Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Friday 22 September 2023

My “ Law of Chatbots “ – Vindicated

 Context :

You may soon get an AI shield to thwart phishing via SMSes   /  Eco  Times  /  03  March  2023


Extract :


The initial results from a trial of an artificial intelligence (AI)-based solution being undertaken by Vodafone Idea (Vi) and Tanla Platforms to curb phishing and cyber frauds emanating from misuse of SMSes have returned an accuracy rate of over 99%. This means that the AI-based solution is stopping phishing attempts through SMSes most of the time.

“ I had an opportunity to see the solution and I am genuinely amazed by the trial insights………. I am sure the product will be a major success in India and worldwide “, TRAI chairman PD Vaghela [ cp@trai.gov.in ]

 said on the sidelines of the Mobile World Congress


Tanla’s AI-based solution can be deployed into the core network of a telecom operator


With the use of AI, the solution detects whether the SMS’s call to action ( URL or Phone Number ) is MALICIOUS or not


The solution , using AI and Deep Learning, analyses the sender’s REPUTATION and ACTS


For instance, if the sender is a recorder SPAMMER or a FRAUDSTER, it will BLOCK the message




My  Take :


Ø  Parekh’s Law of Chatbots  …………..  25  Feb  2023


Extract :


Following is my suggestion for such a law ( until renamed, to be known as , “Parekh’s Law of ChatBots “ ) :


( A )

#   Answers being delivered by AI Chatbot must not be “ Mis-informative /

     Malicious / Slanderous / Fictitious / Dangerous / Provocative / Abusive /

     Arrogant / Instigating / Insulting / Denigrating humans etc


( B )

#  A Chatbot must incorporate some kind of  “ Human Feedback / Rating 

    mechanism for evaluating those answers 

    This human feedback loop shall be used by the AI software for training the

    Chatbot so as to improve the quality of its future answers to comply with the

    requirements listed under ( A )


( C )

#  Every Chatbot must incorporate some built-in “ Controls “ to prevent the “

    generation “ of such offensive answers AND to prevent further “

    distribution/propagation/forwarding “ if control fails to stop “ generation “


 ( D )

#   A Chatbot must not start a chat with a human on its own – except to say, “

     How can I help you ? “

 ( E )

#   Under no circumstance , a Chatbot shall start chatting with another Chatbot or

     start chatting with itself ( Soliloquy ) , by assuming some kind of “ Split

     Personality “


( F )

#   In a normal course, a Chatbot shall wait for a human to initiate a chat and

     then respond


( G )

#   If a Chatbot determines that its answer ( to a question posed by a human ) is

     likely to generate an answer  which may violate RULE ( A ) , then it shall not

     answer at all ( politely refusing to answer )


( H )

#   A chatbot found to be violating any of the above-mentioned RULES, shall SELF



With Regards,

Hemen Parekh

www.hemenparekh.ai   /  03  March  2023

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