Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Thursday 21 September 2023

Future of www.hemenparekh.ai



Many thanks for sparing your time for the Video meet and for explaining at length, the features of personal.ai mobile app , due for launch around 15 May


As discussed, it may not be of much use to me but Vishesh is looking forward and try it out


In the meantime , I await for availability of Voice Clone feature in another 3 months – for integrating in my Digital Avatar










We should discuss this. One key aspect I found to engagement is moving daily communications from apps like WhatsApp to personal ai chat. Today is desktop app but mobile app is releasing soon. This way daily people are used to chatting with you here, your ai is learning, you can put ai in coplilot or autopilot for responses and eventually can be on autopilot that lives forever. 


Talk soon. 



On Tue, Apr 25, 2023 at 12:27 AM Hemen Parekh <hcp@recruitguru.com> wrote:



I look forward to discuss this ( future ) with you during our Video-meet tomorrow 8:30 am ( IST )


On 16th inst., you wrote :



Hi Hemen, 

How are you? I just finished making model-1 live and we switched the journey to an everyday communication tool for friends, teams, and communities.


I want to show and brainstorm with you how you can bring your people to engage with you. If the purpose is for your visitors to talk to you, this might help fulfill that. 



It has been 10 weeks since launch of my Digital Avatar ( 10 Feb ) . On an ave. , site has been getting some 20 visitors / day ( 15 , if I subtract my own visits )


This is very poor


Worse is >  No one seems to be asking any questions !  May be no visitor seems to be reading the  write up ( Website FAQ – Hints )


May be this write up fails to communicate how the visitors can engage ( more importantly > why should visitors bother to engage ? What is in it for me ? )


May be ( to begin with ) the following “ expectations “ on my part,  were unrealistic :


Ø People know me

Ø People are interested in what I know and will question me on that

Ø People will get impressed with my answers and will return, again



With this realisation, there is no point labouring on this any more


Question now is :


Are following “ expectations “ too , unrealistic / unrealizable ?


Ø Personal.ai ( with support from ChatGPT / GPT-4 etc ), in course of next 6 months , “ generate / create / re-incarnate “ , my Digital Avatar which is a “ Carbon Copy “ of my

“ personality – psyche – style of thinking and expressing “ ?



Ø In 1 – 2 – 10 years from today, no matter a visitor asks me any question about ANY subject ( about which , as of now, I have NO KNOWLEDGE whatsoever ) , will my Digital Avatar “ mimic / mirror “ my “ manner of thinking “ – and give a rational / relevant “ answer “ , drawing upon the DATABASE of GPT 4 – kind of an answer which I would give today if I know enough about that subject ?


I believe , the rate at which AI developments are taking place, this seems to be a “ realizable expectation “


My current / existing “ manner of thinking / expressing “ is already captured by Personal.ai , by converting my 30,000 + documents into 109,000 memory blocks


In the past , you too have held out such a possibility


I hope, in our meeting  tomorrow, you will re-affirm this





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