Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Friday 22 September 2023

ChatGPT Gets Internet Access, FINALLY! | by SM Raiyyan | Mar, 2023 | Medium



I admit I do not understand


I would like to wait for that live event ( 11th April ), to get a clear idea , before rushing into anything


The thing which is uppermost in my mind is :


My lifetime’s “ thinking / solutions “ are encapsulated into those 109,000 memory blocks


When visitors come to my Digital Avatar , wanting to “ pick my brain / jog my dormant memories “ , I do not want these 1 LAKH memories to get drowned by 100 TRILLION , parameters of GPT 4   !


I just, don’t stand a chance !


At the same time, my knowledge is like the size of the proverbial grain of sand on the beaches of World’s oceans


It is bound to “ deeply disappoint “ visitors who have already used ChatGPT – and are in awe at its capability to answer any question


Hence, if my page does not provide this option as well, most visitors are unlikely to return !










I want you to consider publishing hemen.personal.ai and we can redirect your website here as well because we are developing a lot around publishing their personal brand. There is a lot more control this way and can give a demo. The live event is coming up on 4/11 so we are all gearing up for that. 



Hi Suman,


By default, the responses from Message API include response from ChatGPT. So how to we filter out these responses.




Manoj Hardwani



Chatgpt and dalle are not exposed via message api because it’s basically the api of openai if you like to call their api directly.


Hi Suman, Sharon,


Since now you have option “Ask my AI” and “Ask Internet (GPT-3)” in your application interface per email from Hemen Sir.


Are these option/filter extended to Message API?


Please let me if there any changes to Message API, new filter to put in the request or any new version of Message API call.


In existing Message API version, I don’t see any change in the response yet as below, there is no indication if response is from memory blocks or GPT-3. So we cannot yet filter the records.








Manoj Hardwani







I do not understand but does this mean you can provide this choice ( option to click on a button ? ) to visitors in our U / I ?


Will API recognize visitor’s choice – and deliver answer accordingly ?








Subject: Re: ChatGPT Gets Internet Access, FINALLY! | by SM Raiyyan | Mar, 2023 | Medium




I will work on show key questions.


In the app, in send button drop-down there is GPT options


Nvidia clone is stalled. We are waiting for them to release, so I would imagine some more time.




On Sun, Mar 26, 2023 at 2:19 AM Hemen Parekh <hcpblogs@gmail.com> wrote:




Thought this might interest you


In the meantime, I hope you will soon send me a prompt which will enable me to view 8 / 10 " Show Key questions" which I can enter in the question box of my digital Avatar 


During our video talk on 22 Feb, you hinted availability of a " toggle" through API , which would allow visitors to choose whether they want their answer from my Memory Blocks or from GPT


You thought this could be available in April


I look forward to this


As far as voice cloning from nVidia is concerned, any further information?






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