Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Monday 18 September 2023

Carving a Different Path



If you can pull off some portal for Shri Modi , where ChatGPT / GPT 3 etc.,  are kept FAR AWAY , then your proposed presentation might bite


Why do I say this ?


Arguably , Shri Modi is the most popular political leader in the world, today


He is perceived as a “ benevolent dictator “ – a kind of oxymoron .  More than a political leader, he is a great Social – Economic  reformer


Among his millions of followers ( many times “ offline “ – than “ online “ ), he enjoys a reputation bordering on reverence


He has to guard this reputation – through his actions , but much more through his speech ( spoken word is your master )


Under no circumstances , can he afford to send out a “ wrong / misunderstood “ message through www.narendramodi.ai 


If ever he agrees to launch of such a portal ( with ”  text – to – voice “ clone reading out answers in his OWN VOICE ), then , in such a portal , there can be NO INFLUENCE of ChatGPT – GPT 3 etc  !


The answers that come out has to be :


#   Only from his own past speeches – unadulterated – and “ full sentences “ spoken by him in his past speeches . There can be no “ mix – match “ of his spoken words


Today , on hemenparekh.ai , when a visitor gets an answer which is “ irrelevant / absurd / totally out of context “ , he may simply curse me for wasting his time and wow never to return


At the worst , he may warn a couple of his contacts , not to waste their time


But that is about all . No great damage done to my “ reputation “ . I don’t have to worry about losing an election or my “ leadership post “


But for Shri Modi, a “ bad / poor / irrelevant / out of context / illogical / ignorant / arrogant / amusing “ answer , could spell DISASTER  by going VIRAL !


Opposition will pounce upon such an answer / blow it up in Social Media / TV channels / Election rallies etc ., and heap shame on him and on BJP


Just too great a risk to run for a “ possibility to reach out “ to millions


And of course, he is not going to REGISTER on personal.ai site , OR , have anything to do with your site


He already has his own following sites :









Neither of these have any provision of real-time “ Questions / Answers “ .  Only “ write to PM “


Should you wish to persevere , your best bet would be to offer to “ incorporate “ into one of these sites, the feature of “ Question / Answer “ , rather than design an altogether new / different site


One person who you could think of approaching is :


Dr Pankaj Shukla










with regards,






It’s the same vision you wrote in blog to him.


It might his staff to engage during campaign? I was gonna put a presentation 




On Fri, May 12, 2023 at 2:28 AM Hemen Parekh <hcp@recruitguru.com> wrote:



Unfortunately, I do not know anyone in Modiji’s staff


I am unable to guess what you have in mind when you mention “ Modi’s AI “


Long time ago , I did send following blog ( as email ) to Shri Modi ( I am sure he did not get to read it ) :




Here , the suggestion was for him to launch a portal similar to hemenparekh.ai


Now I think , for Shri Modi , it would not be a good idea







Hemen, do you have people in Modi staff for me to connect and have a conversation?

My dad visited me today in US and we had a long chat about Modi's AI. I want to see how we can make this happen and contribute to understanding individuals at a deeper level.


On Thu, May 11, 2023 at 10:20 PM Hemen Parekh <hcp@recruitguru.com> wrote:




Just saw you post about Pesonal.ai on Linkedin


Then posted following comment








hemen parekhView hemen parekh’s profile • You


In matter of AI , long before launch of ChatGPT in Nov 22, Suman and his team of brilliant scientists, had carved out a distinctly different path from Genaral AI ( based on entire World's posts on the Internet - as on Sept 21 ) to a path of Personal AI ( based on an Individual's very own Digital Content )

That personal Digital Content ( articles - blogs - chats - poems - notes etc ) which a person uploaded on 
personal.ai , gets automatically converted into MEMORY BLOCKS ( in my case , these added up to 109,442 )

Personal.ai , is focussing on " Person to Person " chatting / conversation, assisted by Co-Pilot / Auto-Pilot

But that did not prevent me from leveraging an API of 
Personal.ai, to create a totally different USE CASE , by launching :


Personal.ai has made it possible for anyone in the world to engage into a conversation with my DIGITAL AVATAR ( and continue to do so , even after my PHYSICAL AVATAR calls "Quits " - I will complete 90 in 6 weeks )

That includes my 3 year old great grand son to question " ME " on my thoughts about saving the mankind from AI , as conceptualized at :

Fast Forward to Future


Thanks , Suman

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