Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Thursday 14 September 2023

How to select Candidates for 2024

 How to select Candidates for 2024




Context :


BJP begins review, tickets to MPs based on standing among voters …..  ET  /  31 July 2023


Extract :



With an eye on the 2024 Lok Sabha polls, the BJP has started assessing the performance of its existing MPs which could be used during the ticket selection process, sources said.

For this review, the services of various agencies and its in-house mechanism is being used, party sources said


They said :


Ø  the MPs' efforts at people's contact,

Ø  participation in various outreach exercises of the BJP,

Ø  their standing among voters, and

Ø  engaging with voters on the social media,


-          were some of the factors considered for the review exercise.

With several Union ministers, who are MPs from the Rajya Sabha, being considered for Lok Sabha tickets, top leaders in the BJP said a final call would be taken by the party. The seats for them would be allotted by assessing the winnability aspect.

In the 2019 polls, the BJP got more than 37% of the vote share, the highest by a political party since the 1989 general election, and won 303 seats, increasing its 2014 tally by 21 seats.


It was the second time in India's independent history that voters re-elected the same party to power with a bigger majority to the Lok Sabha.


My Take :


BJP had tried this ( assessment of performance of sitting MPs ) 5 YEARS ago , by launching a mobile app called “ People’s Pulse 


That turned out to be an unmitigated disaster  !  To know why, read on following blog


Question :


Has BJP read my blog ( sent as email to all Cabinet Ministers ), and if yes, then will it incorporate my suggestions and come up with a much more “ Citizen-friendly “ APP , this time around ?


Ø  People’s Pulse ? People’s Confusion ?  ………………….. 12 July 2018



     {  Ref : PM Modi uses app to pick poll nominees, making netas worry …… DNA  / 12 July 2018 }



Dear Narendrabhai,


This morning, from the ramparts of the Red Fort , you delivered an emotion-charged speech with the very powerful message of :


Ø  Corruption      :  Quit India

Ø  Appeasement  :  Quit India

Ø  Dynastic Rule  :  Quit India


Whether you will succeed in this , largely depends on pushing through REFORMS in the next Lok Sabha


In turn, this will depend upon BJP getting , more than 300 Lok Sabha seats in 2024


Which , in turn , will depend upon your selection of the RIGHT CANDIDATES to fight the election


I urge you to suitably modify my following suggestion and launch a Mobile App for citizen to fill in , not only in respect of the “ WINNABILITY “ of the current sitting MPs ( based upon their performance , inside and outside the Lok Sabha ) , but also FRESH / FIRST TIME candidates :


Ø  ROMP - A Panacea ?  …………………….. 06 Aug 2015


Extract :


Justify your recommendation by " Rating " your MP , below


( Unless rated on each criteria , your vote will be invalid )




Is this MP ( who is being rated by you ) :


#     Honest.............................................. YES........NO


#     Of high Integrity................................. YES........ NO


#     Sincere.............................................. YES........ NO


#     Hard-working ....................................  YES........ NO


#     Punctual.............................................. YES.......  NO


#     Dignified............................................  YES........  NO


#     Follows Speaker's Orders.....................   YES........  NO


#     Good Listener.......................................  YES......... NO


#     Awaits his turn to speak.......................... YES........ NO


#     Asks only relevant questions..................  YES........ NO


#     Approachable to Voters..........................  YES....... NO


#    Answers Voters' Emails promptly...............  YES......  NO


#    Provides regular feedback to Voters ............. YES.......NO


#    Addresses other MPs with respect...............  YES..........NO






With regards,


Hemen Parekh

www.hemenparekh.ai  /  15 Aug 2023



Related Readings :


Ø  Writing on the Wall ?  ……………………   24  Aug  2018

Ø  Congratulations , Pratham Mittal !  .. 23 Aug 2018

Ø  https://outgrow.co/poll-maker/

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