Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Tuesday 17 December 2013

At the Cross-Roads

Dear Pulkit / Shashi  / Koshika,

I will thank you to pass on my following blog to Arvind




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No   Option   ?

Arvind Kejriwal is left with no option but to form the government in Delhi

By agreeing with almost all the conditions stipulated by him , Congress has left him with no excuse , not to form a government

Although it is difficult to say what motivated Congress to accept AAP's conditions , here is my guess :

>   As in the case of " Tainted MPs " ordinance , Rahul Gandhi forced the
     issue , because he too , genuinely believes in decentralization of

>   By hook or by crook , Congress wants to keep BJP out of power in Delhi

>   Congress may have realized that in case of a re-poll , it would end up
     losing even its current 8 seats . A terrible omen for 2014 elections !

>   In any case , on most of the issues raised by AAP , there is a lot of
     commonality in the poll manifestos of Congress and AAP

     Not accepting AAP's conditions would be tantamount to saying ,

     "  But our poll promises hold good only if we are voted to power  "  !

>   In view of the 2014 national elections , Congress wants AAP to remain
     pre-occupied with governance of Delhi , effectively putting a brake on its
     national ambitions

>   By agreeing , Congress wants to divert the attention of the people from
     its murky past and let them focus on the re-invented image of ,
     "  Congress - the Reformer  "

>   If , with its backing , AAP succeeds in delivering good governance in the
     next 6 months , Congress can share the credit of being , " Pro Poor
    People "

    That would enable Congress to tell 760 million voters ,

    "  We can deliver good governance nation-wide, if you vote for us "

At this point of time , trying to figure out the motives of Congress is irrelevant

It is entirely possible that , on the condition of strong Lok Ayukt in Delhi , counter-condition of Congress , could be a trap for AAP to walk in  !

But knowing that fully , AAP must take the risk  !

When he went to attend the second Round Table Conference in London ( 1931 ) , Mahatma Gandhi realized that it was going to be a failure

He was acutely aware of the trap laid by the British

But he saw that the hopes of millions of Indians fighting his non-violent movement , were riding on his trip

So he went

My uncle , poet  Meghani  sent following poem to Mahatma :

"  Even as you know the futility of your mission ,

   O  Bapu ,

   Drink this last cup of hemlock ( poison ),

   You ,

   Who have drank oceans of poison

   Served by the British ,

   Do not throw away this spoonful  "

Poor people of Delhi are saying something similar to Arvind , today  !

*   hemen  parekh  (  17  Nov  2013   /   Mumbai  )     

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