Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Thursday 14 September 2023

Enhancing User Experience: Handling Null Responses and ChatGPT Integration

 I am glad at your acceptance of the terms. Sandeep will share the code with you first thing tomorrow morning

To: Hemen Parekh <hcp@recruitguru.com>
Subject: Re: Enhancing User Experience: Handling Null Responses and ChatGPT Integration
Dear Uncle,

I want to express my gratitude for the opportunity to work on the development of your Digital Avatar website. I am truly excited about the project and your offer. Your words of encouragement and support mean a lot to me.

I completely understand your concerns about compensation and ethics. I appreciate your proposal to compensate me with Rs 25,000 for my work on the project. I want to assure you that your offer is not just acceptable to me; it's more than enough and greatly appreciated. It's an honor to work on a project of this significance.

I understand and acknowledge the conditions you've outlined for the development and completion of the project. I am committed to meeting these conditions:

1. I will ensure the development is completed to your satisfaction and provide a demo by the agreed-upon date of 15th September 2023.
2. I will work diligently to host the site on BigRock by 30th September 2023.

Warm regards,

On Tue, 29 Aug 2023 at 17:26, Hemen Parekh <hcp@recruitguru.com> wrote:

Kishan ,


I am enthused by your commitment and excitement to re-develop my Digital Avatar


But , it would be unethical for me to let you work without ANY compensation


Sure, by developing this site, not only will you get to work on a project that comes the way of a software engineer in a life time , but it will give you satisfaction to have created something better than ,


Ø https://fortune.com/2023/05/09/snapchat-influencer-launches-carynai-virtual-girlfriend-bot-openai-gpt4/


So, I propose to compensate you with Rs 25,000 , on following conditions :


Ø You will complete the development and give me a demo to my satisfaction, by 15th Sept 2023

Ø You will successfully host the site ( on BigRock ) by 30th Sept


Mr Kartavya Chitalia ( Founder & CEO – Atidan ) , has assured me that his Chief Architect / Developer , Manoj Hardwani , will guide the NEW DEVELOPER ( in this case , yourself ) fully


I have no doubt that the Personal.ai team , too , would help you whenever requested by you


Upon getting your confirmation to my above conditions , I will ask Sandeep , ( our System Admin ) , to share the code with you


Hemen Uncle


To: Hemen Parekh
Subject: Re: Enhancing User Experience: Handling Null Responses and ChatGPT Integration


Dear Uncle,

I'm writing to confirm my wholehearted commitment to volunteering for your website project and to provide you with a clear timeline for its completion.

First and foremost, I want to emphasize that I will not be charging any fees for my involvement in this project. I believe in the value of contributing to your vision without any financial considerations.

I'm genuinely excited about the opportunity to work on this project and bring your user-friendly and appealing website to life. Your vision resonates with me, and I'm fully dedicated to ensuring that the end result reflects your aspirations.

I understand and respect your preferences regarding the site's structure, including the decision to keep it within three pages, as well as your intention to reuse existing code to manage costs. I fully support these choices and will work within these parameters.

In order to provide you with an accurate timeline for the project's completion, I believe it would be beneficial for me to review the code that has been previously written by ATIDAN. This will allow me to assess the complexity of the existing codebase and better understand the technical aspects involved.

Once I've had the chance to review the code, I can provide you with a more informed estimate of the time required for development. This will ensure that I allocate enough time to create a polished and functional website that meets your expectations.

If you could kindly provide me with access to the codebase or share it with me, I will be able to proceed with the review process. Your assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or if there are additional details you'd like to discuss. I'm here to collaborate closely with you every step of the way.

Looking forward to making this project a success, Hemen Uncle.

Warm regards,



On Tue, 29 Aug 2023 at 14:04, Hemen Parekh <hcp@recruitguru.com> wrote:



I agree that a clutter-free page will make the site more user friendly and attractive


Whereas I am not against splitting the site, I would not like to spread it into more than 3 pages ( with counters on separate page )


At the same time, I want that we reuse most of the source-code written by ATIDAN – since scrapping the old code altogether and writing new code afresh , will push up the cost ( your fees ), which I may not be able to afford ( - will your proposal require “ buying “ or “ subscribing “ any standard software package ? )


Before giving you a green signal , I would like to know your fees – and of course , time for completion


Your estimate should include maintenance ( - which is almost NIL ) – and minor enhancements from time to time


While quoting, please remember that , if my site gets popular , you will get a lot of publicity – and , quite likely , orders from other members of Personal.ai , who too may have created thousands of MEMORY BLOCKS and want to “ Go Public “,  instead of confining themselves to a small circle of persons on Personal.ai


This will be especially true if Personal.ai API , manages to deliver the answers, both in TEXT , as well as in SPEECH !


I will bear the cost of hosting the site on BigRock , which currently costs me, approx. Rs 1200 pm




Hemen uncle


Subject: Enhancing User Experience: Handling Null Responses and ChatGPT Integration


Hi Uncle,

Your proposal to streamline the user interface and enhance the chat interaction on your website is a fantastic idea. What I think is, by moving away from a cluttered single-page design and adopting a more intuitive chat-based interface,we'd be making a great step towards improving the overall user experience.

The clutter often hinders users from accessing information effectively. Transitioning to a well-structured layout with dedicated pages can help users focus on specific topics of interest without feeling overwhelmed. Additionally, the intuitive chat format, similar to how we interact with ChatGPT, can make users feel more at ease while engaging with your AI system. This approach allows for a natural and conversational flow of information, making interactions more user-centric.


Talking about handling null responses, I've been giving some thought to how we can handle situations where Personal.ai doesn't provide a response. I believe I've come up with a solution that could enhance the user experience. If we encounter a null response from the API at the frontend, we could implement a check to automatically trigger a call to the ChatGPT API using the same question. This way, we can generate a response from ChatGPT and present it to the user.

To maintain transparency, we should let the user know that the response they're receiving comes from ChatGPT. This honesty will not only build trust but also make users aware of the source of the information.

I'm excited about this idea and how it could improve the interactions users have with our AI system. Let me know what you think, and if you have any additional insights or suggestions.

Best regards,

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