Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Monday 18 September 2023


 Census App : a precursor to VotesApp ?



Context :


Centre plans to introduce electronic census system, Bill to connect birth and death data likely soon

(  ET  -  23 May 2023 )



Extract :


Union government plans to put in place a new electronic census system

The electronic census system will allow every individual to personally provide their information that will be further verified and processed under 35 socio-economic parameters

………planning to introduce a bill………. that would help establish a connection between birth and death records and electoral rolls ..

With this all the registrations regarding birth and death will be made online…….

…under the new process, the data of all the individuals will be segregated in a manner that any person turning 18 will be automatically shared with the Election Commission and a voter card will be issued.


Also in case of death the same data will be shared by the census registrar and EC will remove the data from the voter list.

The mobile app, equipped with geo-fencing technology, is seen as a mechanism that will authenticate all the real data in a much more transparent manner and authorities can monitor if the data was actually collected by visiting the particular block or were just random fake entries


The digitised system is also likely to streamline the process of issuing driving licenses passports and help in the “ right “ inclusion of individuals for the government welfare schemes



My  Take :




Thank You, Amitbhai Shah


Your initiative will revolutionize “ E GOVERNANCE “  and accelerate “  EASE  of  LIVING  “

With this reform , it should now become easy to introduce simultaneous / one day VOTING, using Mobile App :


VotesAPP ………….. 18  Aug  2013



Ø Census 2021 : an Unprecedented Opportunity ………………….. 11  Apr  2019


Extract :


Herein lies that “ Unprecedented Opportunity “


Here is how :


#     In Census Form , add following optional fields :


·          Aadhar ID


·          PAN


·          Mobile Phone Number


·          E Mail ID – to be treated as “ User ID “ for accessing own data for EDIT purpose



·          Password – for EDITING own data, online , at any time


·          Voter ID


#     Once the enumerators have uploaded all 2021 Census data in Online Database, enable each

       Registered person to Update / Edit ,  his / her data , by logging in


#     Personal Data may be updated as follows :


·          Once a year ( Mandatory ) – some service deprived if he / she does not update

·          As often as personal data changes




Hey ! Why would anyone take the trouble to update his personal data ?


Normally not but he would if following INCENTIVES are offered ( for details, read the blog / email ):


[  A  ]     Getting a Job


[  B  ]     Getting Money


[  C   ]     Getting Skills


[  D  ]     Getting Rewards



What would be the “ Road Map “ to  implement this suggestion ?



·          Redesign the Census Form and get wide acceptance of the same


·          Redesign the “ Data Entry “ and  “ Data Edit “ software


·          Design “ Data Access Permission “ software which will enable a Citizen to grant different levels of “ access “


           to “ Daughter Databases “ ( see Schematic Diagram below ), by appropriate selection in Census Form


·          Get job portals to redesign their forms , described earlier – as also develop “ Job Alert on Mobile –JAM “ app


·          By Dec 2019 , run a trial ( Pilot Project ) and carry out necessary modifications to Census Form 



Description: Description: C:\Users\HCP\Desktop\Cenus Mother Database.jpg




With regards,

Hemen Parekh

www.hemenparekh.ai   /  24  May  2023



Related Readings ( 12 ) :


Ø Not an easy task  ………………………………… …………………….02 June 2022

Ø Thank You, Shri Amitbhai Shah  ………………………………… 09 May 2022

Ø India’s Population Census Form…………………………………… [ 10 April 2019 ]

Ø  Confused about CENSUS - NPR - NRC ? ………………………[ 24 Dec 2019 ]

Ø A Case of Mistaken Identity ? ……………………………………… [ 28  Dec 2019 ]

Ø  Unprecedented Opportunity Seized ! ………………………….[ 18 Jan 2020 ]

Ø  Unending Caravan of Data-Bases ? …………………………. [  20  Jan  2020  ]

Ø 2021-22 Budget Blues : Digital Census  ……………………….[ 02 Feb 2021 ]

Ø Pandora’s Box ?  ……………………………………………………………. 02 Sept 2021

Ø How many NATIONAL databases of Indian Citizen ?  .. ….03 July 2021

Ø I am One , I will become Many ………………………………………….06 Jan 2020 

Ø Universal Payments ID : How about Unique Personal ID ?  .. 06 Apr 2021


CC :






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