Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Thursday 16 November 2023

RE: FW: Unlock AI Messaging with 1000 Memory Blocks!



What do you think of this U / I  ?


On second thought, I thinks that “ Introduction “  block should be moved right at the bottom and “ Welcome “ shifted to the top


I strongly urge you to enable ANYONE to be able to visit and interact with this “ Customized “ page . No need to register / login


Any stray visitor should be  able to simply reach this page by clicking link,   “ hemen.personal.ai “


Then I can send this link to thousands of persons , who , after visiting , will get motivated to REGISTER as members – start of a viral ?






PS :


If some API from OpenAI enables this page to “ get GPT 3 “ to write “ Articles / Opinions “ (  based  on response Persona.ai generates as my answer ) , then it is quite possible that many persons may visit my Custom Domain Page, precisely for such purpose !







From: Hemen Parekh [mailto:hcp@recruitguru.com]
Sent: 09 December 2021 09:42
To: 'Suman Kanuganti'
Cc: 'Elton Dmello'
Subject: RE: FW: Unlock AI Messaging with 1000 Memory Blocks!




I am working on a U/I ( for  “  hemen.personal.ai “  ), asking myself :


“  If anyone clicks on my URL and lands on that page, what would he expect to see – do ? “


Hopefully, I will send to you by evening




From: Suman Kanuganti [mailto:suman@personal.ai]
Sent: 08 December 2021 11:21
To: Hemen Parekh
Cc: Elton Dmello
Subject: Re: FW: Unlock AI Messaging with 1000 Memory Blocks!


What is your imagination Hemen?


On Tue, Dec 7, 2021 at 7:44 PM Hemen Parekh <hcp@recruitguru.com> wrote:

Suman ,



#   one of the features people are most excited about is the ability to message with their AIs.



How could this benefit me ?


Does it mean :


my Personal AI can be used ( made ) to send my daily blog to 2000 persons on my mailing list ( which, I currently send as an e-mail , using OUTLOOK ) ? 


Even if your answer is YES, how would that be an improvement over “  E-mail through Outlook “  method ?


#   custom domain name


What is the particular advantage of having a “ Custom Domain Name “ , such as  “  HemenParekh.personal.ai “  ?


In the minds of the recipients ( of my daily blog/emails ), could it ring a bell ( associate due to similarity ) for my blogging site, www.hemenparekh.in ?


If , in my e-mails, I start including “  HemenParekh.personal.ai “ , does it mean, recipients can click on it and be able to reach / access my personal.ai website ?


If yes, what specifically would they ( such visitors ), get to see / read. on my Custom Domain ?


Will they be able to post their “ comments “ / “ messages “ on what they get to SEE / READ ?


With regards,





PS :


As of this morning, my :


#  number of MEMORY BLOCKS = 51,302


#  MAT s  = 2948


From: Suman Kanuganti [mailto:team@personal.ai]
Sent: 08 December 2021 05:08
Subject: Unlock AI Messaging with 1000 Memory Blocks!


Unlock AI Messaging with 1000 Memory Blocks!

Description: Description: Image removed by sender. Personal AI

Hi Hemen,

Since we launched Personal.ai in November on Product Hunt, we’ve been amazed by the enthusiasm from the community for creating a personal AI built from your memories. It is incredibly motivating for us, and we heard one of the features people are most excited about is the ability to message with their AIs.


That’s why we are pleased to announce that we will be rolling out your unique AI model  that unlocks the messaging capabilities at the end of December! Check it out in this video:


Description: Description: Image removed by sender. Message with your AI

We’re also excited to share that we are bringing back the ability to purchase a custom domain name for your AI for $1 which some of the early users had. No more “YourName1234.personal.ai.” You’ll be able to rename your AI to whatever you want before “.personal.ai.”


The more Memory Blocks you have, the better your AI model will be. That’s why in order to qualify for one-on-one messaging with your personal AI + a custom domain name, you’ll need to sync at least 1000 Memory Blocks.


For the highest quality messaging experience, you’ll want your 1000 Memory Blocks to each be 10 sentences in length or more.


We’ll then award your AI model with messaging and custom AI domain capabilities in daily batches to those who have hit 1000 Memory Blocks, starting with those who have the most. This batched rollout will ensure your experience runs smoothly while we scale our systems.


If you want to be among the first to receive your own AI model with messaging and a custom AI domain name during this phased rollout, sync more than 1000 Memory Blocks and you’ll be fast-tracked in line!





Questions? Reach out to us at team@personal.ai or connect with us in our Discord Community.


Happy Syncing!





Description: Description: Image removed by sender. Facebook

Description: Description: Image removed by sender. LinkedIn

Description: Description: Image removed by sender. Twitter

Description: Description: Image removed by sender. Instagram

Description: Description: Image removed by sender. Website


Description: Description: Image removed by sender.


PS: Please support ​​our project by upvoting us on Product Hunt!

Suman Kanuganti (he/him)

CEO & Co-founder, Personal.ai

T: @kanugantisuman MyAI: suman.personal.ai

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