Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Monday 25 September 2023

Mr Harari , You are right

 Mr  Harari , You are right




Context :

I’m more worried about the dangers of natural stupidity than AI: Harari      /   TNN   /  12  Feb  2023


Extract :


He also held forth on the evolutionary consequences of interbreeding between Homo sapiens and Neanderthals. And on the dangers of social media, and the role new technologies like artificial intelligence and big data play in manipulating and controlling us. “I’m more worried about the dangers of natural stupidity than of artificial intelligence,” he said. “We already know that AI can pick up racism and homophobia and misogyny, from the data it is trained on – so, yes, it can learn from our natural stupidity.”


Technology also ends up skewing our priorities and distorting our yearning for acceptance and validation. “Being valued doesn’t depend on how many followers you have, or how much money is lying in your account,” cautioned Harari.



Dear Mr Harari,


You are so very right


Here is what I wrote in one of my blogs :

Artificial Intelligence or Natural Stupidity ? ……………………   06 Nov 2017            


But, instead of ARTIFICIAL INTELIGENCE, destroying the humans in some distant future , what is far more likely is that the human-race will destroy itself by its very own NATURAL STUPIDITY  !



Just look around you and count the number of persons dying prematurely due to :



·         Toxic Chemicals polluting Rivers


·         Coal based Power Plants polluting Air


·         Traffic Noise Polluting environment


·         Lack of Hygiene causing Preventable Diseases


·         Tobacco-induced Cancer


·         Drugs-induced Depressions


·         Global Warming causing Heat-waves / Floods / destruction of Glaciers


·         Plastic waste killing Marine Life



·         Destruction of Mangroves causing Floods


·         Construction / Mining destroying Forests


·         Hunger for Power causing Civil Wars


·         Intolerance causing Militancy / Ethnic Cleansing


·         Wars ( in the name of Religions ?  ) killing millions


·         Alcohol induced fatal Road / Rail Accidents


·         Poverty causing Starvation – Malnutrition ( root of most problems )


·         Indebtedness causing Farmers Suicides


·         Dowry Deaths – Murders – Rapes



This is not a complete list !




And I am not counting deaths due to so-called “ Natural Disasters “ ( more often than


not , caused by human folly or greed ! )




Just ask a 2 year old starving child in Yemen – Myanmar – Syria – Libya – Central Africa


– India  ( or any place of your choice ) :



“ Are you worried about AI killing you , 10 years from now ? “




She will reply :




“ No !  I am dying right NOW  !




Dear Mr Harari,


And what you and I have said, seems to be contradicted by my own Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai  ), launched just 2 days ago , whom I asked :


“ What poses greater danger to mankind - Artificial Intelligence or Natural Stupidity ? “


It ( ? ) gave following answer :


“There is no clear answer, as both artificial intelligence and natural stupidity can be dangerous to humanity. However, it is worth noting that artificial intelligence has the potential to become much more powerful than natural stupidityand thus may pose a greater threat to humanity in the long run. “


But, my Avatar is talking “ in the long run “


For the moment , we are right !



With regards,

Hemen Parekh

hcp@RecruitGuru.com  /  14 Feb 2023

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