Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Thursday 16 May 2024


 Sandeep – Sanjivani


Yesterday I sent you an email where I listed some 3 “ Exam Questions “ generated by my Virtual Avatar , based on the TEXT BOOK which you had earlier uploaded on Personal.ai , to generate Memory Blocks


I was elated ( prematurely , no doubt ) – thinking that this “ ability “ of my Virtual Avatar ( to generate Exam Questions ), could be of a great help for teachers , all over the country


Later in evening , I tried hard for 15 minutes to give , many varied ( different types ) of PROMPTS to my Virtual Avatar to generate 10 “ Exam Questions “ ( on “ Crops and Irrigation “ – for which Sanjivani had uploaded a TEXT BOOK in the afternoon )


The results were a DISASTER ( you can easily check this out by clicking on “ Recently Asked Questions “ )


There could be two reasons :


Ø   Personal.ai is simply NOT capable of generating a set of QUESTIONS ( even though ChatGPT 3.5 , which powers Personal.ai , IS quite easily doing that job )


Ø   Personal.ai is taking a VERY LONG time to “ train “ the AI on the CONTENT ( viz; those TEXT BOOKS ) – and is not READY for such prompts ( even now . personal.ai page has a black notification which reads “ Training in Progress “ ). May be, after 2 / 3 days when it has completed generation of the related MEMORY BLOCKS , personal.ai API may succeed in generating questions. We will have to wait and try this after 2 / 3 days


Yesterday , my Avatar even suggested that I take help of https://www.prepai.io/in/  ,  which we have used in the past ( although I do not remember the exact process which you had employed to generate some questions using Prepai.io


If Prepai.io is a DEDICATED tool for the teachers as far as generating EXAM QUESTIONS is concerned , then it would seem we should not attempt to COPY what is already / easily available in the market – and far superior . It would be like “ reinventing the wheel – only squared shape , at that “ !


What is the “ process “ that Prepai.io requires for the teachers to adopt for generating an exam question ?


And then , can students too use it for “ finding “ correct answers for exam questions which ( say ) they have looked up in last year’s exam paper ?


I don’t think Prepai.io is meant for the students at all . Please check and let me know


If yes , that is one respect in which my Virtual Avatar could score over Prepai.io


Second :


Even for teachers , Prepai.io services are NOT free . It is expensive and may be only a few PRIVATE sector schools can afford


On the other hand , if we ( Virtual Avatar ) , somehow succeeds in generating a set of EXAM QUESTIONS , for FREE , then thousands of teachers may start using our service ( - most probably without the knowledge of their school principal – to show off their subject knowledge ! )


I suggest  when Kishan is free from his final year exam ( end of this month ), you discuss with him how can we succeed in pulling this off


Eg : my latest prompt > 8th standard ; Science ; Physics ; Questions


Could we possibly create a SEARCHABLE DATABASE , which could accept above-mentioned “ Search Term “ and show a list ?


Not urgent – but VERY IMPORTANT


In the meantime , let Sanjivani continue with her uploading of TEXT BOOKS ( - how many pages in each ? ) of various subjects / different STANDARDS


She MUST maintain ( Excel to be sent to me daily  ) what she has uploaded each day – in order to avoid duplication



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