Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Monday 18 September 2023


 Kardinia -  a warm / sunny  Welcome




Dear Anthony Letmon,



I was absolutely thrilled to read your following post on Linkedin yesterday :



“ It was a pleasure to meet with Rajesh Kumar Singh, ( secy-ipp@nic.in ) Secretary of the Department for Promotion of Industry and International Trade for India and the broader delegation to discuss how Kardinia Energy and Printed Solar can provide low-cost and highly scalable solar energy, potentially creating thousands of local jobs. [ info@kardiniaenergy.com ]

With follow-up actions discussed combined with considerable interest already from dozens of companies across India, we look forward to working through a strategy towards the scale-up of operations in India.

Thank you to Irfan Malik (MAICD) and the 
Australia India Business Council for facilitating this meeting.



My Comment :



In  Feb 2022, I sent following e-mail to Indian Cabinet Ministers and


> Mr Harsh Shringla ( Foreign Secretary / psfs@mea.gov.in ) :



Procuring Technology for “ Printed Solar Film “





In this mail I urged him to enter into a discussion with KARDINIA for bringing this tech to India



This email was a follow-up of my following earlier e-mail to India Minister for MNRE , Shri R K Singh :



Topmost Candidate for PLI ? ..... 19 Jan 2022





where I wrote :



Dear Shri R K Singhji ,



Your Ministry has introduced Production Linked Incentive Scheme for manufacture of conventional ( Mo-Si ),


Solar PV panels / modules


I urge you to :


#  Consider extending this scheme to Organic Printed Solar Film, described below



#  Invite Prof Paul Dastoor to set up in India, a manufacturing facility with a capacity to produce 100 million


    Sq Meter per year [@10 Sq Meter per concrete / pucca building for 10 million buildings ]



   This facility will supply all of our 30 million concrete / pucca buildings, with  enough film in 3 years




I even took the liberty to copy this e-mail to :

Shri Mukesh Ambani  ( mukesh.ambani@ril.com )

Smt Isha Ambani ( isha@ril.com )

Shri Gautam Adani (Gautam.Adani@adani.in )

Shri Karan Adani (chandan.lakhwani@adani.com / karan.adani@adani.in )







I quite understand that, at this stage , you may not be in a position to reveal the names of the Indian Companies , with whom , Kardinia is discussing possible collaboration


It hardly matters to me or to millions of “ power – starved “ Indians , for whom , Roof Top Solar Panels , does not appear to be a viable option

To enable my fellow countrymen , I consulted Google’s BARD AI , and reproduce below what it said about Printed Solar Films Vs PV Solar Panels :


The business prospects for 
Printed Solar Film of Kardinia Energy (Australia) in India are very promising.

India is a large and growing market for solar energy, and the demand for solar panels is expected to continue to grow in the coming years.

Printed solar films offer a number of advantages over traditional solar panels, including:

·         Lower cost:

 Printed solar films are significantly cheaper to manufacture than traditional solar panels. This is due to the fact that they are made from plastic, which is a relatively inexpensive material.

·         Lightweight:

 Printed solar films are much lighter than traditional solar panels. This makes them easier to transport and install, and it also reduces the amount of stress on the roof or other structure where they are installed.

·         Flexible

Printed solar films are flexible, which makes them ideal for a variety of applications, such as roofingbuilding facades, and even vehicles.

·         Durable

Printed solar films are very durable and can withstand harsh weather conditions. This makes them a good choice for areas with high winds, rain, or snow.

In addition to these advantages, printed solar films are also more environmentally friendly than traditional solar panels. This is because they do not contain any hazardous materials, and they can be recycled at the end of their lifespan.

Based on these factors, it is clear that printed solar films have a bright future in India. The market for solar energy is growing rapidly, and the advantages of printed solar films make them a very attractive option for businesses and homeowners.


Here is a table that compares the features of PV solar panels with printed plastic solar films:


PV Solar Panels

Printed Plastic Solar Films


More expensive

Less expensive





Not flexible



Less durable

More durable

Environmental impact

Less environmentally friendly

More environmentally friendly







Would you like to add anything else in the following tabulation ?  Make any corrections ?




PV Solar Panels

Printed Plastic Solar Films

Cost per kWh



Weight per square foot

10 kg

2 kg


Not flexible



Less durable

More durable

Environmental impact

Less environmentally friendly

More environmentally friendly

Square feet required to generate 10 kWh

200 square feet

100 square feet


As you can see, printed plastic solar films are significantly cheaper and lighter than traditional PV solar panels. They are also more flexible and durable.

The only downside is that they are not as efficient at converting sunlight into electricity. However, this is likely to improve in the future as the technology continues to develop.



With regards,


Hemen Parekh


www.hemenparekh.ai   /  26  May  2023



Related Readings :


Ø Power Play : Day or Night…………………………………………. 28 Apr 2023


Ø 40 GW : 70 GW : 300 GW : 800 GW   …………………….[ 24 May 2019 ]


Ø Solar Power : Internal Rate of Return  …………………….[ 27 Jan 2018 ]


Ø Sun shines 24x7 : Somewhere or Other  …………………[ 29 Sept 2021 ]


Ø Unlimited Power : and round the clock ?................. [ 29 July 2016 ]


Ø I  have  a  Dream………………………………………………………[ 01 Nov 2017 ]


Ø Sun  Shines  on  Saudi ………………………………………………[ 06 April 2018 ]


Ø Liu Zhenya : The Visionary………………………………………… [ 04 June 2018 ]


Ø Sun : Power that never fails………………………………………. [ 05 June 2020 ]


Ø How to reduce Carbon Emission to Net Zero ?...........[ 25 July 2021 ]


Ø Well said, Shri Ajay Mathur ………………………………………… [ 23 Aug 2021 ]



Ø Rooftop Solar Installations Could Exceed 2,000 GW by 2050 Globally ( 24 Sept 2021 ) 

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