign, it is impossible for you to “ Physically / In

Person “ engage in a conversation with ONE BILLION voters


But your Digital Avatar can !



With regards,

Hemen Parekh


Mumbai  /  01  March  2023


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