Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Friday 22 September 2023

FW: FW: ChatGPT Gets Internet Access, FINALLY! | by SM Raiyyan | Mar, 2023 | Medium



The black box ( in Suman’s mail ) shows 4 “ options “ from which to choose


Are same 4 options available through API for displaying in our U / I  ?


And , if so , how soon can we incorporate ?  - and where exactly , so that a Visitor understands easily ?


Of course , we don’t need the last option ( Generate Image DALL E ) – so , can we eliminate the same ?


And if we cannot eliminate – and a visitor does exercise that option, then where do we display that image ?


I suppose that ( image generation ) option, would generate an image by treating visitor’s “ question “ as a prompt . Pl confirm


Coming to think of it, this feature may tempt visitors to “ try and see what image emerges “ ( curiosity )


Considering that , since launch on 10th Feb, although we do see 15 / 20 visitors daily , I find that rarely any one of them is “ asking any questions “ !  Any guess why ?


Most of the questions are entered by me  !


I await your clarification ( - may be after you write to Suman )







I was referring to inapp Hemen and team. See image.


Also I hope you have seen the messaging app now where you can invite friends and create groups. Also view public profile from settings and update your profile so people can simply visit your personal and message you from there https://hemen.personal.ai/ 








I do not understand but does this mean you can provide this choice ( option to click on a button ? ) to visitors in our U / I ?


Will API recognize visitor’s choice – and deliver answer accordingly ?








Subject: Re: ChatGPT Gets Internet Access, FINALLY! | by SM Raiyyan | Mar, 2023 | Medium




I will work on show key questions.


In the app, in send button drop-down there is GPT options


Nvidia clone is stalled. We are waiting for them to release, so I would imagine some more time.







Thought this might interest you


In the meantime, I hope you will soon send me a prompt which will enable me to view 8 / 10 " Show Key questions" which I can enter in the question box of my digital Avatar 


During our video talk on 22 Feb, you hinted availability of a " toggle" through API , which would allow visitors to choose whether they want their answer from my Memory Blocks or from GPT


You thought this could be available in April


I look forward to this


As far as voice cloning from nVidia is concerned, any further information?





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