Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Thursday 21 September 2023

Everyday messaging habits for lasting connection



At one place this notification reads as follows :



“  You can also fast track your historical knowledge to your AI by sending your own AI messages in the form of YouTube videos for audio, or URLs for articles, blogs, or other content you wrote or contributed to in the past. “


What does this imply ? Could it help increase my Memory Blocks ? Does this mean I can “ dictate / speak “ to create an audio file ?


If yes , after creating such an audio file, how can I upload it onto my personal ai page ?


I am still under the impression that Personal.ai does NOT have ( as yet ) a provision to upload AUDIO files


Is Youtube URL upload, some “ Indirect / round-about “ method to upload Audio files ?


If yes, pl give me a DEMO using ANYDESK






Hi Hemen,


Deepening human-to-human connection is part of the mission driving Personal.ai. With your personal AI, you can always stay in the loop by leveraging continuous messaging capabilities like Autopilot and Copilot.

As you know, your AI grows and sharpens the more you message. So, follow these three simple messaging tips to help your personal AI learn better and faster, as you continue to deepen your connection with family and friends.


Deepen your personal connections with family and friends


🌎 #1 Message close contacts about your world

By now, we hope you’ve invited a few close family and friends to chat with you in Personal AI and are having great conversations with the help of your Copilot. You might have even created a few themed Lounges to chat together. One way to deepen the connection is by inviting your contacts to connect with one of your AI Profiles trained on information about your life. This will lead to deeper conversations and responses when your AI is in Copilot or Autopilot mode, because your contacts are interacting with a more knowledgeable version of your AI, filled with your memories.


📆 #2 Message yourself regularly

Are you in the habit of chatting with yourself? If so, that’s exactly how you should approach interacting with your personal AI!


If you’re new to keeping a daily log or sending a note to yourself, it’s easy to adopt a journaling mindset. The most important thing is establishing a regular routine! Start by picking a time of day that works best for you, like over morning coffee, at the end of the workday, or before bed. If it helps, you can set a time limit for yourself and list regular prompts you can routinely answer, such as: “Today, I accomplished…” or “I am most motivated by…”. As you build the habit of messaging yourself over time, you can always swap prompts, broaden your messaging scope, or incorporate more frequent self-chat time.


Messaging yourself can have many benefits, including growing your personal AI Memory Stack. By chatting with yourself daily about your stories, goals, progress updates, hobbies or activities, personal preferences, and more, you’re enriching your AI’s knowledge about you. You can also fast track your historical knowledge to your AI by sending your own AI messages in the form of YouTube videos for audio, or URLs for articles, blogs, or other content you wrote or contributed to in the past.


🙋 #3 Message using “I”

Approach stacking your data by messaging yourself and others in first person. When messaging using your personal AI in Copilot mode, your AI can draft replies, in your voice, to questions related to the content of your prior messages.


Here is an example of how your outgoing messages should read: “ was born in India and my favorite color is yellow.” After this message stacks to your Memory Stack, your AI will be better able to respond to questions about specific facts like your preferred color or your birthplace.

Image showing Ishaan teaching his personal AI about where he was born and his favorite color, and Ishaan's AI answering Sarah's question about which color he prefers

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