Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Friday 22 September 2023



Sound of Devices is Unstoppable


Context :

Rules to handle data captured by invasive gadgets discussed at first consultation      


( Eco Times / 11 March 2023 )


Extract :


Minister of State for Electronics and IT Rajeev Chandrasekhar on Thursday held the first ever consultation on the proposed Digital India Act and discussed rules to handle data captured by invasive gadgets like spy glasses 

Chandrasekhar said that the legislation has to be in place for the next 10 years to catalyse the innovation eco-system , 
protect consumers , be future-proof and future-ready

"I have put down many points. What should be the law's response to invasive devices like these camera eye glasses ? When somebody with a camera item walks into a room and starts filming you, how should the law deal with that ? “ , Chandrasekhar asked





Dear Shri Chandrasekharji ,


It is time to ask :

 “ Can any law ever deal with the threat to personal privacy, likely to be caused by INVASIVE DEVICES ? “

Devices which are :


Ø  Extremely tiny ( size of a speck of dust and millions floating in the air )


Ø  Wearable ( not just smart watches / AR-VR glasses / skin-thin sensor-embedded tattoos / contact lenses / but, before long, sensors embedded under your skin or in your brain, ala Neuralink )


Ø  Each and every appliance found in a home ( or in every public place – not merely millions of CCTV )


Ø  Each and every SCREEN ( watch-mobile-tablet-laptop-desktop-TV – hoardings on roads )


Ø  Alexa – Siri – Google Assistant etc


Ø  Photo-frames hanging from your home-walls / domestic appliances – furniture – solar panels – toys


Ø  Anything you can think of

And ,


Ø  Most of these devices do NOT requiring any power source ( such as a tiny battery )




Ø  All of these devices connected to Internet and capable of collecting / compiling CONTENT / DATA ( Sound – Vision – Smell – Taste – Touch ), from their immediate environment and relaying to number of computer-servers – billions of times every day – thereby adding “ knowledge / wisdom ? – Thinking Power to AI like GPT 4  / BARD / LamDA etc . in a geometric progression ( Internet of Everything – accelerating to SINGULARITY or TRANS-HUMANISM ? )


Can we frame any law that can STOP this “ Shape of Things to Come ? “



I asked ChatGPT :


Do you think the scenario described in following write-up is a likely description of the future ? If yes, how soon might this come true ? > “ Can any law ever deal with the threat to personal privacy, likely to be caused by INVASIVE DEVICES ? “


ChatGPT replied :

As an AI language model, I don't have personal opinions or beliefs. However, I can provide a factual response to your question based on current trends and developments in technology and law.

It is true that there are currently many invasive devices being developed and utilized that are capable of collecting and compiling various types of data from their environment. These devices can be extremely small, wearable, and connected to the internet, allowing for the constant transmission of data to computer servers.

The use of these devices poses a significant threat to personal privacy, and there have been many debates and discussions around the need for laws and regulations to protect individuals from such invasions of privacy. In many countries, there are already laws in place that govern the use of personal data, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union.

However, the development of new technologies and invasive devices presents unique challenges for lawmakers, and it may be difficult to keep pace with the rapid advancements in technology. It is also worth noting that the development of AI and other advanced technologies may outpace the ability of lawmakers to regulate them effectively.

Therefore, it is difficult to predict whether laws and regulations will be able to adequately address the potential threats to personal privacy posed by invasive devices. It is likely that on-going discussions and debates will continue, and that laws and regulations will evolve over time to keep pace with technological developments.


With regards,

Hemen Parekh

www.hemenparekh.ai  /  18  March 2023


Related Readings :

( 1 )   Privacy ? What is that ?  [  04 May 2017  ]


( 2 )  Delusion of Privacy ?      [  10  June  2017  ]


( 3 )  2024 ! – V 2.0 of Orwellian 1984 ?  [  07  July  2017  ]


( 4 )  Privacy ? Perish the Thought !  [  18  July  2017  ]


( 5 )  #RighttoPrivacy ! Thank You Your Honours ! [ 19 July 2017 ]


( 6 )  Privacy does not live here !  [  22  July  2017  ]


( 7 )  Future is Nearer !  [  31  July  2017  ]


( 8 )  Three got it Right !  [  02  Aug  2017  ]


( 9 )  My Birth-Right : Trying to Influence  [  04  Aug  2017  ]


( 10 )  wwwprivacyforsalecom.html  [  26 Aug  2017  ]


( 11 )  Right to Sell My Soul ?  [  27  Aug  2017  ]


( 12 )  A Fool’s Paradise ?  [  29  Aug  2017  ]


( 13 )  Aadhar - for HR ?  [  02  Sept 2017  ]


( 14 )  Wherefore Art Thou, O Romeo ?  [  20  Sept  2017  ]


( 15 )  Data Privacy : We are getting overtaken !  [  26  Sept  2017  ]


( 16 )  7  Pillars  of  Data  Protection  Law 27  Nov  2017  ]


( 17 )  Just  Ask  Google  ! [  28  Nov  2017  ]


( 18 )  Here is the Proof  [  30  Nov  2017  ]


( 19 )  Data Protection without Data Privacy ?  [ 08  Jan  2018  ]


( 20 )  PRIVACY : A Lost Battle  [  15  Jan  2018  ]


( 21 )  Aadhar : Supremely Satisfying ?  [  19  Jan  2018  ]


( 22 )  Aadhar Fact : Privacy Fiction ?  [  19  Jan  2018  ]


( 23 )  Aadhar : Dawn of Realism ?  [  23  Jan  2018  ]


( 24 )  Oh ! for some learned arguments !  [  25  Jan  2018  ]


( 25 )  Aadhar : Supreme Asks : What if ?  [  30  Jan  2018  ]


( 26 )  A Hostile Advocate ?  [  07  Feb  2018  ]


( 27 )  Big Brother is watching us ! And how !  [  09  Feb  2018  ]


( 28 )  Nightmare ? #Aadhar #Privacy #DataProtection  [  04  March  2018  ]


( 29 )  A  Drop  in  the  Ocean  ?  [  20 March  2018  ]


( 30 )  Trade  Off  :   Privacy  vs  LiveEasy  ?  [  25  March  2018  ]


( 31 )  From  Tele-phony  to  Tele-Empathy  ?  [  27 March  2018  ]


( 32 )  Facebook   Replies  [  29  March  2018  ]


( 33 )  How  Do  You  Control  Wind  ?  11  April  2018 ]


( 34 )  Dear Hon CJI , Shri Dipak Misraji  [  13  April  2018  ]


( 35 )  Parekh’s Law of #Privacy ?  [  15  April  2018  ]


( 36 )  Facebook  :  The  Formidable  [  27  April  2018  ]



( 37 )  Everything  You   Do  ?  [  03  May  2018  ]



( 38 )  Making best of a bad bargain ?  [  09  June  2018  ]


( 39 )  Enforcing  is  difficult  ?  [  13  June  2018  ]


( 40 )  This is just the Beginning !  [  09  July  2018  ]


( 41 )  Social Media Hub ? Where is the need ? [ 13 July 2018 ]




I am reminded of the following song from movie “ Sound of Music “ :


“ How do you solve a problem like Maria ?

How do you catch a cloud and pin it down ?

How do you hold a moonbeam in your hand ? “

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