Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Tuesday 17 October 2017


Way back in 1986 , this was the title of a  small booklet  ( authored by me and published by BCCI - Bombay Chamber of Commerce and Industries ]

In this , I wrote how the American and the European companies are trying to beat the competition by raising their productivity

It seems they are still at it ( raising their competitiveness ) , 31 years later  !

Following news appearing on the Guardian will explain what I mean :

'This is the future': solar-powered family car hailed by experts

A futuristic family car that not only uses the sun as power but supplies energy back to the grid has been hailed as “the future” as the annual World Solar Challenge wrapped up in Australia.

A Dutch car, Nuna 9, won the race for the third-straight time, crossing the finish line on Thursday after travelling at an average speed of 81.2kmh (55.5 mph).

It was competing in the challenger class, which featured slick, single seat aerodynamic vehicles built for sustained endurance and total energy efficiency.

But there was also a cruiser class, introduced to bridge the gap between high-end technology and everyday driving practicality.

German team HS Bochum was the first to arrive Friday with its stylish four-seater classic coupe, featuring sustainable materials such as vegan pineapple leather seats.

But another Dutch team, Eindhoven, was set to be crowned overall champion based on a system taking into account design, practicality, energy efficiency, and innovation, organisers said.

Their family car, Stella Vie, carried five people at an average speed of 69kmh, with event director Chris Selwood saying it was a practical demonstration of what the future might look like.

“ These incredible solar cars have been designed with the commercial market in mind and have all the features you’d expect in a family, luxury or sporting car, ” he said.
Description: https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/e3e36c59122e77cfc2994490fa01de645d77b0e5/11_0_2783_1670/master/2783.jpg?w=460&q=55&auto=format&usm=12&fit=max&s=ac30669ea83bf6ba22bf2733786395da
“ Team Eindhoven are to be congratulated on their achievement to date – clearly the most energy efficient solar car in the field, capable of generating more power than they consume.



Team Eindhoven said its vision had been to build a family car with a balance between aerodynamic, aesthetic and practical design.

“We think we succeeded very well with a car that is more efficient than its predecessors and includes some state-of-the-art technologies to not only generate energy but also supply it back to the grid,” they said.

“Through a smart charging and discharging system, she charges the battery when the demand of energy from the grid is high and vice versa. Any surplus energy generated can easily be supplied back to the grid.”


Dear  Shri  Gadkariji  :

I urge you ( - and will keep doing so ) to encourage ISRO to quickly come up with its own COMMERCIAL version of Solar Cars having “ Roof-top mounted solar panels “ , which it demonstrated , a few months back

This technology has following advantages :

·         No need to create an infrastructure of millions of Battery Charging Stations – thereby saving Lakhs of Crores of rupees ( whether private or public )

·         If Electric car owners , do not need to wait for 5 hours at a Battery Charging Station , and their cars continue to get charged even when driving or when parked on the road , their demand will go up dramatically

·         With sharp rise in demand for Electric Cars , production will rise and costs will drop

·         Solar Panel Roof cars will need , much smaller batteries , further reducing costs

·         Lower manufacturing costs and lower selling prices will do away with the need to subsidize , either the car manufacturers or the car buyers . If Electric cars become cheaper than petrol / diesel cars , who will want to buy these ?

·         There will be no need for dirty Fossil Fuel based electricity for those Charging Stations ( - since , no charging stations ! ) . Pollution due to coal-based power plants , will disappear !

·         If India seizes the “ FIRST MOVER ADVANTAGE “ in the manufacture of Roof Top Solar Panel mounted ( - and CHEAP ) electric cars , we can supply these ( EXPORT ) to the entire world , by setting up global scale factories , thereby generating huge employment

For a fuller picture , please read :

17  Oct  2017

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