Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Sunday 17 September 2023

Let Sam build the Hub : India AI build the spokes

 Run  Sam Run


Run around the World


You don’t want to be sued


You only want to be wooed ! 




Context :

Lawyers blame ChatGPT for tricking them into citing bogus case law      ……………. Hindu  / 09 June 2023


Extract :


Two apologetic lawyers responding to an angry judge blamed ChatGPT Thursday for tricking them into including fictitious legal research in a court filing.

Attorneys Steven A. Schwartz and Peter LoDuca are facing possible punishment over a filing in a lawsuit against an airline that included references to past court cases that Schwartz thought were real, but were actually invented by the artificial intelligence-powered chatbot.

The chatbot, which has fascinated the world with its production of essay-like answers to prompts from users, suggested several cases involving aviation mishaps that Schwartz hadn't been able to find through usual methods used at his law firm.

The problem was, several of those cases weren't real or involved airlines that didn’t exist.

“I did not comprehend that ChatGPT could fabricate cases,” Schwartz said.

“Can we agree that's legal gibberish?” Castel asked.

I would like to sincerely apologise,” Schwartz said.

He added that he had suffered personally and professionally as a result of the blunder and felt “embarrassedhumiliated and extremely remorseful.”

He said the case demonstrated how the lawyers might not have understood how ChatGPT works because it tends to hallucinatetalking about fictional things in a manner that sounds realistic but is not.

“It highlights the dangers of using promising AI technologies without knowing the risks,” Shin said.



My  Take  :



Dear Sam,



During your talk with Satyen Gajwani ( Times Internet ) in Delhi on 07th June, someone asked you about the possibility of some Indian Company , committing itself to develop  / launch its own AGI , on par with ChatGPT



You said ( something to that effect ) : Why re-invent the wheel ? Focus on developing the spokes



Yesterday’s news indicated that some Indian Companies are seriously considering developing their own AGI


Only time will tell whether this was a right way to commit their resources


But I think Indian Companies should focus on development of the following “ spokes “ , for immediate benefit of millions of Indian citizen ( using Training Data, which are strictly confined to data of Indian Citizen )








( A )   JudicialGPT



Conceptual Framework for training this “ Spoke “ is elaborated in my following blogs :


Ø  Access to Justice  …………………………………………  12 Apr 2011

       Ø  Dispose them off !   …………………………………….  01 June 2011

Ø  WHAT IS THE GREAT HURRY ? ……………………. 07 July 2011

Ø  JUDICIAL PRODUCTIVITY  ………………………….. 12 Dec 2011

Ø  Justice at Warp Speed ?  ……………………………... 06 Mar 2012


Ø  Justice Delayed - but not Denied ………………… 24 Nov 2013

Ø  An App called “ AdJourn “ …………………………… 19 Aug 2017

Ø  Never file a Court Case ?  …………………………… 30 Aug 2017

Ø  Supreme improves upon “ AdJourn “ ?  …….. 21 Dec 2017

Ø  Liar vs Liar ?  ………………………………………………  11 Jan 2019

Ø  AI come to judgement ? Not for a while ! …  17 Dec 2019

Ø  See You Out of Court  .. ……………………………….11 Jan 2020

Ø  Law : Nothing Artificial in Arbitration  ……….. 16 Feb 2020

Ø  Supreme Proposes : Can e-Courts dispose ?  28 Sept 2020

Ø  This is no joke – just acceptance of Inevitable !  .. 02 Nov 2020

      Ø  Live Streaming of Court Proceedings…………………….. 09 Nov 2020

      Ø  Virtual Court Benchmarks  … …………………………………..14 Jan 2021

      Ø  Thanks Supreme Court for hearing my PIL ……………. 26 Mar 2021

      Ø  24x7 e-Courts ?  ……………………………………………………..  14 Apr 2021

      Ø  Where Angels Fear to Tread ?  ……………………………….. 21 June 2021

      Ø  JUST is the Answer ………………………………………………….. 16  July  2021

      Ø  Thank You, Shri Barun Mitraji  ………………………………... 15 Aug 2021

      Ø  Thank You, Hon Justice Shri D Y Chandrachudji ,…….  23 Oct 2021

      Ø  4.7 Crore Pending Court Cases ?............................. 20 July 2022

      Ø  E Court Arrives  ………………………………………………………….. 29 Nov 2022

Ø  “ Just in Time “ Justice ?  ………………………………………. 30 May 2023



( B )    NutritionGPT :



Conceptual Framework for training this “ Spoke “ is elaborated in my following blogs :


Saving 1.2 million Kids  ………………………………….[  29 June 2016  ]

A Mobile App named " BANMALI "………………………………….. [ 15 Sept 2016 ]

BANMALI is the TOTAL SOLUTION …………………………………..[ 14 Nov 2016 ]

Can Akshay Patra Banish Malnutrition ? ………………………….[ 05 June 2017 ]

Thank You Madam Maneka Gandhiji ………………………………..[ 21 Dec 2018 ]

BANMALI arrives : Named as Poshan Tracker…………………...[ 17 Apr 2021 ]

Thank You, Smt Smriti Iraniji ………………………………………... [  08 Nov 2021 ]

There are no Starvation Deaths ? …………………………………   [ 19  Jan  2022  ]

BANMALI has a sister named NuTree  ……………………. 12 May 2022


Saving Pregnant Mothers and New Born : Rajasthan leads ……………………… 26 June 2023



( C )    JobsGPT



Conceptual Framework for training this “ Spoke “ is elaborated in my following blogs


My Notes / Reports on Recruitment …………………………. 01 Oct 2022

My Blogs on Recruitment……………………………………………. 01 Oct 2022

Summary of E-Mails to Cabinet Ministers > SELF EMPLOYMENT / GIG ECONOMY .. 10 Mar 2021

National Jobs Policy : Treasure Hunt  ………………………. 15 Dec 2017




( D )   SkillsGPT



Conceptual Framework for training this “ Spoke “ is elaborated in my following blogs :


2013 ( 1 )

Rejoice You Jobless ! …………………………………………[ 03 Sept 2013 ]

 2015 ( 2 )

Make in India is Skilling India…………………………..[ 17 July 2015 ]

2016 ( 3 )

Skill Capital of the World ? ……………………………[ 06 June 2016 ]

Harness " Greed " to " Skill India "……………….[ 19 June 2016 ]

From  BAD to  MAD …………………………………..  [ 01 June  2016 ]

2017 ( 3 )

No mere Relief : A Game Changer   ……………[  20  Dec  2017  ]

Discovering the Obvious ? ………………………….[  30  Nov  2017  ]

Universal Basic Income   …………………………….[ 20  Jan  2017  ]

 2018  ( 2 )

Starting a Virtuous Circle …………………………………[17 Dec 2018 ]

Of Interns and Apprentices ………………………………[ 07 Jan 2018 ]

 2019  ( 4 )

Thank You, Prakashbhai ( Javadekarji ) ……………………..[ 03 Apr 2019 ]

Congratulations , Anilbhai Naik ……………………………………[ 08 Feb 2019 ]

Organizing the Unorganized ………………………………………….[ 04 Feb 2019 ]

Paralyzed by Policy Revisions ? …………………………………….[ 27 Mar 2019 ]

2020  ( 3 )

Human Resource Capital of the World ? …………………….....[ 23 Nov 2020 ]

Congratulations, Shri Ajit Pawar / Shri Nawab Malik ……..[ 06 Mar 2020 ]

Congratulations, TATA………………………………………………………[ 27 Dec 2020 ]


2021  ( 4 )

ApprenticeShip : Unanchored and ready to sail ? ………….[ 08 Feb 2021 ]

National Skills University : Virtual is the only way……….. [ 03 Apr 2021 ] – links to 64 other E-Mails

Small Steps for Small Firms ? Not enough………………………[ 07 Mar 2021 ]

Gaining Ground : Virtually ………………………………………………[ 01 Mar 2021 ]

 2022 ( 5 )

Apprenticeship : Half Way house ? ………………………………. [ 29 Mar 2022 ]

Skilling 300 Million ? Here is a way, Shri Pradhanji ……..[ 29 June 2022 ]

Skilling for World ? Here is why – how ! ………………………..[ 30 May 2022 ]

Apprentices : Hire Any Number without paying Wages ? [ 28 Jan 2022 ]

Thank You, Shri Dharmendra Pradhanji …………………………[ 02 July 2022 ]




( E )   IncomeGPT



Conceptual Framework for training this “ Spoke “ is elaborated in my following blogs :


From BAD to MAD    ….. …………………………………………………01 June 2016 

MAD goes to Mandi…………………………………………………………….. 02 Jan 2020

From Minimum Wages to Living Wages…………………………….. 29 Jan 2023

Universal Minimum Pension ? ……………………………………………  20 Aug 2021

Digital Dividend from Demographic Data [ 4 D ] …………( 14 Feb 2019 )

SARAL …………………………………………………………………………….( 10 Feb 2019 )

 A Greed-Ship named Facebook ……………………………………..[ 21 Sept 2020 ]

GAFA ( aka Monopoly V 2.0 ? ) ……………………………………..[ 30 Sept 2020 ]

The Hidden Agenda of Tech Giants Gatekeepers ………….[ 17 Oct 2020 ]

How to Alleviate Urban Poverty …………………………………… 10 Sept 2020

MGNREGA : Can it morph into UBI ? 
 ………………………11 May 2020 

Urban Poor : Existence Admitted !  ……………………………….. 21 June 2020


Basic Income : a Bad Idea ?  .. ………………………………………..01 Apr 2019

Poverty Alleviation – the Chinese Way  …………………………. 02 Mar 2017

Universal Basic Income  … ……………………………………………….20 Jan 2017






( F )   HealthGPT



Conceptual Framework for training this “ Spoke “ is elaborated in my following blogs :

2024 ! – V 2.0 of Orwellian 1984 ? ……………….[ 07 July 2017 ]

Modicare : A Game Changer  ………………………. 01 Feb 2018

Ayushman Bharat : Think Big ……………………….[ 23 Sept 2018 ]

Congratulations, Dr R S Sharma : Architect of Ayushman Eco-System   ….. 13  June   2022

Integration of Health Eco-System : An Important Step……………..[ 12 Feb 2022 ]


Ayushman Bhava…….. ……………………………………………………………….13 April 2022

Tech-enabled Healthcare system : 4 years in making ?   …………. 27 May 2022

Medical Devices getting Internet Connected : Foundation of Healthcare  …. 16 Sept 2022


Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission  ……………………………………………… 28 Sept 2022

ABDM Arrives  …………………………………………………………………………….. 05 May 2023



With regards,


Hemen Parekh


www.hemenparekh.ai   /  03 July 2023




Related Readings :


AI object, Milord? The jury's out on chatbots in the legal system

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