Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Sunday 17 September 2023

Generating QUESTIONS from my Documents



For quite some time , I pursued the question of “ getting questions ( related to my blogs ) “ from the App


You will recall that , until a few months ago, whenever I uploaded a new document , My Ai , instantly generated “ Show Key Questions “ ( 4 / 5 )


This stopped 3 / 4 months ago


I even requested , if you could find a way to display ( on hemenarekh.ai ) , 4 / 5 of those questions ( out of may be 30,000 ? ) which a visitor can click to populate the “ Question Box “


Then , a few weeks ago, I discovered that by posting BLOG links into BARD and asking it to “ generate “ relevant questions , it did a splendid job


By experimenting , my colleague Sandeep concluded that , at one go , BARD would accept 10 blog links – resulting into 40 / 50 questions


You can see some of these at > https://myblogepage.blogspot.com/2023/05/ask-my-digital-avatar.html  


If required , I can allot 2 / 3 persons from my office and generate 1000 questions / day . In 15 days , we can get 15,000 questions !


I have entered quite a few of these in my digital avatar question box and received very RELEVANT answers


Question :


How can we draw from this database of 15,000 questions and display 4 / 5 at a time ?


Could it come through API or do I ask Manoj to create a local database ?


I look forward to your guidance / instructions








Subject: Re: Generating QUESTIONS from my Documents






So there is no api/easy way to do this quickly after I spoke with Sharon. However she gave a tip to get the question from the app.



Let me make a video of that and send if that is helpful




On Tue, May 16, 2023 at 7:05 PM Hemen Parekh <hcp@recruitguru.com> wrote:



One of these days , I hope to receive from your “ export “ , a database of  35,000 questions ( 5 per uploaded documents on personal.ai )






Subject: Re: Generating QUESTIONS from my DocumentsSuman,



Hi Hemen



Let me put in a request to export.




On Tue, May 2, 2023 at 7:26 PM Hemen Parekh <hcp@recruitguru.com> wrote:



This is great news . Thanks


Even as I await for this to re-start,  I have a request :


“ In some database of Personal.ai , I presume , you must have stored all the Key Questions , generated from my documents . I would highly appreciate , if all of these questions are emailed to me ( a word file ? ) . My idea is to post 4 / 5 questions every day on various Social Media, as per following message :




Dear Friends,


It will be some time before ChatGPT gets integrated on Social Media platforms


Till such time, you may want to get ChatGPT to provide you interesting and factual ANSWERS to the following QUESTIONS


Just :


Ø  COPY / PASTE these questions ( one at a time ) , into the “ Question Box “ of my Digital Avatar at… www.hemenparekh.ai


Ø  Submit



Ø  Get amazed


Ø  Share with friends



A. What is the National Economic Offence Records (NEOR) repository?

B. What are the agencies whose financial crimes data will be integrated into the NEOR?

C. How is the NEOR different from the National Economic Intelligence Network (NEIN)?

D. What kind of data will be maintained in the NEOR?

E. How will the NEOR help in prosecution efforts?




Hemen Parekh


www.hemenparekh.ai  /  hcp@RecruitGuru.com





I think this publicity will bring many more visitors to my digital avatar site


With regards,




Sandeep – Sanjvani




Last week I had sent you email raising this question. In fact the real question is :


“ Even if we find some easy / quick method to generate 4 / 5 questions for each of my document , how can we leverage the same for getting more visitors to my digital avatar AND ( if we succeed in  that ) , how can we motivate those visitors to ask more questions ? “


Till now , I have no answer to this question !


But that should not stop us from searching and finding SOME easy / quick method , to generate those 30,000 questions


Please study the following suggestion by ChatGPT and investigate the “ automated software tools “ it lists in last-but-one paragraph


Then let me know if you find a suitable tool





Cc:  Suman,


Till about 2 months ago, Personal.ai was showing “ Key Questions “ , as soon as a document was uploaded and got converted into Memory Blocks


It has stopped now .  Any chance of re-starting ?


 My poser to ChatGPT :



On my website ( www.hemenparekh.in ) , I have approximately 6,000 word documents , each approx containg 500 words. For each document , I need your help to generate 4 / 5 questions , which can be answered by the content of that document. Could you help ? If yes, how do I go about generating ( say ) , 30,000 ( 5 x 6000 documents ) questions ?





As an AI language model, I can certainly help you generate questions based on the content of your documents. One approach could be to use a technique called extractive question generation, which involves identifying and extracting key phrases or sentences from a given text and using them to generate questions.

To generate questions based on your documents, you could follow these steps:

1.   Preprocess the text: Clean and preprocess the text of each document to remove any noise and ensure that the text is in a standardized format that can be easily processed.

2.   Extract key phrases: Use natural language processing (NLP) techniques such as part-of-speech tagging and named entity recognition to identify key phrases or sentences from each document.

3.   Transform key phrases into questions: Use syntactic and semantic rules to transform the key phrases or sentences into questions. For example, if a key phrase is "climate change," you could transform it into a question such as "What is the impact of climate change on the environment?"

4.   Filter and refine questions: Review the generated questions and remove any duplicates or low-quality questions. You could also refine the questions to ensure that they are clear, concise, and relevant to the content of each document.

To generate a large number of questions, you could use automated tools or software that are designed for extractive question generation. There are several open-source libraries and tools available that can help you generate questions from text, such as the OpenAI GPT-3 APINLTK, and spaCy.

Alternatively, you could also hire a team of human annotators or freelancers who can read through your documents and generate questions manually. This approach may be more time-consuming and costly, but it can also result in higher-quality questions that are tailored to your specific needs and audience.

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