Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Thursday, 30 January 2014

My Visit to your office


I believe , Nitin will be busy today , helping Kailas re-install Windows-OS on server

Therefore , I suggest that I visit your office tomorrow for the FINAL REVIEW of B2B

Pl confirm


Wednesday, 29 January 2014

FW: B2B Status


On how many occasions , do B2B need to send out emails  ?

> " Activation Link " when a person " Registers " as a subscriber

> " Blasted Message " to the recipients

> A short ( < 144 character ) email to the Sender when any Recipient responds

> A mail telling the Sender whether his draft - message is " Approved " / Rejected

Unsubscribe Link below each message

>  At the bottom of the Registration Form ,

   (  ) We wish to Unsubscribe  " -- to send De-Activation Link

>  Any Other that I may have overlooked  ?

Therefore , do we need additional Email Ids  ?


From: Kailas Patil
Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2014 11:46 AM
To: Nitin Ruge; Hemen Parekh
Cc: shuklendu.baji@sentientsystems.net
Subject: RE: B2B Status

Dear Nitin,

I have created 2 email ID on b2bmessageblaster.com domain, email Id is as follow

Kailas Patil

From: Nitin Ruge [mailto:nitin.ruge@sentientsystems.net]
Sent: 25 January 2014 PM 12:42
To: Hemen Parekh
Cc: shuklendu.baji@sentientsystems.net; Kailas Patil
Subject: RE: B2B Status

Dear Sir,

Following changes are carried out  B2B – Companies  & Uploaded on server
1.     Write a Windows-based tool to send marketing message mails to companies. This has to be done for all the Blasts created during the day by different subscribers by selecting Industry + Country/City combination. This tool will be without user interface and will be schedulable at any time of day. (Task Not  Scheduled – awaiting for Mail From ID)
2.     “My Blasts” page, where subscriber can see List of All their Blasts. Against each blast, subscriber will view the original selection (industry & cities) and list of companies matching this criteria. Subscriber will also see when the mail was sent to the company.
3.     Site Statistics Page (Public)
4.     Our Subscribers Page


Nitin Ruge

From: Hemen Parekh [mailto:hcp@recruitguru.com]
Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2014 7:52 AM
To: Nitin Ruge
Cc: shuklendu.baji@sentientsystems.net; Kailas Patil
Subject: FW: B2B Status


I refer to our telecon yesterday afternoon - and again in the evening

I continued checking B2B web site till late for upload of " My Blasts " page

But no luck  !

I hope you will do that , first thing today morning .  Pl phone me as soon as done

Although , right now , I find that the server is DOWN , once again , this morning !

I am sure , you will re-start it remotely ( we are closed today , but Kailas can be reached on mobile , if required )

Later in the morning , I will send drafts of 5 promo emails to you and Kailas

These will be released on 1st Feb ( next Saturday )

That gives you 6 working days ( including today ) to complete and thoroughly test the balance work

Good  Luck  !




Ensure that all Email databases , mentioned in my earlier email are thoroughly checked and kept ready

From: Hemen Parekh
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2014 1:22 PM
To: 'Nitin Ruge'
Cc: Kailas Patil
Subject: FW: B2B Status


Now the server is on

I suggest you upload the changes on the site and let me know

It will give me a clear idea as to how exactly , the pages will appear to visitors


From: Shuklendu Baji - Sentient Systems [mailto:shuklendu.baji@sentientsystems.net]
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2014 10:29 AM
To: 'Nitin Ruge'
Cc: Hemen Parekh
Subject: RE: B2B Status


Since server is down, you cannot upload the changes to server. Hence show these items from our development machine by Teamviewer to HCP sir before end of the day.

Shuklendu Baji

From: Hemen Parekh [mailto:hcp@recruitguru.com]
Sent: 23 January 2014 9:21
To: shuklendu.baji@sentientsystems.net; 'Nitin Ruge'
Cc: Kailas Patil
Subject: RE: B2B Status


Last evening , I checked with Nitin , whether Item# 1 and # 2 , were completed as indicated in your email

He was not sure

If not , I presume , these will get completed by today evening . Pl confirm

Also advise the status of the items on which Satish is working

As soon as any U/I gets ready , I suggest that you show me thru TeamViewer , so that , changes , if any , can be made fast

On Feb 1st , I have planned to sent " Launch Emails " to :

>  Approx 298 existing Corporate Subscribers of CustomizeResume

> Approx 2.26 lakh Recipient Companies in database of B2B

>  Some 16 lakh other Companies for whom , we have Email Ids

> Approx 400 Members of Parliament

> Approx 9000 Chambers of Commerce ( out of a total of 26,000 )

Pl ensure that , when these persons visit B2B , they are able to ,

See ALL the blank tabulations on ALL the pages ( Casual Visitors )

>  Register / get Passwords and use all the features


CC:  Kailas,

Pl ensure that the target Email ID databases are READY , so that the promotional Email Blasts can go as planned

From: Shuklendu Baji - Sentient Systems [mailto:shuklendu.baji@sentientsystems.net]
Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 4:43 PM
To: 'Nitin Ruge'
Cc: Hemen Parekh; Kailas Patil
Subject: RE: B2B Status


Please include HCP Sir’s suggestions given below to the work items. Use Satish for this additional work.

Shuklendu Baji

From: Hemen Parekh [mailto:hcp@recruitguru.com]
Sent: 15 January 2014 16:13
To: shuklendu.baji@sentientsystems.net
Cc: 'Nitin Ruge'; Kailas Patil
Subject: RE: B2B Status


Thanks for fixing targets for completion of pending work

However, before launching on 1st Feb, we must also complete the following :

> " Statistics - Public " page

> " Our Subscribers " page

>  Histat / Feedjit Counters on all pages

These 3 items are VERY IMPORTANT from the viewpoint of getting to know , who / how many people are visiting / how many are registering / how many are doing what

Without these INSTRUMENTS , we will be flying " blind " !

Another VERY IMPORTANT item , ( which , I have repeatedly stressed ) is :

> Displaying BLANK tabulations , on all pages

The subscriber-related DATA will get shown , only when a Subscriber logs in

But ALL casual visitors MUST get to see , blank / unfilled tabulations , with Headings of each column

That alone will tell them ,

" This is what I can expect to see , if I were to register / use , this site "

That alone can SELL our site  !

You will also remember that we had discussed / agreed that , as soon as a RECIPIENT ( of a marketing message ) replies ,

our Server will send out a SHORT email to the SENDER ( write-up given to you )

That email , hopefully , will appear on the Smart phone of the SENDER

That will prompt him to visit / log in to see the FULL response on " View Feedback " page

Pl confirm that the above will be taken care of before launch


From: Shuklendu Baji - Sentient Systems [mailto:shuklendu.baji@sentientsystems.net]
Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 1:14 PM
To: Hemen Parekh
Cc: 'Nitin Ruge'
Subject: B2B Status

Following main programs are pending for B2B – Companies:
5.     Write a Windows-based tool to send marketing message mails to companies. This has to be done for all the Blasts created during the day by different subscribers by selecting Industry + Country/City combination. This tool will be without user interface and will be schedulable at any time of day.
6.     “My Blasts” page, where subscriber can see List of All their Blasts. Against each blast, subscriber will view the original selection (industry & cities) and list of companies matching this criteria. Subscriber will also see when the mail was sent to the company.
7.     “Feedback Monitoring” tool: the From Id of the blast mail will be set to recruitguru mail id. Hence any response from the receiver will come to us and not to subscriber. This mailbox will be configured in MS Outlook in our server. Hence all the feedback mails will reach our server. The Feedback Monitoring tool will be a Windows program which will monitor this mail box. The responses from various blasts belonging to different subscribers will keep coming to this mailbox. The tool needs to identify against which Blast Number this response has come (for which subscriber, against which marketing message, from which recipient). The tool will then mark the feedback against the blast number in the database.
8.     “View Feedback” page: In this page, subscriber will see who has responded to their marketing messages.

The target date for completing items 1 & 2, is 23-Jan-14 (1 week).
Target date for completing 3 & 4 is 31-Jan-14.

I will put additional resource if required this month. Next month onwards 1 person can continue at usual 2 days per week. We will choose the person who has understood the software better.

Next month we will complete B2B – Associations by taking B2B – Industries as base and making necessary changes.
March, we will start B2C.

Shuklendu Baji

Monday, 27 January 2014



Attached find drafts of promo emails to be blasted on 1st Feb

Please keep these ready by tomorrow evening

I will come to office on Wednesday , check these and approve

It is utmost important that these are elegantly composed

Recipient must feel like opening and reading - very first step in our own " Marketing "  !

I could not make all the hyperlink since site is down , once again since morning  !



Shuklendu  /  Nitin

Pl feel free to suggest changes , if any

By later this morning , I will send my comments on the uploads that Nitin did on saturday

Count Down


Even as we start the Count Down to saturday launch of B2B ( - World Orbiter  ? ) , let us ensure the following :


> Verdana font

> Font size ( 22 - Page Heading /  18 - Dear... / 16 - Para heading / 14 - all text )

> Ample " Double Spacing " ( both , horizontal and vertical - for legibility )

> " hemen parekh " below each page write-up ( hyperlinked to blogging site )

> Hide dead / Inactive ( for the moment ) links

> Generous use of bullets to separate out each point in write up

> Elegant formatting

> Perfect left alignment

> Uniform rendering

> Liberal spacing , before and after any punctuation , bracket , question mark , slash mark , inverted
    commas , exclamation mark , + - sign  etc

> Ample space below, " Dear  ............ " (addressee line ), and the very first line of page write-up

> Histat / Feedjit counters on all pages ( must show any / all visitors to ANY page )

> Covering Email Message ( Pg 9 of note dt 16 Nov )


>  On " Our USP " page tabulation , last item should read , " www.B2BmessageBlaster.com " and not

>  " Statistics " page

    needs to be improved , by making an attractively formatted Tabulation

    Right hand column will show " Counts " in large fonts

    Counters must be dynamically changing

>  " View Feedback " page

    U/I to be as per my handwritten note dt 26 Dec 2012 - " My Campaign Feedback "

Email on Mobile

    Very short email that will pop up on the screen of smart phone of the Sender ( Pg 7 of note dt 16 Nov )

Hyperlinks ( to pop up )

     # List of Self Employed ( Note dt 29 May 2013 )

     # Sample Marketing Messages ( last 5 sent out )

>  "Home " Page

    Modify write-up under para " Reach " , as follows :

    " To begin with , our database of Companies , consists of 2,26,602 entities

      It will soon cover , thousands of businesses from all over the World

      Before long , you will be able to email your " Marketing Messages " to nearly 10,000 Chambers of
      Commerce , all over the World "

  Once the web site is up and running , I will take a close look at each page and send you further comments


Site Down


I refer to our telecon half an hour back

Both the sites ( B2B / Customize ) are down since morning

I understand , Kailas has not come to office , since he is unwell

He had planned to restart remotely

I request you to do so

Pl solve this problem permanently

In last 30 days , site has gone down 15 times  !


Sunday, 26 January 2014

FW: First time in Alibaba.com history - Gold supplier at Rs. 22500/- for 1 year


In our own B2B , we may be able to use some of the features of Alibaba , at some future date


From: Brijendra Khoiya [mailto:bkhoiya@alibaba-inc.com]
Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2014 12:08 PM
To: 'Brijendra Khoiya'
Subject: First time in Alibaba.com history - Gold supplier at Rs. 22500/- for 1 year

Dear Alibaba Member,

Greetings from Alibaba.com !!!

Thank you for showing your keen interest towards world’s largest B2B portal Alibaba.com

As per our telecom earlier regarding the gold supplier membership. Request you to acknowledge this email with replying “OK”.

INDIA A RISING MARKET FOR E-COMMERCE - Attract Buyers from more than 240 Countries & Regions having around 45 million registered members.

Please click on the below link to verify the details of both the gold supplier versions with benefits & price.

Since India is the 2nd biggest sourcing HUB after China, the internal Buyer Behavior survey at Alibaba.com, proves that 48% Buyers contact only NON CHINESE suppliers.

Seeing, the ever increasing registration of Indian SMEs who are using Alibaba.com 24X7 as a tool to generate leads also keeping in  mind that Indian SMEs have become one of the favorite choice of the Buyers. Alibaba.com, is launching a “NOW OR NEVER*” offer, by offering Gold Supplier Membership Lite membership at Rs 22,500 only.

*LIMITED PERIOD OFFER only Subject to online payment clearance on first come first serve on OR before 30th Jan’ 2014.

INR 22,500 for 12 Months
Premium Company Website (for example: http://yourcompanyname.trustpass.alibaba.com )
Priority Ranking in Buyer Search Result
3rd Party Authentication & Verification (Global Auditors like: Verisign & CreditReform)
Biz Trends (Real-time Performance Analysis)
Company Video, Certificates
Unlimited (Products, Keywords & Images )
2 Product Showcase – 8x times more exposure in buyer search result.
Company Photographs
Promote 3 Company Website URL’s in your contacts section.
10 Multilingual options.
Exclusive Access To RFQ (Request for Quote)
Trade Manager – Instant chat with your Buyers
Trade with Global Big Buyers
5 Different Sub Accounts (example: for different staff having their own login id & password)
Dedicated & Expert customer support (Tel Nos - 022-42335233)

Documents Required:-
1. IEC (Import Export Code) certificate OR Company Registration Certificate OR  VAT/ TIN registration
2. Pan card copy (Company OR Proprietor)
3. Latest landline bill OR Mobile bill

Note: The service will be online and there will not be any onsite visit assistance.

Bank details for NEFT/RTGS:-

a)      Bank Name: The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation limited (HSBC)
b)      Branch:  M.G Road,Fort,Mumbai.
c)      IFSC Code :HSBC0400002
d)      Account Name: Alibaba.Com India E-Commerce Pvt Ltd
e)      Swift No: HSBCINBB
f)      Account No.: 030-389118-001

a)    Bank Name: ICICI Bank
b)    Branch: Hiranandani Galleria,Powai
c)    IFSC Code: ICIC0000020
d)    Account Name: Alibaba.Com India E-Commerce Pvt Ltd
e)    Account no: 002005029167

I am available on my mobile +09320752901 or you can write to me at bkhoiya@alibaba-inc.com Feel Free to connect

Looking forward for a long term business relationship and a faster Growth

If you have any questions, please feel free contact us.

Wishing you the very best of business,

Alibaba India Sales Department
Brijendra Khoiya | Account Manager
+91 9320752901 / 9967704644
Trade Manager id: in109393653
Skype id: brijendra.khoiya
Alibaba.com India E-Commerce Pvt. Ltd.
Premises No. 201-203, 2nd floor, Palai Plaza Building,
Shankar Mottam Road, Dadar (East), Mumbai-400 014

No virus found in this message.
Checked by AVG - www.avg.com
Version: 10.0.1432 / Virus Database: 3681/6529 - Release Date: 01/23/14

Saturday, 25 January 2014

FW: B2B Status


I refer to our telecon yesterday afternoon - and again in the evening

I continued checking B2B web site till late for upload of " My Blasts " page

But no luck  !

I hope you will do that , first thing today morning .  Pl phone me as soon as done

Although , right now , I find that the server is DOWN , once again , this morning !

I am sure , you will re-start it remotely ( we are closed today , but Kailas can be reached on mobile , if required )

Later in the morning , I will send drafts of 5 promo emails to you and Kailas

These will be released on 1st Feb ( next Saturday )

That gives you 6 working days ( including today ) to complete and thoroughly test the balance work

Good  Luck  !




Ensure that all Email databases , mentioned in my earlier email are thoroughly checked and kept ready

From: Hemen Parekh
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2014 1:22 PM
To: 'Nitin Ruge'
Cc: Kailas Patil
Subject: FW: B2B Status


Now the server is on

I suggest you upload the changes on the site and let me know

It will give me a clear idea as to how exactly , the pages will appear to visitors


From: Shuklendu Baji - Sentient Systems [mailto:shuklendu.baji@sentientsystems.net]
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2014 10:29 AM
To: 'Nitin Ruge'
Cc: Hemen Parekh
Subject: RE: B2B Status


Since server is down, you cannot upload the changes to server. Hence show these items from our development machine by Teamviewer to HCP sir before end of the day.

Shuklendu Baji

From: Hemen Parekh [mailto:hcp@recruitguru.com]
Sent: 23 January 2014 9:21
To: shuklendu.baji@sentientsystems.net; 'Nitin Ruge'
Cc: Kailas Patil
Subject: RE: B2B Status


Last evening , I checked with Nitin , whether Item# 1 and # 2 , were completed as indicated in your email

He was not sure

If not , I presume , these will get completed by today evening . Pl confirm

Also advise the status of the items on which Satish is working

As soon as any U/I gets ready , I suggest that you show me thru TeamViewer , so that , changes , if any , can be made fast

On Feb 1st , I have planned to sent " Launch Emails " to :

>  Approx 298 existing Corporate Subscribers of CustomizeResume

> Approx 2.26 lakh Recipient Companies in database of B2B

>  Some 16 lakh other Companies for whom , we have Email Ids

> Approx 400 Members of Parliament

> Approx 9000 Chambers of Commerce ( out of a total of 26,000 )

Pl ensure that , when these persons visit B2B , they are able to ,

See ALL the blank tabulations on ALL the pages ( Casual Visitors )

>  Register / get Passwords and use all the features


CC:  Kailas,

Pl ensure that the target Email ID databases are READY , so that the promotional Email Blasts can go as planned

From: Shuklendu Baji - Sentient Systems [mailto:shuklendu.baji@sentientsystems.net]
Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 4:43 PM
To: 'Nitin Ruge'
Cc: Hemen Parekh; Kailas Patil
Subject: RE: B2B Status


Please include HCP Sir’s suggestions given below to the work items. Use Satish for this additional work.

Shuklendu Baji

From: Hemen Parekh [mailto:hcp@recruitguru.com]
Sent: 15 January 2014 16:13
To: shuklendu.baji@sentientsystems.net
Cc: 'Nitin Ruge'; Kailas Patil
Subject: RE: B2B Status


Thanks for fixing targets for completion of pending work

However, before launching on 1st Feb, we must also complete the following :

> " Statistics - Public " page

> " Our Subscribers " page

>  Histat / Feedjit Counters on all pages

These 3 items are VERY IMPORTANT from the viewpoint of getting to know , who / how many people are visiting / how many are registering / how many are doing what

Without these INSTRUMENTS , we will be flying " blind " !

Another VERY IMPORTANT item , ( which , I have repeatedly stressed ) is :

> Displaying BLANK tabulations , on all pages

The subscriber-related DATA will get shown , only when a Subscriber logs in

But ALL casual visitors MUST get to see , blank / unfilled tabulations , with Headings of each column

That alone will tell them ,

" This is what I can expect to see , if I were to register / use , this site "

That alone can SELL our site  !

You will also remember that we had discussed / agreed that , as soon as a RECIPIENT ( of a marketing message ) replies ,

our Server will send out a SHORT email to the SENDER ( write-up given to you )

That email , hopefully , will appear on the Smart phone of the SENDER

That will prompt him to visit / log in to see the FULL response on " View Feedback " page

Pl confirm that the above will be taken care of before launch


From: Shuklendu Baji - Sentient Systems [mailto:shuklendu.baji@sentientsystems.net]
Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 1:14 PM
To: Hemen Parekh
Cc: 'Nitin Ruge'
Subject: B2B Status

Following main programs are pending for B2B – Companies:
1.     Write a Windows-based tool to send marketing message mails to companies. This has to be done for all the Blasts created during the day by different subscribers by selecting Industry + Country/City combination. This tool will be without user interface and will be schedulable at any time of day.
2.     “My Blasts” page, where subscriber can see List of All their Blasts. Against each blast, subscriber will view the original selection (industry & cities) and list of companies matching this criteria. Subscriber will also see when the mail was sent to the company.
3.     “Feedback Monitoring” tool: the From Id of the blast mail will be set to recruitguru mail id. Hence any response from the receiver will come to us and not to subscriber. This mailbox will be configured in MS Outlook in our server. Hence all the feedback mails will reach our server. The Feedback Monitoring tool will be a Windows program which will monitor this mail box. The responses from various blasts belonging to different subscribers will keep coming to this mailbox. The tool needs to identify against which Blast Number this response has come (for which subscriber, against which marketing message, from which recipient). The tool will then mark the feedback against the blast number in the database.
4.     “View Feedback” page: In this page, subscriber will see who has responded to their marketing messages.

The target date for completing items 1 & 2, is 23-Jan-14 (1 week).
Target date for completing 3 & 4 is 31-Jan-14.

I will put additional resource if required this month. Next month onwards 1 person can continue at usual 2 days per week. We will choose the person who has understood the software better.

Next month we will complete B2B – Associations by taking B2B – Industries as base and making necessary changes.
March, we will start B2C.

Shuklendu Baji