Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Tuesday, 31 March 2015


NGOs      ARE      ASKING     YOUR     ADVICE

Dear  NGO  Consultant :

I am sure you get following questions from NGOs that you consult , and presumably give following  answers  :

>     NGO  Question   :

       Where should we get listed  ?

>     Your  Answer  :

       Get your NGO listed on , GuideStarIndia / Karmayog /
       GiveIndia / IndianNGOs / ProPoor / WorldNGOs / ngoPortal
       AidProjects ....... etc

>    NGO  Question :
      If we get listed as suggested by you , will donor Company
      Executives search and find my NGO and send donation
      Cheque ?

>     Your most likely Answer  :

      There is a very  slim chance that this will happen  !

>    NGO  Question :

      If so , can I myself search / find potential donor Companies
      on these portals and send ( email ) them donation appeal ?

>    Your  Answer  :

      To best of our knowledge , none have such facility  !

>    NGO  Question  :

      Is there any web site from where I can do this  ?

>    May be  Your  Answer  ?

      Sure !

     Use the Online Messaging Service of

       www.B2BmessageBlaster.com  ( B2B )

   which enables you to ,

  *  Compose your Message  ( with photo / video attached )

  *  Blast your message    to   2.28 Lakh Indian Companies

>   NGO  Question  :

     How to compose an attractive  Donation Appeal  ?

Your  Answer :

     Here are the Guidelines ,

>       A CATCHY  subject line
>       Use  Font  Style  =  VERDANA
>       Use  Font  Size    =  12 ( or bigger )
>       Liberal use of Bullet Points
>       Short Paragraphs ( not more than 2 sentences )
>       Double spacing between paragraphs
>       Must give TITLES to each paragraphs

        *   WHO  are we ?
        *   WHERE  are we located ?
        *   WHAT  do we do ?
        *   HOW  many people do we help ?
        *   WHAT  exemptions do we have  ?  ( 80 G  etc )
        *   HOW  many years are we active ?
        *   WHO  are in our Core Team ?
        *   WHAT  are our Bank Account Numbers ?
        *   HOW  to send your donation ?

>      Full Contact Details ( Address / Email ID / Mobile No )
>      Attachments :

         *      Photo of Core Team ( with names )
         *      Photos ( or VIDEO ) of Benefit Receivers
         *      Image of audited Annual Report
         *      Photo of Building / Physical facilities

>   NGO  Question :

     Where can I see some examples of   GOOD-LOOKING
     donation requests  ?

>   Your Answer  :

     There are plenty of examples on page  "  World  Wide  Wall  " 

>   NGO Question :

     Have any NGOs used this service of  B2B  ?

>   Your  Answer  :

     As of  30 th March 2015 , figures were as follows ,

>     128          NGOs , made
>     384          Blasts ,   to
>     23,963       Companies

Dear NGO Consultant ,

I invite you to  REGISTER  your own business / company on B2B
Then , send out a message to those 2.28 lakh companies saying :

" If you tell me for what purpose you wish to donate your
  CSR obligation , I can recommend most suitable /
  accountable NGOs for your purpose "

Now , you may ask :

To how many Companies in  MY CITY  can I send my Message   ?

My Answer :

Just look up at..... Blast Message - City wise

Then blast your pre-composed Message to ALL of these , with

just  ONE  mouse click  !

With regards ,

hemen  parekh
( M ) 0 - 98,67,55,08,08


PS :

B2B web site was ranked by Google as follows :

Search Term............................         Rank
*  b2b message...........................     18  (  out of  13  Million  )

*  Stop Advertising  Start Marketing.... 11  ( out of  119 Million )


Monday, 30 March 2015



Following are screen shots of,

>  " Site Statistics " page
>  " Blast Message - Industry wise "  page

I have highlighted figures for Industry = NGO

Note the difference !   126  vs  116  !

Could there be other instances , as well ?   Please rectify

As far as " No of Messages Blasted   " data is concerned , I suppose it means ,

" No of Messages Blasted  BY "

If so , could it mean 1042 Chambers of Commerce have blasted their messages to some other companies / organizations ?

That does not appear to be true !

Pl investigate and , if wrong , set it right



Site Statistics
No. of Registrations
Total So far : 468
Today : 0
Organisation Nature
Educational Institute
Government Departments / Agencies / Statutory Bodies
Business / Company
Political Party
Charitable Trust
Chamber of Commerce
Trade Association / Industry Association
Professional Association / Professional Body

No. of Messages Blasted
Total So far : 1720
Today : 0
Organisation Nature
Educational Institute
Government Departments / Agencies / Statutory Bodies
Business / Company
Political Party
Charitable Trust

Chamber of Commerce
Trade Association / Industry Association
Professional Association / Professional Body

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Copyright © 2011 CustomizeResume.com | Powered by RecruitGuru
Select Message      
Select Industry                                                                                                                            
Select Country      
" Do you wish to impress the recipients of this message , with your knowledge of their country ?
Just look up - and copy relevant data in your Business Promotion Message - from , www.GeographyIQ.com "

     No. of Organizations : 116

FW: Some Excel File


Please include these databases in page,

" Influence Policy-Makers "


From: Sanjivani Kadam [mailto:dataentry1@recruitguru.com]
Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2015 6:01 PM
To: Hemen Parekh
Subject: Some Excel File

Dear Sir,

Please find below mentioned attached Excel files :- 

1) Chief Ministers of States

2) Chief Secretaries of States  (India)

3) Principal Secretaries - Industry of Indian States

Thanks & Regards,

Sanjivani Kadam

FW: Department of Industry


Please include this database in page ,

" Influence Policy-Makers "


From: Sanjivani Kadam [mailto:dataentry1@recruitguru.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 05, 2015 1:14 PM
To: nitin.ruge@sentientsystems.net
Cc: Hemen Parekh
Subject: Department of Industry

Dear Satish / Nitin,

As per our communication please find attached Excel Sheet of Department of 


If you have any query please feel free to call me.

Thanks & Regards,


Sunday, 29 March 2015


Dear Sailaja,

Thank you for writing

But the only role we have is to deliver your composed Donation Request to the Companies selected by you ( as Emails )

Please REGISTER on our web site ( www.B2BmessageBlaster.com ) and then follow the procedure outlined below

with regards,

hemen parekh


Dear  Executive :

What is Your problem  ?

Your Organization is doing very useful / humanitarian work

*  You need funds ( thru  Corporate Donations  ) to run it

*  But you don't know how to contact the Companies willing to
    support your efforts ( No Email IDs of Donor Companies  !  )

*  Those Donor Companies don't know that you EXIST and that  
     you are doing such wonderful work

     It just does not help to get simply listed on :

     GuidestarIndia  /  KarmaYog / GiveIndia / IndianNGOs /
     ProPoor / WorldNGOs / ngoPortal / Aidprojects / iCharity etc

     No Company Executive will spend weeks searching you among
     thousands of NGOs listed !

   *   Remember , there are over   2  MILLION  NGOs   in India

You must get " Pro-Active "  !  Announce your " Existence " to the World !

*  Donor Companies are in a hurry to Donate before 31 March,
    to fulfill their  CSR  legal obligation to spend  2% of profit


What is the Solution  ?

Register  on  our  online  Messaging Platform  of ,

             www.B2BmessageBlaster.com   (  B2B  )

*  Send your Donation Appeal to  2.28 LAKH  Indian Companies
    located in  380  cities

Follow this procedure  :

What   YOU   do
What   WE   do

While registering , select :

*    Type of Organization  =  " NGO " or " Charitable Trust "

E-Mail # 1 

Send you Activation Link in email
Click Activation Link
E-Mail # 2

Inform you by email that your account got activated

We credit your Account with Joining Bonus of 

1,000 FREE Emails
Login / Compose / Save , Message

While composing message , select :

*  Message Type   =   Donation

 Drives by NGOs

You must   COMPOSE  your message  with full contact details of your NGO + photos / video , too

E-Mail # 3

Send you an Email saying , 

Your Message Approved / Rejected  "
Login / Select Companies / Click BLAST
Deliver your Message to selected Companies thru Emails

Show counter of

" No. of Emails remaining to your credit "
Re Charge your Account " when FREE Joining Bonus of 1000 Emails is exhausted

Who all are using our Web Site  ?

*  See the list of  132   NGOs  / Charitable Trusts already registered on our site at ,  OUR  SUBSCRIBERS  >  NGO

What is the hurry  ?

Just   3   days left for Companies to send out their cheque  !

Cheques totaling :

>    NTPC   Ltd .................                   Rs  280  Crores
      ( Mr S K Jain / CSR Director )

>    Coal India Ltd  ............                   Rs  430  Crores
    (  Mr R Mohandas / CSR Head )

          you will find these PSU listed under ,

Industry   =  Government / PSU / Defense  )

     {  Click this link to find latest about CSR Expenditure  }

What kind of Donation Requests  ?

Actual Donation Request Messages , already composed / blasted by other NGOs , can be seen at .. World Wide Wall ( no login )

Before you start   Composing  , see good examples of :

>    Anamrita

>   Rosary Trust

>   Compassionate Rural Association

To make  YOUR  donation request , better than these , here are :

>       A CATCHY  subject line
>       Use  Font  Style  =  VERDANA
>       Use  Font  Size    =  12 ( or bigger )
>       Liberal use of Bullet Points
>       Short Paragraphs ( not more than 2 sentences )
>       Double spacing between paragraphs
>       Must give TITLES to each paragraphs

        *   WHO are we ?
        *   WHERE are we located ?
        *   WHAT do we do ?
        *   HOW many people do we help ?
        *   WHAT exemptions do we have  ?  ( 80 G  etc )
        *   HOW many years are we active ?
        *   WHO are in our Core Team ?
        *   WHAT are our Bank Account Numbers ?
        *   HOW to send your donation ?
>      Full Contact Details ( Address / Email ID / Mobile No )
>      Attachments :

         *      Photo of Core Team ( with names )
         *      Photos ( or VIDEO ) of Benefit Receivers
         *      Image of audited Annual Report
         *      Photo of Building / Physical facilities

How many NGOs have blasted Messages  ?

If   132  NGOs / Charitable Trusts  have sent out,

>     279         Blasts ,   to
>     18,749      Companies

then it is high time you   REGISTER ,  right now !

With regards,

hemen  parekh

Marol , Mumbai , India

( M ) +91 - 98,67,55,08,08

PS :

Your message must be so


that it motivates the recipient Company Executives to do what you want them to do ( ie : send Donation Cheques )

To help you prepare such an  IMPRESSIVE APPEAL , first read :

which says ,

"   32 %  donate based on causes or to an NGO which approaches them directly ( email , call ) "
And ,
Even if you are not seeking a donation, feel free to use our service to raise  AWARENESS  about your work

Regular / frequent messaging from B2B , enables you to build your  BRAND  !

From: irds ngo [mailto:irds_ngo@hotmail.com]
Sent: Saturday, March 28, 2015 7:57 PM
To: Hemen Parekh

Mr. Hemen  Parekh

Dear Sir, 

Greetings of Love, Peace and Joy. 

With great pleasure we introduce our organisation to you. Integrated Rural Development Society is a secular voluntary organization working in remote areas of Krishna district for the upliftment of most vulnerable communities since many years. We are running a Home (a special project of IRDS) for the poor girls between the age group of 10 to 15 years from very remote villages. They are studying in a local school, staying at “IRDS Girl-Child Education Center”. Even after school final (10th class), they are encouraged and supported to continue their studies until they settle in life. For more details, we request you to go through the brochure attached.

If convinced or willing to help the poor and needy girl-children for their education and training, kindly send the donation / remittance to the following Bank Account of our Organization by on-line or through any mode of payment whether it is small or little good deed.

Name of Account Holder: Integrated Rural Development Society (IRDS)

Account Number: 329802010007138

Name of Bank: Union Bank of India

IFSC Code: UBIN0532983

Address of Bank: Enikepadu Branch, Vijayawada Rural, Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh State, India.

In case it is not possible for you to support, you may kindly forward this letter to your friends who are generous or donors who will be able to support for this noble cause. We are willing to send any information that is needed by you in this regard. 

With regards,
Mrs. G. Sailaja                                                                                  
Child Care Projects   
Integrated Rural Development Society (IRDS)
Andhra Pradesh      
Mobile : +(0) 9490148910

From: hcp@recruitguru.com
Date: Sat, 28 Mar 2015 11:44:51 +0530
To: irds_ngo@hotmail.com

Dear  Executive :

What is Your problem  ?

Your Organization is doing very useful / humanitarian work

*  You need funds ( thru  Corporate Donations  ) to run it

*  But you don't know how to contact the Companies willing to
    support your efforts ( No Email IDs of Donor Companies  !  )

*  Those Donor Companies don't know that you EXIST and that  
     you are doing such wonderful work

     It just does not help to get simply listed on :

     GuidestarIndia  /  KarmaYog / GiveIndia / IndianNGOs /
     ProPoor / WorldNGOs / ngoPortal / Aidprojects / iCharity etc

     No Company Executive will spend weeks searching you among
     thousands of NGOs listed !

   *   Remember , there are over   2  MILLION  NGOs   in India

You must get " Pro-Active "  !  Announce your " Existence " to the World !

*  Donor Companies are in a hurry to Donate before 31 March,
    to fulfill their  CSR  legal obligation to spend  2% of profit


What is the Solution  ?

Register  on  our  online  Messaging Platform  of ,

             www.B2BmessageBlaster.com   (  B2B  )

*  Send your Donation Appeal to  2.28 LAKH  Indian Companies
    located in  380  cities

Follow this procedure  :

What   YOU   do
What   WE   do

While registering , select :

*    Type of Organization  =  " NGO " or " Charitable Trust "

E-Mail # 1 

Send you Activation Link in email
Click Activation Link
E-Mail # 2

Inform you by email that your account got activated

We credit your Account with Joining Bonus of 

1,000 FREE Emails
Login / Compose / Save , Message

While composing message , select :

*  Message Type   =   Donation

 Drives by NGOs

You must   COMPOSE  your message  with full contact details of your NGO + photos / video , too

E-Mail # 3

Send you an Email saying , 

Your Message Approved / Rejected  "
Login / Select Companies / Click BLAST
Deliver your Message to selected Companies thru Emails

Show counter of

" No. of Emails remaining to your credit "
Re Charge your Account " when FREE Joining Bonus of 1000 Emails is exhausted

Who all are using our Web Site  ?

*  See the list of  130   NGOs  / Charitable Trusts already registered on our site at ,  OUR  SUBSCRIBERS  >  NGO

What is the hurry  ?

Just   4   days left for Companies to send out their cheque  !

Cheques totaling :

>    NTPC   Ltd .................                   Rs  280  Crores
      ( Mr S K Jain / CSR Director )

>    Coal India Ltd  ............                   Rs  430  Crores
    (  Mr R Mohandas / CSR Head )

          you will find these PSU listed under ,

Industry   =  Government / PSU / Defense  )

     {  Click this link to find latest about CSR Expenditure  }

What kind of Donation Requests  ?

Actual Donation Request Messages , already composed / blasted by other NGOs , can be seen at .. World Wide Wall ( no login )

Before you start   Composing  , see good examples of :

>    Anamrita

>   Rosary Trust

>   Compassionate Rural Association

Make  YOUR  donation request , better than these  !

How many NGOs have blasted Messages  ?

If   130  NGOs / Charitable Trusts  have sent out,

>     228         Blasts ,   to
>     18,703      Companies

then it is high time you   REGISTER ,  right now !

With regards,

hemen  parekh

Marol , Mumbai , India

( M ) +91 - 98,67,55,08,08

PS :

Your message must be so


that it motivates the recipient Company Executives to do what you want them to do ( ie : send Donation Cheques )

To help you prepare such an  IMPRESSIVE APPEAL , first read :

which says ,

"   32 %  donate based on causes or to an NGO which approaches them directly ( email , call ) "
And ,
Even if you are not seeking a donation, feel free to use our service to raise  AWARENESS  about your work

Regular / frequent messaging from B2B , enables you to build your  BRAND  !