Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Sunday 9 June 2024

125 Days Roadmap – Part D

 125 Days Roadmap – Part D



Context :

Committed to principle of ‘sarv panth sambhav (all religions equal)’, says Modi  .. TOI .. 08 June 2024


Narendra Modi on Friday emphasised the role of consensus in governance as he said the next “10 years of NDA” will be dedicated to good governance, committed to the principal of “sarv panth sambhav” (all religions are equal) to fulfil growing regional and national aspirations as he acknowledged that an era of competitive cooperative federalism had begun.


Speaking after his election as leader of the NDA parliamentary party, Modi emphasised that while NDA, a pre-poll alliance, had got the majority, a consensual approach was needed to serve the nation. “Sarkar chalane ke liye bahumat chahiye lekin desh chalane ke liye sarvmat bahut zaroori hai,” he said and asserted, “I assure people of the country and you all that no stone will be left unturned to serve the nation with consensus.”

Modi also declared his commitment to “sarv panth sambhav” — the unique Indian concept which enjoins upon the state 
not to differentiate among citizens on the ground of faith but, unlike in the Western concept of secularism, does not seek to evict religion from the public arena. Political circles felt the remarks stood in contrast to Modi's strong attack on “Muslim quota” which the opposition and others had dubbed divisive and polarising. His putting forward the consensual feat was also seen as a switch prompted by BJP's drop in numbers and the corresponding accretion in the opposition's strength.

Modi highlighted the growing footprint of NDA, saying the alliance was in office in 22 states, which reflected the spirit of India in its true essence. “There are 10 tribal-dominated states of which NDA is serving in seven states. We are committed to the Constitution's spirit of ‘sarv panth sambhav’, look at Goa and north-eastern states, where Christian community is predominant but we have got the opportunity to serve,” Modi said.



My Take :


Dear Shri Narendrabhai :


Some 7 years ago , I sent to you , following e-mail ( - follow up of my earlier email of 20 Sept 2013 )


By now, Ram Mandir has taken its present shape. But my suggestion is still valid.


I urge you to select some suitable place to construct “ Sarv Dharm Sthanam “ as an example of “ Walk the Talk “ – even as you walk down the aisle today evening to take the oath to uphold the Constitution as the Prime Minister of our beloved motherland



With regards,


Hemen Parekh

www.HemenParekh.ai  /  09 June 2024 


Ø Sarva Dharma Sthanam ?  ………………………. 02  Oct  2017  ( Gandhi Jayanti )


Extract :


Meaning , “ A Place for all religions 


In his autobiography , Mahatma Gandhi wrote ( not verbatim , but in the essence ) :


“ Initially , I debated what should be my attitude towards other religions ?


I came up with the concept of : Sarva Dharma Sahishnuta ( Tolerance for all religions ) :


On deeper thinking , I realized that this was a wrong attitude . It implied that the other religions are somewhat inferior to my own but I must tolerate them

Then I found my inner peace when I thought of the ancient Hindu Philosophy of ,



“ Sarva Dharma Sama Bhava “ ( Equal respect for all religions )  “



That brings me to my own solution for the Ayodhya – Ram Mandir – Babri Masjid  tangle , as suggested in my following blogs ( sent as E Mail to all Policy


Makers / the Supreme Court / AIMPLB Members etc )





Ø ReachOut  Time …………………………………………  20  Sept  2013  



Extract :


Narendra Modi claims that the Muslims of Gujarat have buried the ghost of Godhra and a great majority of


them voted for BJP in the recent State election


There have been many communal ( anti-minority or anti-majority ) riots in most of the States of India since




It does not serve any purpose to keep doing post-mortem , again and again


It is obvious that the new generation ( including the descendants of the victims ) want to close the chapter and


move on to a better / peaceful life


If , development of Muslims brought about a harmonious communal relations in Gujarat , surely it could be


replicated on a national scale , all over the country


Narendra Modi has a fantastic opportunity to drive across this message by incorporating the following ACTIONS


in BJP’s 2014 Election Manifesto :



Ø  Resettling of riot victims ( belonging to any community and residing in any state ) , in Government-built houses


    , within one year of coming to power


Ø  Simultaneous dismantling of , so-called “ Minority Ghettos “ , thru dispersal of minorities throughout the cities ,


    for better integration within a city’s majority population


Ø  Granting Cabinet Minister status to the Chiefs of Minority Commission / Women’s Commission / Human Rights




Ø  Providing for greater representation in the Central Cabinet to the people of the North-Eastern States and the

    Naxal affected areas


Ø  Up gradation of the educational institutions belonging to the minorities


Ø  Greater representation to Minority Youth in “ Skills Development Program “ under NSDC


Ø  At the disputed Ayodhya site , creation of a “ World Peace Complex “ comprising of :


·         Ram Temple    ( for Hindus )


·         Mosque          ( for Muslims )


·         Church          ( for Christians )


·         Temple          ( for Buddhists )


·         Synagogue     ( for Jews  )


·         Akshar-Dham  ( for Jains )

  Gurudwara     (  for  
Shikhs  )


·         University for Comparative Studies of World Religions


·         Hospitals ( like Netralaya / Hridayalaya )


·         India Heritage / History Museum


·         Business Convention-cum-Industry Exhibition Centre


·        Tourist Complex




·      And right in the center of the complex , a giant statue of the “ Father of the Nation “


I invite readers to add to this list


Even if for all the wrong reasons [ viz; 2014 Elections ], let BJP not miss this opportunity to initiate steps for


integration of the minorities into the mainstream of political / economical / social development of our country


It is about time to exhibit , BJP’s  truly “ Secular “ nature ( non-UPA  variety ? )


It is time to stop mere Congress-bashing ( with which , people are fed-up ) and promise some genuine positive


actions to the minorities


And of all the leaders of BJP , who is better placed for such “ Pro-Activism “ than Narendrabhai ?


Carpe Diem ( Seize the Day ! )

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