Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Monday 18 September 2023

take a look at what ChatGPT thinks

 My poser to ChatGPT :



After COVID pandemic, in most countries of the World, there is a huge surge in mental depression among its citizen - including among teenagers / children.


One related factor is rapid growth in population of old people , most of who suffer from loneliness.


In most countries, there is an acute shortage of psycho-therapists ( Mental Health Practitioners ).


To me, it seems , in another 10 years, world is headed for a Psycho-Pandemic.


Human psycho-therapists can, at the most, be able to conduct 6 / 8 , face-to-face counselling sessions with the patients.


In the following blog, I have conceptualized an online portal for delivering counselling sessions to thousands of patients, simultaneously and 24x7.


I request you to compare / contrast these two methods ( offline and online ) in a TABULATED FORMAT , comparing the advantages and disadvantages, of both systems.



In the end , opine about the desirability / feasibility of the online portal method > Here is an outline of my suggestion , re how young / educated / unemployed Indians can offer such service :



ChatGPT  replied  :



Here's a tabulated comparison of online and offline psychotherapy based on their advantages and disadvantages:

Online Psychotherapy

Offline Psychotherapy



Convenient and accessible from anywhere and at any time

Allows for in-person, face-to-face interaction and connection

Offers privacy and anonymity, making it easier for individuals to seek help

Provides a safe, controlled environment for therapy sessions

Can be more cost-effective than traditional therapy

Allows for the use of body language and non-verbal communication to aid therapy

Offers a wider range of therapy options and therapists to choose from

Allows for immediate feedback and support from the therapist

Offers greater flexibility in scheduling appointments

Provides a therapist with a better ability to assess a patient’s non-verbal cues



Can lack the personal touch that comes with in-person sessions

Can be more expensive than online therapy

Can be prone to technical issues and poor internet connectivity, which can be disruptive to therapy sessions

May require travel, which can be inconvenient for individuals living in remote areas or with mobility issues

Can be impersonal, which can hinder the development of a therapeutic relationship

May not offer the same level of privacy and anonymity as online therapy

Can be challenging to build trust and rapport with the therapist in an online setting

May not offer the same range of therapy options as online therapy

May not be suitable for individuals with severe mental health issues

Requires the availability of both therapist and patient at the same time and location

Regarding the feasibility and desirability of the online portal method you suggested, there are some potential benefits to consider.

The platform could potentially help address the shortage of mental health practitioners and offer a convenient and accessible option for individuals seeking therapy.

However, there are also some concerns to consider, such as ensuring the quality and training of the listeners who will be providing therapy services, as well as addressing any potential ethical and legal issues that may arise.


Additionally, it is important to note that online therapy platforms already exist, and many have been proven to be effective.

It may be worth exploring and supporting these existing platforms, rather than attempting to create a new one from scratch.

Ultimately, the feasibility and desirability of the online portal method will depend on how well it is executed and how effectively it addresses the needs of individuals seeking mental health support.

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