Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Sunday 17 September 2023




Just came across following report :


YouTube tests AI-generated quizzes on educational videos


Extract :


YouTube is experimenting with AI-generated quizzes on its mobile app for iOS and Android devices, which are designed to help viewers learn more about a subject featured in an educational video. The feature will also help the video-sharing platform get a better understanding of how well each video covers a certain topic.

The AI-generated quizzes, which YouTube noted on its experiments page yesterday, are rolling out globally to a small percentage of users that watch “a few” educational videos, the company wrote. The quiz feature is only available for a select portion of English-language content, which will appear on the home feed as links under recently watched videos.

Not all of YouTube’s experiments make it to the platform, so it will be interesting to see if this one sticks around. We’re not sure how many people — especially if they’re no longer in school — want to take a quiz while they scroll through videos.

However, YouTube has long established itself as a destination for users to learn new things, whether it’s how to change a car tire or even perform a backflip. “Edutainment” accounts like TED-Ed and HowToBasic are among the more popular educational YouTube channels, with 18.8 million and 17.3 million subscribers, respectively.

Additionally, many teachers go on YouTube to create educational content or discover and share videos with their students. So, for those that genuinely want to learn more about a topic, the new quiz feature could be an effective way to gain a deeper understanding of the material.

Earlier this year, YouTube partnered with Crash Course and Arizona State University to launch its “Study Hall” initiative, which gives college students free access to four courses covering various subjects, including college math, U.S. history, English composition and more. Crash Course, a channel run by John and Hank Green, has 14.8 million subscribers and approximately 1.6 billion views.




In our ( proposed ) case , I have envisaged BARD to generate 4 / 5 relevant questions ( Quizz ? ), given hyperlink of one of my blogs


It is proposed to upload all these “ Quizzes ( questions  ) “ on a local database and display ( random 10 at a time ) , when visitor clicks on a button “ Fetch 10 questions 


As originally thought of , my idea was to totally eliminate ( from User Interface ) , the TOPIC search bar and its “ resultant “ displays “ ( of KEYWORDS and QUESTIONS ) – and replace these with only one button ““ Fetch 10 questions “


However , if this REMOVAL is going to take many man-hours ( and consequent , COST ), then I do NOT mind leaving it AS IT IS , currently ,




Simply add ( somewhere on U / I ) , that extra button   “ Fetch 10 questions “ ( without clashing with currently existing FUNCTIONALITY  ) .


Now , I am feeling better and you may feel free to phone me ( 98,67,55,08,08 ) at your convenience






From: Hemen Parekh [mailto:hcp@recruitguru.com]
Sent: 07 July 2023 12:18
To: 'abhinandan.pm75@gmail.com'
Cc: 'vishesh@incomegroup.in'; nirmit@3pConsultants.co.in; 'System Administrator (systemadmin@3pconsultants.co.in)'




I am not totally out of the woods !  Still have a blocked nose and weakness .  But I am able to talk a little before tiring !


Vishesh spoke to you about some modifications to hemenparekh.ai .  He said you will study the working of this site and then discuss it with someone capable of making these changes


In this context, let me explain how it works :


#  On my blogging site ( www.hemenparekh.in ) , there are approx. 30,000 ( word ) documents ( blogs – notes – reports – postings – emails – poems etc )


#  During past 18 months, my colleagues  from office , uploaded all of these into Personal.ai ( one at a time )


#  Personal.ai broke up each document into 4 / 8 , small paragraphs called MEMORY BLOCKS


#  So , in my case , altogether , it has created approx. 109,700 memory blocks. Personal.ai has serially numbered and stored in some database


#  While converting each document into Memory Blocks , Personal.ai , also ,


    #  Found 5 / 7 “ Key Topics “ ( Key words or phrases ) in the document being uploaded


   #  Generated 4 / 5 “ Key Questions “ pertaining to that document . It also generated “ Appropriate / Relevant “ ANSWERS  for each of those questions



18 months ago , these  ”  questions”  and “ answers”  and “ topics “ , were quite irrelevant, but over the months, matter improved considerably


By Jan 23 , these were really “ relevant “ !  The “ Answers “ corresponded with what I had actually written / suggested, in that Blog  !  It was as if I was ‘ answering “


But, for some reasons, Personal.ai stopped this “ generation “ of questions / answers by around Feb 23 ( they did vaguely hint re-introduction but nothing happened )



Which implied that their API , was unable to “ deliver “ anything worthwhile when a visitor typed something in the “ TOPIC “ search bar


Of course, once in a while, typing a TOPIC ( in Topic Search Bar , does throw up some keywords and questions )


But of course, if a visitor “ typed “ a question ( in the QUESTION BOX ), which was related to subject of any of my BLOGS , then the API does manage to find ( from those 109,700 memory blocks ) , and deliver an ANSWER which makes a lot of sense !


But if an “ answer “ does NOT make sense, then the visitor gets disappointed – and may decide not to return – neither to refer my site to friends !





Create a local “ Database “ of “ relevant “ questions and enable visitor to “ fetch 10 questions “ , by clicking a button .


Next , visitor would “ select “ one of the displayed questions, by clicking.  


Selected question gets transferred to the “ Question Box “


Clicking “ SUBMIT “ will fetch the relevant answer from Personal.ai ( API )






We found a simple / elegant method


In BARD , type following prompt :


Please just list the " questions " from the following blogs , with blog-title displayed for each set of questions




BARD replied :


Sure, here are the questions from the blogs you mentioned:

Blog title: Census app - precursor to votesapp?

·         What is the Census app?

·         What are the features of the Census app?

·         How does the Census app collect data?

·         How is the data from the Census app used?

·         Is the Census app secure?

·         What are the privacy implications of the Census app?

Blog title: RBI has 200 rupees notes?

·         Is it true that the RBI has 200 rupees notes?

·         If so, why haven't they been released yet?

·         What would be the benefits of having 200 rupees notes?

·         What would be the drawbacks of having 200 rupees notes?

·         When do you think the RBI will release 200 rupees notes?

I hope this is what you were looking for. Let me know if you have any other questions.

Usually , I have found that these BARD-generated questions are quite “ relevant “ to the URL / hyperlink of the concerned blog


Not only that , since the questions themselves , are “ related “ to the blog to begin with , then the “ answers “ delivered by API , are also VERY GOOD


Unfortunately , for reasons unknown , just now, when I pasted these questions in hemenparekh.ai , it failed to “ return “ ANY ANSWER at all  !


Sharon ( of Personal.ai ) has suggested that, I must “ login “ into my personal.ai ACCOUNT , 2 / 3 times a day , for the API to remain connected with hemenparekh.ai ( which I did but no response ! )


However , assuming that this is only some temporary issue , it seems , I can use the services of BARD to generate 50 questions at a time ( BARD accepts only max 10 blog hyperlinks, in one prompt )


By deploying a person for 4 hours daily , we can generate 500 questions / day ! .


There are > 3000 blogs + 4000 notes = 7000 document ( hyperlinks in www.hemenparekh.in )


Hence, we can build a LOCAL database of 35, 000 questions  !




See attached




We will talk more after you get time to go through this mail





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