Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Thursday 21 September 2023

How to Get more Visitors to my Digital Avatar

 Sandeep – Sanjivani,


Yesterday I wrote to you about this and asked you to come up with your suggestions


Besides getting more visitors to land on our Avatar site, a related issue is :


“  When they land , how to get them to ask many questions ?  - Especially , questions to which, the relevant answers are hidden in my blogs / notes ( = memory blocks ) ? – and not SOURCED from GPT ? “


That made me wonder :  Can ChatGPT help ?


So I carried out following experiment :



I asked ChatGPT :


Follwing blog contains " ANSWERS " to some " QUESTIONS " . You can say it suggests " SOLUTIONS " to some " PROBLEMS " / Can you please first list ( A - B - C - D ettc ), the PROBLEMS / QUESTIONS and then , below that summarise the SOLUTIONS / ANSWERS , for each ? > Alang Ship-breaking Yard : Breaking Hearts ?


( I  am not  reproducing this blog here )



ChatGPT  replied :


Possible list of problems/questions:


A.   What is the current state of turnover at the Alang ship-breaking yard in Gujarat, India?

B.  Why has the turnover at Alang decreased in FY23 compared to previous years?

C.  What suggestion did Hemen Parekh make five years ago to Cabinet Ministers regarding Alang and how could it still be implemented today?

D.   How can India address the issue of car scrap and promote a thriving car-breaking industry?



Possible summary of solutions/answers:


A. The Alang ship-breaking yard in Gujarat, India witnessed one of its lowest turnovers in over 12 years, with just 131 ships being beached or grounded in FY23.

B. The turnover at Alang decreased in FY23 due to various factors, including the COVID-19 pandemic, lower demand for scrap steel, higher operating costs, stricter environmental regulations, and competition from other ship-breaking yards in South Asia.

C. Hemen Parekh suggested starting a new initiative called "Break In India" to set up 100 Alang type "car grave yards" all along the vast Indian coast, each with 100 car breaking units and a mandated minimum scrapping capacity of 5,000 vehicles per year, aggregating 50 million vehicles per year (25% market share). He also proposed finding meticulous/detailed implementation schedules in the EV Road Map and Automotive Mission Plan 2016-26, exempting car break yards from payment of corporate income tax for the next 20 years, encouraging existing auto components units to set up such yards by offering them free land and electricity, allowing 100% FDI (automatic route) in car breaking units, and imposing no import/customs duty on cars imported for breaking. The idea could still be implemented today as part of the already announced Coastal Economic Zones (CEZs), Coastal Economic Units (CEUs), and Port-Linked Industrial Clusters.

D. India could address the issue of car scrap and promote a thriving car-breaking industry by implementing Hemen Parekh's "Break In India" initiative, encouraging existing auto components units to set up car breaking yards, allowing 100% FDI in car breaking units, imposing no import/customs duty on cars imported for breaking, and levying only a 5% GST on the sale (domestic or export) of salvaged materials. This would create more jobs, reduce pollution, conserve resources, and boost the circular economy.




I asked ChatGPT :


Follwing blog contains " ANSWERS " to some " QUESTIONS " . You can say it suggests " SOLUTIONS " to some " PROBLEMS " / Can you please rewrite a summary of this blog by first listing ( A - B - C - D ettc ), the PROBLEMS / QUESTIONS and then , below that summarise the SOLUTIONS / ANSWERS , for each ? / Personal data to be permanently erased if requested: Rajeev Chandrasekhar ………….. BL / 22 April 2023


Can you please list each question / problem separately - then list the answer / solution , against each ?


ChatGPT replied :


Sure, here are the questions/problems and their respective answers/solutions:



A. Can personal data be permanently erased?

B. Is personal data scattered all over the world?

C. Can personal data captured through senses manifest in different forms?

D. Is it possible to keep personal data private?

E. Is it possible to entirely erase personal data from the internet?



A. According to Rajeev Chandrasekhar, personal data can be permanently erased if explicitly requested, but it may be challenging to erase personal data from millions of web-servers.

B. Yes, personal data is often scattered across a million servers worldwide, which makes it difficult for individuals to know where their data is.

C. Yes, personal data captured through senses can manifest in different forms at different times, and as technology advances, more forms of personal data will likely be captured and utilized in novel ways.

D. It is challenging to keep personal data entirely private, but individuals can take steps to protect their data, such as using privacy tools, being selective about what information they share online, and regularly monitoring their digital footprint.

E. It is difficult to entirely erase personal data from the internet, even if someone deletes their social media accounts or online profiles, as their data may still exist in various other databases, archives, and backups. However, individuals can still take steps to minimize their digital footprint and reduce the visibility of their personal data online.



When I copy-pasted 3 / 4 of the above-created questions in my Digital Avatar Question Box , I found that the answers returned , appeared to draw upon my blogs  !


This being the case , we can think of using ChatGPT to “ generate “  4 / 5 “ questions “ for each of my blog / note ( could run into 5 x 6000 = 30,000 Questions ! )


This is a simple / straight forward exercise , which may take us 3 / 4 months !


Question :


What do we do with such a huge DATABASE of 30,000 “ very relevant “ questions ?  How can we leverage it in my Digital Avatar web page ? How can we “ expose “ these questions to our visitors ? How can we get those visitors to SELECT / CLICK ,a question to populate the QUESTION BOX ?


Any ideas ?





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