Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Thursday 21 September 2023

Dear Shri Piyush Goyalji

 ChatGPT :  Mobile App Maker ?



Context :


ChatGPT may soon help consumers file complaints  ……………. Eco Times  /  29 Mar 2023


Extract :


The Ministry of Consumer Affairs is working on a ChatGPT-powered mechanism through which consumers can lodge complaints on the National Consumer Helpline (NCH), said a senior official.

“We can use the technology to help consumers lodge their complaints on NCH via text messages or voice notes,” said the official, speaking on the condition of anonymity.


This will make it easier for aggrieved consumers to lodge complaints, the official added.

ChatGPT, developed by US-based OpenAI, is a chatbot that leverages artificial intelligence to offer answers to complex queries in a conversational and simple way. It was launched in November last year.

The ministry, which has met executives of OpenAI to discuss the way forward, is also looking at how the AI-enabled technology can assist aggrieved customers in filing cases with the consumer commissions.

The Ministry of Electronics and IT (MeitY) is also reportedly working on a ChatGPT-powered WhatsApp chatbot to help farmers learn about various government schemes.


Many services are adopting AI technology to make their platforms smarter.

Microsoft has announced that it would integrate ChatGPT's underlying technology into its Edge browser and Bing search to let users get results and online material with the help of AI. Google has unveiled Bard, its own AI-powered conversational chatbot






Dear Shri Piyush Goyalji


[ Minister for Consumer Affairs  /  Minister-ca@nic.in ]


It is heartening to know that you are :


#   Considering a “ Complaint Filing System “


#   Talking to OpenAI executives



Please think in terms of a Mobile App “ I  SIN >  < U  SIN “ , which I had proposed ( by sending as email ) some 10 YEARS ago



ChatGPT can help you to launch it within a week !





Here is how


I asked ChatGPT :


Could you please prepare a User Interface ( along with related Source code ) for a Mobile App , as described in following write-up ?



I  SIN >  <   U SIN



That could be the name of an android app ( I Seek It Now > < U Solve It Now ) To be developed by India’s Central Home Ministry for successful implementation of proposed, “ Delivery of Services Act “

The app will come pre-installed on those mobile phones which Government of India plans to distribute FREE , to some 400 million “ Poor People “ of India , before the 2014 National Election ( and on those 220 million Aakash Tablets )


Issuer will enter the Mobile No and that person’s Aadhar Card No, in a computerised central database , before issuing the phone

Hence , no need to login to the App , whose screen will read, “ I wish to send my complaint to the following department :

National Commission for Women

Garbage Clearance

Water Supply

Electricity Supply

Roads Repair

Rationing ( Food Distribution )


Bus Transport






Building Permits

Revenue / Land Records

Anti Corruption Other ……………………………………….etc


(List should not exceed 50)


Touching name of any department name will open a SMS message box where the user will type out his complaint ( in a language of his choice )


There will be option to speak-out and record voice message , for illiterate users


Touching SEND button will transmit the complaint and within minutes, user will receive SMS reply , giving, :


Name of Officer responsible


Office Landline No


Mobile No


Email Id


Complaint No

Expected date of solving



Bingo !


Then publish online , a tabulation of departments , arranged in the descending order of the no of complaints received / cleared / pending! This frugal innovation will bring in Good Governance all over India




ChatGPT gave following reply in 10 seconds :




Unfortunately, as a language model, I do not have the capability to prepare a full-fledged user interface and source code for a mobile app. However, I can provide you with some general guidance on how you can approach this task.

To create a user interface for an Android app, you can use the XML layout files to design the UI elements, such as buttons, text fields, and dropdown menus.

You can also use Java code to program the app's logic and functionality. Here are the steps you can follow to create the user interface for the " I SIN><U SIN " app:

1.   Create a new Android Studio project and select "Empty Activity" as the template.


2.   Open the activity_main.xml file and design the layout of the main screen. You can use Linear Layout or Relative Layout to arrange the UI elements. For example, you can create a vertical Linear Layout and add TextView for the heading, followed by a list of buttons for the different departments.



3.   Define the buttons in the XML layout file and assign a unique ID to each button. You can also specify the text to be displayed on the button.


4.   In the MainActivity.java file, define the button click listeners using findViewById() method to identify the button by its ID. Inside the click listener, you can launch an Intent to start the SMS message activity.



5.   In the SMS message activity, you can create a TextView to display the name of the department selected and an EditText to allow the user to type their complaint. You can also add a button to allow the user to record a voice message.


6.   Define the logic to send the SMS message using the SMSManager class. You can also use TextToSpeech API to convert the user's voice message to text before sending the SMS.



7.   Once the SMS is sent, you can use a BroadcastReceiver to listen for incoming SMS messages and display the reply message in the SMS message activity.


8.   Finally, you can publish the tabulation of departments on a website or a cloud-based database, such as Firebase, using REST APIs.

Note that this is just a general overview of how you can create the user interface and source code for the

I SIN><U SIN " app.


You will need to do more research and testing to make sure the app works as intended and is user-friendly.

Additionally, as the project involves sensitive personal data such as Aadhaar Card numbers, you will need to ensure that the app is secure and complies with relevant data privacy laws.



With regards,

Hemen Parekh

www.hemenparekh.ai  /  05 April 2023

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