Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Thursday 21 September 2023


 Erasing Personal Data ?



Context :

Personal data to be permanently erased if requested: Rajeev Chandrasekhar    ………….. BL  / 22 April 2023

Extract :

If explicitly requested, data gathered from individuals can be permanently erased once the service has been provided, said Rajeev Chandrasekhar, Minister of State for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Electronics, and Information Technology, Rajeev Chandrasekhar.

Data limitation involves collecting only essential information for a particular service, while purpose limitation entails using the data solely for that purpose,” he said, addressing a question on the revised digital personal data protection legislation.



Dear Shri Chandrasekharji ,

May be , Personal Data can be erased  if , in its entirety ,  it is residing on ONE SERVER – which belongs to one entity

Of course, this assumes that, as a User , I know that server – and its owner ( ignoring the process of requesting )

But as things stand today, my Personal Data lies scattered on a million servers belonging to a million parties !

And distributed / spread , all over the World

No human being knows where all her data lies scattered – often fragmented , in bits and pieces

 May be it is “ politically incorrect “ to admit that there is NO WAY to erase personal data from millions of web-servers

And now, with the arrival – and rapid proliferation of AI Chatbots ( ChatGPT – BING – BARD – LaMDA etc ), it is time to muster some courage and say :

Personal  Data is Immortal  -  Long  Live  Data  !

It is a case of :  “ If you can’t beat them – then join them “ / “ Make best of a bad bargain “

For umpteenth time, I urge you to enable USERS to “ monetize “ their Personal Data , by implementing :

Ø  SARAL ( Single  Authentic  Registration for Anywhere  Login )….[ 10 Feb 2019 ]


Ø  Digital Dividend from Demographic Data [ 4 D ]………… …………….[ 14 Feb 2019 ]



With regards,


Hemen Parekh

www.hemenparekh.ai  /  22 April  2023



In support :



I asked ChatGPT :


For long I have believed that > Keeping Personal Data as " private " , is impossible / Totally erasing one's Personal Data from the internet is also impossible / All " forms " of Personal Data captured through senses of SIGHT - SOUND - TASTE - SMELL - TOUCH , will get more and more FUNGIBLE and manifest in different forms, at different times . I wonder if you agree with my views . Would you like to add to my above-mentioned observations ? / hemen / www.hemenparekh.ai / 22 April 2023


ChatGPT replied :


As an AI language model, I don't have personal beliefs, but I can provide some insights on your observations.



it is indeed challenging to keep personal data entirely private.

With the widespread use of digital technology and the internet, our personal data is continuously collected, shared, and stored by various entities, including governments, corporations, and third-party service providers.

However, there are steps that individuals can take to protect their personal data, such as using privacy tools, being selective about what information they share online, and regularly monitoring their digital footprint.



it is also true that it is difficult to entirely erase personal data from the internet.

Even if someone deletes their social media accounts or other online profiles, their data may still exist in various other databases, archives, and backups. Additionally, it is possible that others may have already saved, copied, or shared their data. However, individuals can still take steps to minimize their digital footprint and reduce the visibility of their personal data online.



personal data captured through the senses is indeed fungible and can manifest in different forms at different times.

For instance, data from a person's taste preferences can be used to recommend food products, while data from their touch can be used to personalize their experience with wearable technology.

As technology advances, it is likely that more forms of personal data will be captured and utilized in novel ways.


In conclusion,

while it may be challenging to keep personal data entirely private or erase it entirely from the internet, individuals can take steps to protect their data and reduce their digital footprint.



personal data captured through the senses can be fungible and used in various ways, and this trend is likely to continue with advances in technology.







Related Readings :

( 1 )   Privacy ? What is that ?  [  04 May 2017  ]


( 2 )  Delusion of Privacy ?      [  10  June  2017  ]


( 3 )  2024 ! – V 2.0 of Orwellian 1984 ?  [  07  July  2017  ]


( 4 )  Privacy ? Perish the Thought !  [  18  July  2017  ]


( 5 )  #RighttoPrivacy ! Thank You Your Honours ! [ 19 July 2017 ]


( 6 )  Privacy does not live here !  [  22  July  2017  ]


( 7 )  Future is Nearer !  [  31  July  2017  ]


( 8 )  Three got it Right !  [  02  Aug  2017  ]


( 9 )  My Birth-Right : Trying to Influence  [  04  Aug  2017  ]


( 10 )  wwwprivacyforsalecom.html  [  26 Aug  2017  ]


( 11 )  Right to Sell My Soul ?  [  27  Aug  2017  ]


( 12 )  A Fool’s Paradise ?  [  29  Aug  2017  ]


( 13 )  Aadhar - for HR ?  [  02  Sept 2017  ]


( 14 )  Wherefore Art Thou, O Romeo ?  [  20  Sept  2017  ]


( 15 )  Data Privacy : We are getting overtaken !  [  26  Sept  2017  ]


( 16 )  7  Pillars  of  Data  Protection  Law 27  Nov  2017  ]


( 17 )  Just  Ask  Google  ! [  28  Nov  2017  ]


( 18 )  Here is the Proof  [  30  Nov  2017  ]


( 19 )  Data Protection without Data Privacy ?  [ 08  Jan  2018  ]


( 20 )  PRIVACY : A Lost Battle  [  15  Jan  2018  ]


( 21 )  Aadhar : Supremely Satisfying ?  [  19  Jan  2018  ]


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( 34 )  Dear Hon CJI , Shri Dipak Misraji  [  13  April  2018  ]


( 35 )  Parekh’s Law of #Privacy ?  [  15  April  2018  ]


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