Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Thursday 21 September 2023


 Alang Ship-breaking Yard : Breaking Hearts ?



Context :

India’s Alang ship-breaking yard sees lowest turnover in over a decade   ……………….  BL  / 23 April 2023

Extract :

Asia’s biggest ship-breaking yard at Alang in Gujarat witnessed one of its lowest turnovers in over 12 years, with just 131 ships being beached or grounded in FY23. In comparison, 209 ships were beached in FY22 and some 415 vessels in 2011-12, the best year for the yard.



Dear Shri Sarbananda Sonowalji

Hon’ble Minister for Ports,Shipping and Waterways / minister-shipping@gov.in

It is still not too late to “ turn the tide “ at Alang by implementing my suggestion in my following 5 YEAR old email to Cabinet Ministers



With regards,

Hemen Parekh

www.hemenparekh.ai  /  27 April 2023



Ø Car Grave-Yard of World ?  ……. 14 Feb 2018


Extract :


      Start a new initiative called “  Break  In  India 



·         Set up 100 Alang type “ CAR GRAVE YARDS “ all along the vast Indian coast , as part of already announced Coastal Economic Zones (CEZs), Coastal Economic Units (CEUs) and Port-Linked Industrial Clusters


     ( Source : http://sagarmala.gov.in/project/port-led-industrialization  )



     Each Car Grave Yard to house 100 Car Braking Units ( total of 10,000 units )



     Each unit would have ( mandated ) minimum scrapping capacity of 5,000 vehicles


     per year , aggregating 50 million vehicles per year ( our 25 % market share )




·         “ Break In India “  must find meticulous / detailed, implementation schedule in :


       #   EV  Road  Map  ( Policy Document awaiting Cabinet approval )


       #   Automotive Mission Plan 2016-26   ( AMP 2026 )




·         Exempt CAR  BREAK YARDS from payment of Corporate Income Tax for next 20 years


·         Encourage existing Auto Components units to set up such “ Car Break Yards “ by offering to them , free land ( in those CEZ ) and free electricity



·         From world over, encourage “ Cars to be Scrapped “ to get loaded onto “ Ships to be Scrapped “ and

          brought to these CEZ .



   After unloading , those ships to be re-directed to Alang !



   Foreign Ship Owners can make money ( by hauling cars to India ), even in the last journey !



·         Permit 100 % FDI ( automatic route ) in Car Breaking Units . This will help bring latest technology, safer

          working conditions and high productivity . It will also raise the wage levels



·         There should be no “ Import Duty / Customs Duty “ on cars imported for breaking



          GST on sale ( domestic or export ) of salvaged materials should be only 5 %




Related Readings ( 17 ) :




Ø  PIYUSH PLAN ?                                         …………[ 27 Mar 2016 ]

Ø  Young or Old ?..................................................[ 27 Aug 2016 ]

Ø  From OLD to NEW ? No , go NEWER !.................. [ 22 Sept 2016 ]



Ø  Car Grave-Yard of World ? …………………………………………[ 14 Feb 2018 ]

Ø  One door closes ; Another opens …………………………….. [ 27 Feb 2018 ]

Ø  Mahindra Accelo : Saluting a pioneer………………………….[ 19 June 2018 ]

Ø  Scrapping Old Vehicles : Swiss Challenge Solution …..[ 24 July 2018 ]

Ø  Rename it , “ Vehicle Recycle Policy “ ………………………..[ 08 Aug 2018 ]

Ø  Better Late than Never !......................................... [ 01 Nov 2018 ]

Ø  Missing piece of Jigsaw Puzzle ? ………………………………….[ 15 Nov 2018 ]



Ø  FAME II > FAME III > FAME IV……………………………………. [ 05 Mar 2019 ]



Ø  I conceive , I conceive , I conceive !......................... [ 25 Feb 2020 ]

Ø  Dead on Arrival ? …………………………………………………………..[ 19 July 2020 ]

Ø  Alang : Junkyard ? Scrapyard ? SaveYard ?................ [ 12 Dec 2020 ]



Ø  Vehicle Scrapping Policy  ........................................[ 03 Feb 2021 ]



Nitin Gadkari : looks far into Future and dreams Big ………[19 Sept 2022 ]


India to become Vehicle Scrapping Hub ?... ……………………..[ 02 Mar 2023 ]

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